Tree of Savior Forum

Bug Manticen impossible to defeat and questions

yes not every staff appearance can be registered in the equipment storage most of the weapon appearance are “single use”

you need to have 5 copies of that ellinis staff, be mindful tho as you can see it costs 11million silver to do it. you might as well find a premium staff from the market that you like. those doesnt cost silver.

you need to click the mercenary badge from your storage as if you are using an item. they will disappear and will go to your account(mercenary badges are account shared, means all of your other characters can use it). same goes for the lada tokens

Thanks for your help.

I see that I can’t sell drop equipements to the shop… They are sell at 0, while in Tradability menu it is note “shop” :

All “random” items you get from the fields (magic/berthas/primus) are obsolete items that need to be identified and always sell for zero. They were used on old equipment to be turned into ichors, but now ichors are their own drops so they’re useless. Don’t waste silver to identify them. If you can, don’t even pick them up. They can be dismantled at the blacksmith for nucle/sierra powder, but the cost of dismantling is higher than the cost of the minuscule amount of powder you get, so it’s not worth it.

Thanks for your explanation. :grinning:


I have the same problem with the Head of the Schaffenstar Ignas… He can cure himself… :sweat_smile: Is it normal ? He can destroy me in 2 times and when I resurrect, he has all of his points of life… :sob:

That’s normal. This is a quest and when you die during a quest it resets. Did you try to get some Soul Crystals from free TP? I think if you resurrect via Soul Crystal the fight resumes without resetting.

I resurrect with Soul crytals from free TP. Is it normal that he can cure himself ?

Been a while I died during a quest, didn’t remember. So yeah it’s normal, you need to complete the quest without dying, otherwise you have to redo the fight. If you have trouble with a quest, just ask someone to help you. Also try to improve your equipment/your skills/attributes, it could help. Don’t be afraid to ask in support guild chat if you have any specific questions.