Tree of Savior Forum

šŸ’”[Option] To be able to hide your Gear from the public ā˜‘

I would argue for increased confidentiality options.

Why? It is more beneficial for building dialogue and thus building community.
If you want to know someoneā€™s specs you ask them - being able to inspect at will discourages dialogue and interaction between players.

Also if weā€™re not allowing people to hide class progression and equipment of characters - how is this morally different from allowing people to view your market listings, total gold, quick slots and inventory on demand? I donā€™t know what databases/schema/tables this data is held in but the queries for calling up wherever this is stored probably arenā€™t even all that different.

This discussion really leads to a more complex one - the issue of privacy and surveillance.

With as many people around the world as there are it really shouldnā€™t be upsetting at all that someone can hold an equally valid opinion on confidentiality.

Confidentiality has nothing to do with balance, by definition it only affects the amount of data that someone has to work with.

Correlation is not causation - hence confidentiality does not lead to success as suggested by that example. In fact, if weā€™re going to just sling anecdotes around the games that have previously copied ā€œLeague of Legendsā€ and ā€œWorld of Warcraftā€ have a greater tendency to do poorly.

edit: poor grammar

I donā€™t want any drama on my thread please and writing about things that has nothing to with the OP is useless.
Please Stay On Topic and donā€™t try to have my thread close by provoking others.If your going use an example then use something that wonā€™t hurt people or provoke them.Many people loss love ones on that day and there is no need to bring it up here as an example @itzNiko so please have some respect for us and the dead,I will flag this reply of yours because itā€™s out of line.

Thank you

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I mopped the floor with @itzNiko during beta. Talked big back then too.

All this talking and heā€™ll still be crying while facedown on the ground later on. yawn

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You donā€™t understand how disrespectful you are with that reply.You could used another example and not drag 9/11 into a video game community.Please stop man,I am serious have some decency.itā€™s a dramatic day for many of us so again please stop and Iā€™m not joking.I donā€™t mind you disagreeing or giving us your opinion but some things you need to refrain from writing especially something like the 9/11 has absolute no reason to be in this thread.

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Nobody cares

Why donā€™t we stick to the topic?

And as a side note, i think nobody should be forced to nothing, forcing everyone to be transparent about their playstyle is kinda socialistic :i

We should be able to decide our own configurations, we should decide if we want it public or not.

As a consequence, if you donā€™t it to show, you canā€™t see others either, but i donā€™t think itā€™s really necessary, itā€™s my opnion and i wonā€™t discuss about it (btw, i wonā€™t discuss about anything, lol)

But i think the default configurations should be set as public, just as a matter of making the newbies life easier

People who are ā€œneutralā€ in that matter would just set it in the default, and newbies wouldnā€™t have to configure it at first, so they could have some guidance

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@STAFF_John People are been too mean and jerks to each otherā€¦

This prove how people cant discuss things civilly and peacefully :frowning:

I recommend ending this discussion and opening a poll with the question if people want the option to hide info [yes] or [no]ā€¦

that would prevent this kind of sad behavior :triumph:

EDIT PD: where are @GM_Erick and @GM_Fuji ā€¦ where they put to rest already?_?


@staff_john please review this thread

thank you

I donā€™t really understand how mass murder not being prevented as a result of lack of information leads to lack of information suddenly having anything at all to do with balanceā€¦. All I got out of that was an anecdote of why lack of information is bad.

Unless youā€™re arguing that mass murder is imbalanced.

I think our definitions of balance may be really different here so bear with me, unless you want to define what you think balance is - from your previous post I can only guess it is a rough estimation of ā€œfairness.ā€

Balance as "Fairness:"
Arguing for this type ā€œbalanceā€ in the first place is inherently fallacious.

Life can never be balanced. (Nihilistic, pessimistic, whatever - playing devilā€™s advocate here.)
Lifes imbalance extends to video games. (Physical and mental disabilities for example.)
Hence video games can never be balanced.

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@itzNiko Im still not sure about what you meant.

Are you trying to say that the ā€œaverageā€ players will stay average and the ā€œdedicatedā€ players will stay stronger?

And the ā€œaverageā€ players will have no chance to be as ā€œstrongā€ as the ā€œdedicatedā€ players because the ā€œaverageā€ players donā€™t know about who they are fighting against because the ā€œdedicatedā€ players wonā€™t allow the ā€œaverageā€ players to see/learn the ā€œdedicatedā€ players build & gear setup?

And you are concerned that there would be a huge gap between ā€œaverageā€ players and ā€œdedicatedā€ players because of that?

If thatā€™s what you are trying to say, then I say the gap between players is a normal thing. Of course the ones who are more dedicated will gain more advantages. And actually they should. They dedicate themselves and invest a lot of their time for this game for a reason. To be better, stronger than anyone else, at least better than ā€œaverageā€ players. If you are saying that this is imbalance, then itā€™s like saying you donā€™t want anyone to be stronger than you. You want everyone to be equal no matter how big or small their dedication towards the game. o_oa

The sole purpose of this suggestion is to ā€œrespectā€, ā€œappreciateā€ those players who will spend/have spent a lot of their time and energy into this game, those players who are currently taking risks by playing at Korean server just in order to find out how their builds will work and trying out different builds, those players who have prepared their builds carefully because they want to compete in this game. And there are actually a lot of people like that.

Still got mopped though. Your pvping skills are only rivaled by your arguments, trying to make connections where there are none and STILL, STILL trying to pass off your personal opinion as actual facts. Claims to be a 1v1 god but everytime you got beat down you had a convenient excuse. Yawn

Better get more excuses for next beta cause iā€™m still going to be walking all over you.


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Open competition, yes.
Honest, yes.
Healthy? Nope. Copying builds and counter someone elseā€™s build because you can easiky have access to your opponent information is not at all healthy.

And this isnā€™t just for the sake of the competition. A lot of people, even ā€œaverageā€ players prefer to be more private about their builds. They want to own a unique, special character. They dont want their character ended up as someone elseā€™s alt and become a ā€˜commonā€™ build. But some people want the easy way to just copy the build. Its not wrong and its normal. However, that doesnt mean they can get it easily. They may consult with their favourite players and make their own build instead. That will motivate more people to interact. That will motivate more people to think and have fun making their own build.

I know this suggestion also has its cons. But so far I can see more pros than cons.

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I think it is actually the other way around, being able to see everyone elseā€™s gears in PvP gives an advantage to the 400+ hour player who has a storage full of strong alt gears they can use to counter their opponent.

The ā€œaverageā€ player will most likely focus on improving their main PvP gear set - so swapping to counter their opponent wonā€™t be quite as viable. Rather, hiding your gears from that 400+ hour player that could gear-swap as necessary in order to keep them guessing as to how you killed them will be more beneficial.

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The way I see it is that both sides and even those who want a little of both or some kind of compromise make valid and astounding outlooks on the matter. Thereā€™s good representations and thereā€™s some bad ones, but all in all I think that helps the more ā€œcommonā€ player or forum user be able to understand and use this information/opinions to have their say in the matter and show what they think of said matter.

As for me, I can easily see myself siding with most of the opinions here but alas Iā€™ll stay out of this matter entirely and just be happy with whatever choice or answer we end up with.

No matter what happens though, you know itā€™s gonna be fun and really the vibe, or certain aspects of the in-game community will change because of this for the better or worse in different ways. Can we all make a promise though? No groaning or moaning after the fact when we have our answer unless the answer we are given is utterly game-breaking.

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i agree with OP that we should be able to make private about our build and gearā€¦
its like, i dont want anyone know how much my bank account, or content of my hard drive or my room without my permissionā€¦
if someone wanna know about my build, surely they can ask and we can be friendā€¦that concept make MMORPG :smiley: