Tree of Savior Forum

Build tips for a noob

Hi there, very new, trying some things out. This is a build i have come up with. any tips would be appreciated. Thanks

Pretty weak class path, sorry.

And… Frost Pillar, Snow Rolling and Ice Wall are the skills you’d want to max on Cryo. For Sage, Missile Hole should also be maxed and Micro Dimension should be left at 1 since you’ll only be using it to duplicate stuff

mh…looks fun^^

isit for pvp or pve though?..the problem with bolts is that they will cast longer the higher they are…and its not a multihit like multishot. so it might be better to get ice blast instead. you want to max out frost pillar ye…for snow rolling, i dunno, its slow casting and movement…and long cooldown. you can leave this if you dont like the skill.

you can set the blink to 1 and max out missle hole and a damage skill. note that cloned icewalls do NOT shoot ice shards. ultimate dimension does piss poor damage tbh. micro has 3 charges but can be impossible to hit in pvp…and it has no range…you have to choose which to max.

I think your goal is a little confused to others.
for Cyro 3 you lack the good skill as mention above
for going Wz3 at late class seem to miss other class5-6 which is more powerful and provide more addition power for your cyro3

by the way wiz1 withonly 1 earthquake can get you to wiz3 (lv40-50) which then you have your magic missile and then you is good to go.
(It seem hard but it can be done )
remaining point goto sleep - reflex shield and buff.

I suggest that you make a choice between

  • Wiz3 for magic missile and buff to use at later class
  • Wiz -Cyro3 for the freeze and crowd control and then get another support route or go get more Damage route

Thanks for the advice guys. And don’t be sorry if it’s crap, the truth is what I’m after. Just started the game about a week ago and trying to figure it all out.

To answer some questions, I’m looking for a dps/cc class. I would do pve or pvp, casually either way. I have only been to lvl 20 or so before starting again. I like the idea of cryi for some cc, and wiz 3 seems like a good base fur damage. I like from what I’ve read but obviously have t been close to trying it. I have also looked at rune aster and thought that might synergize well with the ice spells and bonuses from sure spell, quick cast and energy shield.

Maybe a wiz>cryo>wiz 2> wiz3>cryo2>runecaster>??

My current character is at wiz>cryo but only at lvl 15 or so. Thanks again for the tips

Playing non-meta is not necessarily a bad thing. It does however mean you got a quite hard path ahead of you.
And who knows, maybe all the ongoing IMC’ing of meta builds and the game as a whole makes your exotic build shine some day?

Cryo can’t bring any reliable damage. So if you want to deal damage with a Cryo, you’ll have to mix it with a DPS class and not a damage booster like Wiz 3 and Rune Caster.

There have been a few non-meta thematic DPS Cryo builds popping up but they all have their problems. (Actually, most builds that don’t focus on just one role have problems)

  • Cryomancer 3 > Elementalist 3 > X

  • Self-supports Frost Cloud with Frost Pillar, which both have similar cooldowns once the Frost Pillar buff comes (cooldown decreased from 49s to 35s)

  • Can’t do much outside of that. Everything else is very slow due to the lack of Wizard 3

  • Can’t deal with flying mobs

  • Cryomancer 3 > Pyromancer 3 > Sage 1

  • Similar concept as Ice Wizard

  • Frost Pillar can pull an unlimited amount of enemies, but Pyro’s strongest skill - Fireball usually only hits 2 at a time.

  • Pyromancer 3 > Linker 3 holds a strong argument against this

  • Cryomancer 3 > Sorcerer 2 > Psychokino 1 > Rune Caster / Necromancer 1 / Enchanter 1

  • Uses Frost Pillar > Riding > TS-Rapid Fire combo to deal with mobs

  • Ice Wall > Psychic Pressure to deal with boss

  • Setups are slow

Ok thanks again, I guess it’s back to the drawing board. My goal at this point is to try some of these out. I’d like to keep cryo and move away from wizard 3. The problem I already have there is I have been trying to focus on intelligence and I’ve heard that pvp cryo builds focus on con. Maybe I should just stick with something and go for it. If it turns out garbage I’ll start again. Like I said before I just jumping in casually at this point. Thanks for the tips!

playing non-meta on first character will risk of leaving the game soon, this is what rank reset are proven.
u should main a meta to farm silvers, get rich and consider non meta later as sub when you understand the game more. you can use main to support them as well
because most non meta require niche gears or highly transcended weapon to work, u need some do-well characters to support finacially and take a lot time to understand other things

go easy mode first, then difficult :wink:

There is a meta build which is “ok” for many things as you mentioned.
wiz-pyro2-link2(also you can take both to rank3 for farming purpose)

this provide a good damage via fireball
in pve crowd control you can tie them up (but it has little time of effect)
but it might lack in pvp aspect.You need to add higher class of your choice to make this work.

If you really like cyro / ice wall build I suggest you take a look at
cyro-kino build.
They has many crowd control ability via wallfreeze , zoning effect ,tree ,etc
and psycho add more skill to that like stun or pull your enemy together and AOE to help spam damage from your wall.
You just need to add a DPS class later on or use a better gear to make it easy on later rank.
This cyro-kino is more a pvp-gvg build that can also level with ok speed
the downside is cooldown time of your wall skill and the need to draw them a lot.

Kino 3 is quite strong for pvp and offer a some good cc
You can try something like Cryo1 Link Kino3 FF2

IceWall for more target (When need)
Raise quite a power cc.
Link Monster with other monster of icewall if need
Then bloodbath to do some nice damage.

Bad point is…
-Might take a quite a while before you get your dps…
-Linker 1 = 5 max target and 50 hit max (Link can break pretty fast and you probably will get more target than you can link.

Good point is,
-you have a pretty solide pvp build
(For TeamBattleLeague at least…)
-You got cc and dps what you whanted.
-Cryo1 get a nice magic resit attribut ? XD

As for dps mage…

Pyro is quite strong because of agny(Necklace lv 120) now. If you whant to dealt tons of damage… It probably something you might whant in it.

Pyro/Cryo offer both good cc and damage probably WAY better for PvE than the first build I mentioned and WAY easier to xp. Pyro OP !!!
But also probably weaker for PvP.

As said before… Cryo isn’t a good dps class, the way damage work is pretty simple… (Base skill damage + Magic attack - Ennemie defense)(Any kind of multiplier like enchance lv)
Cryo usualy hit 1-2 time / spell cast with low base damage.

Thanks for all the tips guys. I thinking going to go down the crying/kino build. Been looking around sectarians it looks fun.

I was also hoping to go RC at rank 7 and was wondering if I should go wiz 3 for magic middle and quick cast. Seems like that is essential for a RC build. Does that make sense?

Maybe something like wiz3>cryo>psycho>RC.
Currently at lvl 30 or so, with wiz one and level 10 in Cryo1. Still have time to decide for later.

Maybe something like this?

I have been putting stats only into intelligence and constitution. At about 4:1 int:con but I have plenty of time to adjust that ratio.

I suggest you please abandon the idea Wiz3 for your build already.

The idea of cyro-kino is to have Kino 3 for more combo like
ice wall(cyro1+) + psykic pressure
raise + psykic pressure or gravity pole
or simply sleep(Wiz1) + any damage skill or to stall time

cyro 2 is recommend for the study of icewall to take your hit to shoot ice
addition ice shield is also good.

In the early lvl I recommend Wiz-Cyro1or2-Psy3 for easy play.
you can have your cyro 1 for early maxing your psy3
after you get psy3 then you can decide to get your cyro to 2-3 depend on your liking.
then your will have a rank7-8 class to add to your arsenal at late game.

As mention above Wiz 3 is more like a support class that
1.reduce cast time (which is help class that has long cast time,but cyro/psy isn’t)
2.Boost your damage
3.has 1 good atk spell at r3

The idea is to maximize icewall + PP combo.
Beside the attribute damage, Quickcasting will still be useful for casting runes & snowrolling(?). Also, c2 Surespell will help in PP getting interrupted much less .

Cryokino3s are the best at CC, however… since his stat is not full con and will suck at tanking, i’d suggest to specialize in icewall + PP combo … ditch sage and go with Wiz3 Cryo3 Kino1 RC1 build.

Why ditch sage? The only thing you’d get is double frost pillar and defensive buff. I read bad notes about cloned icewall shards not working properly. Beside the icewall PP combo, you’s also have frost pillar /+ ice wall + ice blast combo.

This sounds like exactly what I’m after. What do you guys think if this build, I have left 8 open but cryo seems to make sense there.

Again my stats will be either 4:1 or 3:1 int:con

Any advice is appreciated

Don’t do it :frowning: You’re building yourself around 1 combo that isn’t even that good

What do you suggest instead Tampon?

Wait… there’s also the ice wall + ice blast combo which damage gets boosted by the quickcast attribute. Also, I wonder how it will be when the ice necklace is implemented. (if ever)

I’ve already posted my suggestions for DPSing with Cryo 3. I don’t find Cryo’s DPS to be worth building around and should just be treated as an extra source of damage

Ice Wall + Ice Blast combo often ends up blocking allies’ attacks :confused: