Tree of Savior Forum

[BUG] [SILUTE] Stuck on Loading Screen after maintenance

The same error here. I lost all my dungeons instance entrance , the mutiplyers and clear voucher 2 star ! The game stoppe in the loading screen and I couldn’t play

Server: Silute
Team Name: SlayerSquad
Character Name: Ashura


And how did you lose the 2star clear voucher :no_mouth:

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No compensations. ;-;

The same thing happens here. But I’m not at all surprised, after all I do not think I had an update without bugs in this game. :slightly_smiling_face:

Currently we are checking on it.
Could you inform to us more detail?
Please let us know via Support Ticket or reply.
The more information (Server,Map,Channel…etc), we have on a specific issue, the quicker it will be resolved.

It is exactly the same problem as the others, stays in the loading screen forever. I sent a ticket but did not get an answer. I restarted the computer, tried to change the channel and the screen is locked loading and then back to the lodge.
Server: Silute

Is this bug new to Silute? :o This bug happens on Fedimian server since arround one year, making us have to reconnect each time we go to the loading screen of death.

Having the same infinite loading bug here when trying to login to game in lodge.

Server: Orsha
Map: Klaipedia
Channels: All

Not happening anymore here.

If you are still having problems, please follow the steps in this thread: :kissing_heart:

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