Press Enter then click on whatever channel you want to put your message (normal, guild, shout…). Shouts (server-wide message) requires megaphones.
I wouldn’t recommend it. Alchemist missile and combustion are pathetic offensive skills, Dig/Opus don’t work, Awakening is obsolete, Sprinkle potions is now also obsolete (it was fine when you could regenerate 20000 hps when your character had 60000 at level 300, but now the max hp of a character has multiplied by almost 10x while the skill still regenerates the same amount – like HP/SP potions you can find in shops these are a joke), Tincturing allows you to make elixirs (the only viable potions) but they require Blessed Shards to make and you don’t want to waste these precious materials for anything other than upgrading your equipment. The only useful skill is Gem Roasting (because to equip gems anyone has to roast gems, but you can basically create another character and make an Alchemist at level 15 and let him sit in the town as a gem roasting shop.
On field maps of episodes 10-13.
There are a lot of weapon appearances in the mercenary badge shop, but you can’t see the real appearance of those, just a box so you would have to consult a website to check them. Try for example:,36&page=1&sort=RequiredLevel,DESC#top
That’s because you try to use an actual rod and not a skin. Using a skin doesn’t cost anything.