Tree of Savior Forum

[Build] Saintone's Diev Doctor ○ Support & Offense ○ PvE & PvP (No longer updated.)

OP Bro ^^ that seams too strong to me, i’ll go Druid C2

This needs confirmation if the same user can apply both themselves, and I’ll double check in with a Druid C2 today to make sure. I only know that Druid in general can share Chortasmata, and I’ve used Carnivory on a Chortasmata that had Sterea Troph applied to it before while leveling up in a dungeon.

You’re right, they can. I’ve read about that from numerous Druid threads.

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Why Ignition is not a good choice for this build ?

What do you mean? Incineration?

hmm… imo even though incineration cannot stack with other plague doctors, but if someone wanna focus on PVP or GVG, i think they should go for plague doctor bcoz healing factor and bloodletting are really2 good for PVP and GVG esp when you are putting a lot of CON. but i might be wrong as well lol

meme doctor is getting nerfed. Bloodletting will have a much shorter duration and a higher cooldown soon.

The meta will change, PD will still be strong but it will require a high level Linker and Beak Mask.


In another thread, I recall you saying that Durid1 does nothing for PD…so why are you suggesting it in your build?

Btw, I am making a PD b/c of you, thanks!

Because it provides a lot of single target damage, regardless of if it interacts with Plague Doctor or not. I’ve written my guide due to many people asking about my build on stream, and have offered alternatives for other kinds of gameplay.

I suggest either Druid C2 over Plague Doctor C1 or Priest C1 over Druid C1 for various situations pending.

@Veritas @guillaume_bergevin What gems i could use on everything basically? Thx!! :smiley:

@Veritas nice build. If I follow pretty much same build but change rank 7 to Kabbalist, is that going to decrease my ability to PVP and GVG?

not sure if you’ve read the post i made about 18 days ago for gems, but i’ll quote it again:

Do note that since skill gems have specific slots where they can be added, if its a weapon slot, it might not be worth it. Gems for support skills, that add times (like carve world tree for exemple) are prefered since nothing on gear can emulate that.

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Short answer is yes.

The skills Kabbalist offer in PvP/GvG are limited to Revenged Sevenfold and Ein Sof. While both are very good in their own regards, they have drawbacks, such as incomplete uptime and long cooldowns.

Despite nerfs to Plague Doctor, it remains a very powerful job to have in PvP for the basis of debuff protection.

Just wondering,is Venom preferable over Karacha for the off-hand choice?

14 CON seems like a nice hp boost.Is the 14 DEX from Karacha any useful(for accuracy or w/e reason)?

It is acceptable, just be mindful of plate enemies, which Venom does not do well against.

Update everyone:

Tonight we cleared the first two floors of Earth Tower. This is a major, major achievement for my group, which lacks a Wizard support class.

However as we made our way up on the second floor and the third floor (where we ended up failing tonight) we incurred multiple deaths. It is here that I wish I had Priest C1 over Druid C1. Specifically for Earth Tower reasons.

We’ll continue to refine our strategy, but there was a tremendous amount of downtime due to having to travel back up the stairs and previous floors. I can only see this being increasingly dangerous as we make our way up further in the tower in the coming days.

But since we made it over the DPS check (1/F) things are looking good. The rest of the build has been fantastic otherwise.

As a note, some KR Earth Tower groups have gotten good enough to clear the first ten floors without incurring deaths, able to forego Priest C1. While ambitious to emulate, this is unrealistic of international ET groups. Priest C1 will remain very relevant for a long time as an alternative to Druid C1 in this build, and staple for anyone who wants to pioneer beyond 10/F later on down the line.

Still strong in world bosses, securing loot regularly.

Hi Mango! haha. i am flaye013 i just want to ask if your lvl 5 goddess of ausrine is efficient? thinking of the lag maybe when come f2p. Is lvl 5 ausrine really important? thank you for being a good guy :slight_smile:

I’m following your build and i’m loving it!
Now i’m diev c3 and near to druid c1 or priest c1.
I think i’m gonna priest c1, but i’m afriad i’m going to loose too much DPS. Mainly because i have no friends to party :cry:
Can you give me some advice, please?

Nice in encounters where things simply do too much damage. A second to carve it, and maybe three seconds to activate it if your ping is good.

PvP, Demon Lord world bosses, Earth Tower. These are the things Statue of Goddess Ausrine is useful at (not mandatory, just very useful). If you suffer from high ping issues, you should forego it. It’s also definitely not necessary while leveling up.

It’s a somewhat significant loss of single-target damage only. To be more beneficial to a group in general, or Earth Tower down the line, the Priest C1 pick is better.