Tree of Savior Forum

đź’” Most of new players will probably immediately quit as soon as they reach Tenet Church B1

…because of bots.

I don’t know how bad the situation is with other servers, but Telsiai in that area is freaking infested in every spawn spot.

It took me almost an hour of running around, camping, channel switching and DC’ing during load screen (new feature) just to complete the Hop C1 advancement quest there.

Bots are running around either in pair or in groups. Some are camping. Nearly all of them are switching channels. There’s so many of them, it’ll just tire you trying to right-click and report each in-game.

I am definitely not looking forward to doing my quests there later. Worst, Church F1.

I understand bots isn’t the top priority right now, but if IMC wants their game to appeal to new players, they really need to at least alleviate the current bot situation, especially in core quest/leveling/farming areas.

Maybe have a GM go in-game for an hour everyday, scour these areas and temp ban the obvious bots? Nearly all of them have unreadable names.

Slowly losing current customers without new ones coming is really bad business.

Yay! Depressing update:


Linker quest will take you hours if you aren’t lucky to spot a living Galok because of bots running all over the place.

Seriously, doing a rank 3 job change in a place full of bots and a 30 minutes respawn of a mob (which happen to be verrrrrrrrrrrrry few also) needed to complete the job change is utter waste of time.


Maaan, I never expected it to be that bad. It’s been awhile since I rerolled.

It wasn’t this bad a few months ago. Botters and exploiters are just getting waaay too confident now.


There is new players? /thread

Ideally it depends on what server you’re on, as Silute and Telsiai seem to be the most polluted when it comes to scrub bot users.

On Klai, it’s fairly common that the greed of the people will spawn things that somehow counter it (Ironically yesterday I managed to get a Sword Pell and it raidbossed like 10 of them before eventually going down 15 minutes later, as well as spawned a Hogma that slapped a bot dead), as people will throw down red orbs and Oracles will run around changing things hoping for extremely tanky mobs.

But I do agree that they should have done something else to the Galok spawn, considering it’s semi significance as well as power on the Sissel market.


There are. Check out the negative reviews with just a few hours of play time on their Steam store page.


guildmate quit making a new char cause of this in klaipeda


Super agree. It just made the bot problem worst in that area and made the item pricier and more difficult to acquire for the average player.

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Hmm did just check Klaipedia server’s chapel and saw 2-5 per channel. Got a lot of reporting in at least.


I’m having trouble farming Melinas Staff because 7+ bots decided to farm there in all ch.


Surprised this is still such an issue considering the player numbers.

There really shouldn’t be job advancement quests in areas that drop such valuable equipment.It gets in the way of players questing there,throws bots into the mix,and potentially lazy AFKer’s competing with all of that.It makes Tenet Chapel and Bee Farm essentially unplayable.

I think it’s time for IMC to really crack down on these areas,and by that I mean more than just GM Durian going in for maybe an hour.


Incoming fanboy response:

If you quit within an hour we don’t want you in this game!


For one thing, job advancement quests should ALWAYS involve a situation similiar to party cutscenes. Some are done well and have cutscenes, others do not.

That’s not from the official team…


Obviously…Its an fanboi page with a typical fanboi response to any negativity


It’s not only tenet church, well yeah it is the most crowded and annoying one though. There is still bots on lvl 70 map (i’m currently at lvl 68) and most annoying one is the archer bot… i’m still can do quest with cleric bot, but the archer can hit from far away without hitting animation??? the enemy hp seems taking Damage Overtime wth with that… fortunately i’m leveling up pairing with my friend so it’s bearable at that time. Can’t image if u want do quest solo / farm at low level map with archer bot camping all the mobs.

This should be solved once expantion comes and nobody cares about glad bands anymore?

Same crap happening in Orsha as well. The servers are pretty empty so bots are pretty obvious in the tenet channels. All floors, all maps in neighbouring fields, just BS wherever farming happens.


Not the point. The point is that the bots are clearly visible, and don’t even make the attempt to pretend they are human. Not only that, they are in such numbers, that to a new player, it gives the message that either a) its allowed, or b) game is in maintenance mode so devs don’t give a damn.

New player won’t come to forum to check banlists. New player won’t report bots either. They will probably try and contact an ingame GM and then…oh wait…

They should just make a vendor that sells red orbs for a special monster. High defense, high magic resist, world boss hp and doesn’t drop loot. Can even do 0 damage and make the bots attack it forever. Its not the same as being able to kill the bots but this way the bots don’t get free via respawning either? And no actual player deaths.


This is really problem that IMC need to be fixed.
I understand bot is use every game but this is crazy.
It is true that IMC has ban a lot of bot but i believe that gold seller can creat bot faster than IMC can ban it.
Bot army really killing this game.
Every map that have a lot if spawn monster there will be bot there.
This gold seller organize must be really rich from this point and i starting to believe that IMC will get some benefit from this bot someway or somehow.
Tenet church b1 is really crazy must be more than 100 of bots gm should go there and check some or gm should creat new character and play. you will know real problem.
Please fix this