Tree of Savior Forum

Brazil/SEA need publishers

LOL. So OP asks for a beneficial change towards brazilian players and then suggest Level Up Games as their publisher.

You really hate brazilians, don’t you? LUG is the epitome of crap. I would rather play in a private server than play on LUG servers.

Man, totally support this idea as an Brazilian player, but “Level Up Games” … NEVER. this game can’t be touched by LUG, the’ve just fuc*** up with alot of games, have unstable servers in all games, a bunch of hackers in ALL games, and they always create a cash system for themselves, to profit with the games they have. as we can see at RO, they created many itens that don’t even exist on the korean, usa servers.

They could just create a bunch of servers close to south america and host themselves, updating together with their USA, SEA servers, would be much better.

Are you stupid or something???
LevelUP Games always turn every game in to a p2w.

The company already showed the incompetence behind RO, Combat Arms, Lunia, GC and so on (the list goes more than that), and you have confidence yet?? Even after all they have done??

How much did they have paid to you come here and say this nonsense? You must be kidding man!!

For people outside Brazil i have a good comparison. Level Up Games is to games what LJN was to NES 8 Bit games.

I agree that we need a publisher, to help call even more players and make a (more) satisfactory experience within the game. But i don’t agree on LevelUP Games. They don’t care a bit about the players.

i’ll stay in International Server, for many reasons - lug.

I’m just passing by to say Level Up Games is not a good choice. I’d rather have IMC Games self-publish, even if it involves a monthly fee. Level Up isn’t committed to any game, its customer service is abysmal and players would have nothing to gain from such a partnership.

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No. Why would you want the bad publishers we have today to take care of our servers? It would be a lot better if we can have Steam or someone just as competent as Steam to host our servers. We can still have our localization on Steam, a server in portuguese and with people that speak portuguese playing with us, but with a quality that makes possible for us to enjoy the game without worries.

doesnt LU have monopoly in localize mmos in Brazil? what are the alternates?

I cannot support this in any way after reading about a login/IP limitation system.

Why does it have to IP block us? We are Brazilians but some would like to know/live in other cultures too. Not everyone is like the “hue hue BR” you see externally.

So if I want to play with other people on the world I would use my VPN from Canada and have a greater ping. Just not fair.

It’s just not fair to just IP block a giant country. Don’t you agree? There’s no need to block after having a dedicated server for us.

Xenophobia is NOT beneficial in any way. Even if it wasn’t your intention it may be the intention of some people who would support the IP blocking system.

Language problems? Make a test in english before first login.

Community problems? Ban spammers/etc and use the forum as access test.

Being hated? It’s simple too, just tell us to ignore people who are doing this. There are people who do this type of things everywhere.

Ping too high? Kick from external servers if ping is >400.

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I support you having your own regional server to play in…
I have friends from various countries
And I want to be able to play with them and not be barred from it because of IP Blocking.

This solution isn’t really a solution xD. Sometimes the internet decides to oscilate and poof: you got kicked for a three second instability, this used to happen a lot to me when playing battlefield to the point I decided to just stop playing it(not like I played it much anyways :octopus: )

I agree xD but everything is valid. IP blocking suggestion can’t be supported in any way u.u

No , I don’t want to be stuck with nothing but brazilians. We don’t need a publisher.

I think the best alternative would be for IMC to self-publish the game in Brazil just like it is doing in this iCBT.

Hey, people like Russians.

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