Tree of Savior Forum

šŸ’”[Option] To be able to hide your Gear from the public ā˜‘

Thank you so much, a lot of us would like this private and a lot of others would like this public so I hope the Dev team does what they consider best for the game regardless

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Thank you very much @STAFF_John!!! :facepunch:


When opinions are divided the best course of action is to make it optional (like in RO). Those who dont want to share their equipment/class progression are able to do so.


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The problem with that solution is that nobody is arguing that gears should be forced to be hidden. There are 2 groups of players:

  • those that want to see everybodyā€™s equips
  • those that want the option to hide their equips

And you are saying that since opinions are divided that we should ignore 1 group in favour of the other.
I would prefer we be given the option, but I also understand where the other side is coming from, and by giving players the option to hide their equips you are ignoring what 1 group wants.

Having said that, I hope the developers donā€™t try to find a solution that pleases everyone, because I donā€™t think they can on this issue. Even adding a 1-hour delay to re-hiding your equips, I think will just add unnecessary complexity without satisfying the majority of players (playerā€™s that want to see other peopleā€™s equips still wonā€™t be able to for the most part, and playerā€™s that want to hide their equips wonā€™t be able to quickly let a friend/party quickly check their gears without letting the whole world also check for the next hour).

I hope the developers simply choose whatever option they think is best for the game - whatever that may be, without trying to find a compromise.


it will be good that we make some polling so we know what players want regarding privacy of build and gearā€¦

Not picking a side but Isnā€™t giving the option on par with fully hiding it though? Giving the option to do so will most likely end with everyone hiding their gear/class route starting with the ā€œeliteā€ or ā€œbuild tinkerersā€ and ending with the casual players. Monkey see, Monkey do.

Nah I adore showing off my builds, honestly Iā€™m pretty sure most of us love to share our builds because a lot of people donā€™t have any idea of what to play and we simply have too many builds to actually be able to try them. So having people leeching at us for builds itā€™s basically them offering themselves as testing individuals so we can see our builds without having to spend the time ourselves and just analize the results.

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Yay! I like you, and others like you who think that way. Itā€™s a win-win situation for everyone when thereā€™s people like you.

I donā€™t see what is necessarily wrong with that- people that want to show their builds will, and people that wonā€™t will hide it, people that want to copy others or follow suit will do so whether given the in game resources to or not, and gear score elitists will do their thing, what the original post was asking for was the ability to choose between these.

This is what I see happening:
The increased surveillance group wants to enforce itā€™s values on others.
The increased privacy group wants the option of not having othersā€™ values forced on them.

The difference between what the two ā€œpopular opinionsā€ are arguing for is choice.

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Can you please at least try to pick away at my premises before you bring ā€œbalanceā€ into this again?

How is that any different then what I propose.I wrote that if you hide you gear or ranks from the public you also CANNOT look at others gear or ranks.It comes down to square one,You both canā€™t see each other builds.However,what makes the hidden option even better imo is that it will give you confidentiality on your character build.So I donā€™t understand when you speak of balance because the idea I propose comes down to the same thing and it offers more.

And if everyone does indeed hide their gear or ranks it just proves many people wanted that option.

I donā€™t even think itā€™ll affect PvP as much as people think it will. Smart people will be prepared for different situations anyway. Smart Swordies and Str Clerics will have at LEAST 2 weapon types, 3 if you go Hoplite, Cata or Fencer for Swordies. Archers donā€™t get affected by armor types except for ONE Fletcher skill. And there arenā€™t many armors that affect elemental/magic damage anyway and even if they did itā€™s not like Wizards or Int Clerics have any other choice but to throw everything at them anyway considering how long skill CDs are. Not to mention the whole ā€œ+50%ā€ damage that pops up whenever you smack someone with a weapon theyā€™re weak against.

Personally, I donā€™t care if it gets implemented or not since Iā€™ll probably leave mine public anyway, but people should stop acting like itā€™s going to be a big deal if others get the option to hide theirs.


If you are curious about someones class/equipment build you can always ask. Thats what socializing in MMORPGs is all about, unlike the now popular lobby-based games where you just log in and play a round or two with random peopleā€¦

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this! i personally emphasize on this phraseā€¦the option of being able/not to see gear/build will make community more aliveā€¦

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Can anyone please tell me what kind of advantage does one have over the other if its open to public? Like really. What are you going to do about it?
Ps: You cant really do anything about it and how much time do you actually think you have inside a PVP ARENA to be clicking enemies and checking out their equips? Nice job getting your teamates killed while you try to get yourself this ā€œadvantageā€. Unless, ofc, you have such a great memory that you can remember each and every single equip/offhand of all the players that play PvP in your server.
EDIT: And remember guysā€¦ ToS is about GROUP PVP. Even if you expect to counter one person of the enemy team, youā€™re probably making yourself more vulnerable to the others, is that an actual advantage?


I thought this thread come to the end after the GM made his voice lol :grin: but i seems not

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I wouldnā€™t tell my build just because somebody asksā€¦ XD Also I think looking at others gear etc can make you socialize too when you want to ask where did he got that sword or why did he choose that class etc.

ā€¦and just what Daenerys said and me too earlier that the hiding option is still not the same as letting everyone look at everyones gearā€¦ So there are still 2 groups and you canā€™t ignore 1 just by saying it will be good for them too when itā€™s clearly not.

Also I think it means something too that the developers didnā€™t include that option from the beginningā€¦ I hope we will get a hiding option but maybe even the devs wouldnā€™t want it.

@iago_l Maybe in that guildā€¦pkā€¦thingā€¦ you can get some advantageā€¦idk but I rly donā€™t care about advantages. I just rly donā€™t want to show my build/gears to those who standing next to me in a town either. I like my privacy when noone tells me if my build is good or bad.

I just tried to show others that thereā€™s no such thing as advantage of having it hidden or not. If anything it should be optional for those that want privacy bc reasons so every1 is happy in the end.