Tree of Savior Forum

Brown Harugal spawn rate and Stropy Cannon drop rate

It is already very punishing that all the mobs except for Brown Harugal are all Mages which deals at least 1k-2k per attack. Furthermore, one of the mages HP is 28k.
Here are my suggestions

  1. Increase spawn rate of Harugal to at least 30 per map.

  2. Make Harugal spawn on specific area of the Map even without increasing its population at least I don’t have to roam dodging and jumping mages attack.

3 . Make the drop rate same with Galok like 1 in 300 kills. I killed at least 1k Harugal in the same channel and still no luck. I personally feel that I can get more Battle Bracelet even before getting a stropy cannon recipe.

Copy paste my reply here. I do agree with either point 1 or 3 though. 8 spawns per map where technically only 2 spawn every 1-2 minutes is pathetic. I’m a scout/cannoneer so traversing the entire map is a couple of minutes for me, seeing the spawn rate so low is really demoralizing.

In my quest for a stropy cannon (still yet to find after 700+kills)… I find that I can only kill on average 40 brown harugal per hour. That is how pathetic the spawn rate is, after killing the initial 8 of them in the entire map, every 30 secs to 1 minute, 1 or 2 of them will respawn for the whole map.

If based on this average, it will take 50 hours of full time farming just to be “eligible” for 1 cannon using 2000dpk. That’s around 7 hrs of continuous farming every single day and dpk theory said it resets during maintenance? LOL, even killing infrorocktors for white boater will have better odds than this due to the sheer amount of mobs that spawn…

Whoever the person putting the numbers of spawn in this game should just die, especially on those maps

Apparently this just only proves that IMC never plays their own game and I’m pretty sure IMC just dont give a sh*t like those issues concerning mob density (30mins respawn) and low number of channels full of retarded sorcs and necros afk’ing.

Tip for OP if you want to continue your quest for Stropy Cannon which I gave up on after 1k kills near start of maintenance knowing that all my work would be reset by the maintenance: run through the map only killing Harugals, then go talk to the NPC near the fountain area and sit for a few minutes so the Harugals all respawn. Talking to NPCs makes mobs not attack you, but the mage mobs will eventually bug out and hold their aggro on you forever if you don’t kill them, which will prevent any new ones from attacking you.