Tree of Savior Forum

💡[Option] To be able to hide your Gear from the public ☑

I agree keep the gear hidden but class should be able to hide it :muscle:.

So far haven’t seen no streams in PVP arenas where people were checking out the opponents gear/build so your going to have to guess lol but for duels I can see what you mean.

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Okay I hear you but the thing is Tos really doesn’t have pk system or such, right now there is only:

Duels and you decide for yourself if you want to do it or not.

The Pvp Arena and you are really not clicking to check out who you will be dueling with there.

And GvG.

If Ragnarok was so good and famous maybe people liked this in the game.

It’s not like it would be impossible to see other any singular player’s equipment, the option to allow it or not would be yours to decide if you care about that or not. And it really only adds more fun to the pvp in general. Okay you wouldn’t know what they have or their build but, neither would them.

But I hear you and your argument could be somehow valid but well it’s only my opinion of how I would like it to be after all.

really flawed logic
 is like saying you maybe like eating the spoon cause the cake was good

and no the spoon is not eatable (is metal


So basically everyone who agrees with this idea just likes eating spoons instead of cake ? I see

Well the ‘‘spoon’’ in Ragnarok and other games that had this option were nice for me and for other players and that is why we are discussing about it. #ProudSpoonEater

not my point :\

mmm how to put it

I know
 I love candy
 but that doesn’t mean I like everything on the candy store

not everyone like the same thing like you can see on this thread

or try and put what you said in this game pants

If Tree of Savior is so good and famous maybe people like the game like it is.

does that mean people like having their gear and rank visible 24/7 ?_?

Game ain’t completed, changes happen every day, there is always room for improvement, if they see this beneficial it will happen, if they don’t see it this way then it won’t. I don’t know if you have noticed but they do take major amount of feedbacks from korean, international, indonesian and japanese players into consideration to better fit the game and the playerbase. And not to forget, the majority of the players are ex RO players. Tos is a great game, yeah, and it’s also a game that is still on development with room for improvement every single day.

And yes, I like candy too, there are certain candy I like and certain candy I don’t. But talking about this specific candy, I am hoping they sell it at this new upcoming candy store :grin:

Well according to this thread, there are some people who are starting to show that they don’t like this.

I dont understand why these people are so worked up with this kinds of things, thus it is not FORCING you, its OPTIONAL.

Again its OPTIONAL, you can show/hide your stuff no need to panic or freak out, sheesh


Sorry but this is just silly imo
 because you check your oponent then you change your equipment to counter his but he checks your equips then he counters yours then you realise you’re screwed again so you change again
?.. It doesn’t seem better for me in any way.

and why would you keep go back with the same equipment again and again if you know that doesn’t work?..

I’m with the guessing game and it was perfect and good in RO
 I don’t know what are you talking about because it wasn’t hard to find out what the oponent is wearing in most cases.

BUT I wouldn’t mind if you can’t hide the class part because that part is rly too complex to be able to prepare for it. Also you can easily see what type of weapon your enemy is using and that can help a lot but you can’t see what type of armor are they wearing and I think a little indicator somewhere for that would be nice. Other than that I still like the guessing game

But anyway at the end I think it’s all about preferances. Some ppl like it this way some ppl like it the other way. I prefer the hiding option but I still won’t mind if it won’t happen
 It won’t be perfect for me but I still like ToS so
 Also I never saw any game that perfectly fits my taste haha

@ralphdeduyo It’s not that optional actually because those who would want to see everbody’s equipment wouldn’t see it. It’s more like this way or the other way so it should depend on what the majority of the player base wants.


Your logic is irrelevant, and if you really want to see someone’s equipment or class path you can ask them nicely.

Secrets are more fun if you find them yourself rather than copying from someone else.


I think you don’t understand
 or I have no idea what’s so irrelevant. You are right that if we would get this feature it would be optional to use it or not
 But you don’t understand that those who don’t want this they don’t want this at all
 and mainly because most of those who will hide their stuff won’t show it no matter how nicely you are asking
lol. So they would have no option to see it
and that would annoy them I guess because of reasons itzNiko said. So no it is still not as optional as you think and simply because it favors one side more than the other.

and I also want the hide option
just to clear that again
and I agree with your second sentence too

Why does it favor one side more than the other? Just make it that if you want to hide your gear/class you aren’t allowed to look at others either. So you gain no advantage from hiding your gear/class.

Personally, I don’t mind either. But hey, more options I guess.


Sorry if I offend you. So when you know your opponent’s weakness in duel and you can easily counter their build in order to win means the game is balanced?

So if you can’t figure out or too lazy to observe or research why your opponent is so strong and you can’t beat them no matter what, the game is imbalanced?

I suppose a duel should be something like when two sides fight against each other without knowing their opponent’s capabilities. That way, each side will focus on their own strength to cover their weaknesses. At the 1st round, each side may try various things while observing their opponent’s skills and behaviors. At the next round, each side will slowly know each other’s capabilities and that’s when the real battle begin.

But of course, there’s a negative point where someone very strong will be accussed of cheating even though they aren’t cheating.


The stats and skills picked by the player are already hidden information which is sufficient to differentiate the players who chose a similar path.

Without knowing a minimum about the classes chosen by your opponent, the fighting may be based primarily on the use of surprise attacks.

In a game with only a dozen classes, it’s possible to guess the path that the other players have chosen. In ToS, the combination of classes gives so many possibilities that it would be almost impossible to know the character classes without making this information visible. Added to this the possibility of changing costumes (and wear new costumes linked to any class).

If most of the information is made ​​invisible it will isolate more players that are not already included in a group or guild. There are also people who will never want to share their knowledge

I just think that withholding information, it’s not very fairplay. But I understand the arguments expressed in this thread. Perhaps it’s better to give the opportunity to those who wish preserve their originality to hide everything.

That’s not bad but that wasn’t what I was thinking of
 I try to explain it but I’m not sure I can
XD I’m rly bad at explaining
and it doesn’t help that I have to do it in english.

This option still favors those who don’t want to show their equipment even if we would change to that what you said because those who don’t want show their equips won’t care about others either and they would get what they want
the equipment hiding option.

While those who would like to see others equipment
they would actually want to see EVERYBODY’S equipment to be sure if they pvp with them they know how to prepare against them. So just think of it
 would a hiding option be good for these ppl even if it’s optional? No. Because after that they wouldn’t see EVERYBODY’S equipment anymore. They can easily face with somebody they are afraid of
 So with this option these ppl wouldn’t win anything but they would lose something
the ability to see everything.

So the problem is it’s not just an additional optional feature
it actually changes what we have now. So it’s actually “Seeing everything” vs “Limited view (hiding option)”

and I’m on the hiding option side
I only wanted to say with this that IMC should ask what the majority of ppl want because it WOULD change the game.

To those who are egocentric enough to think people would copy your build, you are paranoid. Who would see someone else’s character and suddenly want to invest hours of their time on a build just based on class information? If they really really wanted to copy a build, there are hundreds of theory crafting builds out there for them to copy. In fact, i would advise people who didnt play CBT to copy a build that is popular, at least for their first character.
Also, as many pointed out, it would be frustrating in pvp to not even know the other opponent’s class. You simply cant play it. Why? Because especially if it was 1v1 the battle could end even before you can find a counter play. Even if you knew all of the class builds, it would be useless if the enemy kills you in 3 seconds.
Lastly, you are paranoid. There is probably already one other person with your build and even similar skill distribution. Even if you have a super rare item people already know about it. Isn’t the entire point showing off?

Ps. Equipment already shows on your character. Would you really want an option of being dressed in rags to other players just to hide your items?


There’s already one person who would do it in this thread, I dont need to point it out.

And the hardcore players can easily make alts after they hit level cap and try out all the builds they find “strong” or “interesting” or “effective”. As you’ve said too, new ppl will tend to follow the best build they can follow.

But you have a fair point. It’d be funny if we don’t know which class we are fighting against especially after various costumes come out. We won’t know whether they are Cleric or Wizard or Archer or Swordsman anymore unless we’ve fought them before.

I actually personally prefer this. It makes it more interesting. But that’s personal preference at this point.

I get what you mean. But I think it affects more people to force them into something as opposed to giving everyone a choice as to what they want to do.

This only applies to weapons. Not all equipment. And considering most equips have something that looks similar to something else, you still won’t know what they’re using to whack you with.

I thought special shop costumes are class based?

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Gear displayed to the public no matter what but ranks you can have the option to hide it or not and if you do hide it then you also cannot see the other players ranks to be fair.Like that you can’t counter them and they can’t counter you by judging on the ranks.

If this feature doesn’t come into the game then its not a loss and I will still play TOS but if it makes it in the game then its a + for me.To be honest the reason why I wanted this feature in the game it’s because this game isn’t hard to excel in skill wise compare to so many games, it’s very easy and straight forward with rotations.What makes you better than the other players is your choice of ranks,gear and stats distribution.if someone would of copy your ranks and gear it would be more of an RNG battle.With the STR CON INT SPR DEX stats system it isn’t hard to figure out how to balance it well for your classes.What makes you excel in PVP for TOS imo is your gear and ranks.

Countering people should be base on observation in combat and improvising.

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