Tree of Savior Forum

Bounce shot and barrage + circling expand

As the title says, how does circling + expand interact with bounce shot and barrage? Each arrow can bounce to everything arround? Doubling the dmg on enemies if used against more than one?

No, Bounce Shot isn’t affected by your AoE Attack Ratio, you can have 0 AoE Attack Ratio or +100 AoE, Bounce will always hit his fixed number of targets depending on the skill level so, since all that Circling does is reducing the enemies AoE Defense ratio to 0 (at level 5) it does nothing.

Honestly I think you have some misconception about Circling, it doesn’t double the damage or anything, it simply reduce enemies AoE Defefence Ratio to 0, so every AoE ability influenced by AoE Attack Ratio will hit more monsters under Circling… simple as that!
Some abilities have side effects built-in already (like Crossfire from Flecter or Triple Arrow from Mergen) like exploding on contact or on kill, that kind of damage is also influenced by your AoE Attack Ratio, so under Circling it will hit more enemies aswell, that’s why you see a lot of numbers flying up.

Crossfire isn’t bound to AoE ratio. You actually see more numbers because of Aiming, since the explosion’s hitbox is rather small.
Triple Arrow has 1 AoE ratio per arrow, but the explosions do not. Circling allows each arrow to hit everything to it’s range end (since the arrow isn’t consumed). I can’t confirm that the AoE explosion can hit multiple times the same mob (regardless of it’s origin). I actually never noticed a dmg increase (cause the dmg nuke would be insane if TA could hit multiple mobs and proc the side damage for everymob)

i asked about the expand attribute (falc3), the one that gives a % chance of making all enemies under circling share the dmg received, kinda like a big joint penalty

Falconer C3’s Circling: Expand attribute adds a chance for all attacks to deal the same damage to another enemy under the effects of Circling, so yes, it does effectively double the damage when it procs.

I don’t have an answer to OP’s question since I only have a Hunter/Falconer, unfortunately, but my guess would be that he additional damage from the Circling attribute wouldn’t bounce since it’s different from the skill itself. It would still be really strong though since each bounce would have a chance of proccing the effect. Hopefully someone who has a Ranger/Falconer can give a better answer.

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that is my toughts… i’m theorycrafting my falc build and i wanted to stick to a crossbow+shield build, and so far i’m thinking ranger 3 + rogue could be a solid choice, especially if the 10 barrage hits have a chance to bounce off to other mobs… i’ll think i’ll bite the bullet and try it off myself.

There was a time, during the initial patch that gave us the damage rework, that made circling [expand] spawned hits, retain their original propierties. This made obliqueshot a nuclear bomb, since each spawned hit from circling [expand] would be another oblique shot that would create a chain reaction of oblique shots.

That was obviously, a bug. Now, with bounce shot, it would at most hit 10 enemies. I do not know how bounce shot works exactly, but since it would hit 5 targets at lv 5, and I assume it is a single hit per target. That would only be 10 hits, one to 5 enemies, and the remaining possible 5 (since they’re not guaranteed) would hit any of the initial targets or new ones that are under circling.

So I do not think it would be a sight to behold, barrage? I believe it uses AoE def mechanics, so if by normal circling it would hit more targets, then with expand it would be better.

I think the real benefit of ranger + falconers is the fact barrage(+feint if rogue) will surely make all arrows hit while aiming is active. Circling expand does help increasing bounce shot damage after all, but it works for every skill, and maybe multishot will deal more damage

And if you are sticking with a shield why not quarrel shoter with its shield’s attributes? Scatter caltrops has a nice interaction too
Also i don’t think steady aim will enhance falconers strike attacks.

i was trying to figure it out how the skill works… it is mainly for testing, i’ll maybe try it with scout 3 when r9 hit itos, split arrow sounds good with expand…

That would at most be 6 hits per overheat,
You’re more than welcome to try anything you desire.
It would be great if you record your findings here at the forum.

yeah, 6 hits, but 4 of them would be 986% p.atak with 5 0H… not to shabby

nice idea! but i dont think it is easy to pull out.

  1. imagine your fluflu succeded aggroed 12 enemies
  2. cast aiming
  3. cast circling+max expand
  4. within 10 second circling you use 5 OH split arrow
    my experience with split arrow is that i always target at the nearby trap so that the bounced split arrow hit my real target. need a little targeting for maximum dmg

Yeah, i don’t think it will be easy to pull out, and probably will shine only on a party with a cryo, but scout3 - falc3 could prove really viable… Will have to wait and see…

This however is one of the reasons why i think the combo will work well, you want all 3 hits to hit the mobs so every hit gets bounced trough expand.

circling expand will 75% chance copy ANY physical dmg to another enemies. i have ranger-rogue-fal3 but never tested feint+barrage+circling:expand because too accustomed with aiming+preemptive strike for AOE situation :stuck_out_tongue:
will test them when i have a chance
falconer3 is like enchanter2, any job in your build will get boosted by this 2 job

Can anyone link the video about this? Im also interested with ranger 3 falc 3

@greyhiem is there any ranger 3 falc3 in ktos?

My point is Bounce Shot can’t chain-react, if you hit 6 mobs whitout Circling, you will still hit 6 monsters under Circling, the attribute gives you a 75% chance (at level 15) to bounce the damage to another target, but once, like every other ability.
Back in May right after Combat Update patch, everyone re-rolled Falc3 because it was bugged and it would make the attribute chain-reach to every ability thrown, indefinitely, you could clear a wave of monsters with just one Oblique Shot/Crossfire because the damage would keep bouncing off every monster, again and again.
Right now this doesn’t work, and its best use is with abilities influenced by AoE Attack Ratio, to allow you to hit more enemies in the first place and to bounce the damage or with special side effect to allow you to bounce off the side damage aswel (once).

@ihaveangerissues Crossfire explosion is affected by AoE Attack Ratio, under Circling you will hit more monsters and the explosion can trigger the bounce damage from Circling attribute aswell, same for Triple Arrow, that’s why these abilities are so strong under Circling.
The point is, it won’t chain-reach endlessly, it’s not meant to be, if you see any viceo where they do it’s probably dated May/June 2017 when we had the attribute bugged after the Combat Update.

TLDR It’s not a good combo, because you’re limiting your damage in the first place using an ability that won’t make any use of the AoE Def Ratio reduction of Circling, you’re only using the attribute which works with every other ability, you have better options if you’re not going to profit from the AoE Def Ration reduction, that’s why usually Falc3 go with Sapper3: Broom Trap hits more enemies than Bounce, bouncing off more damage aswell, so in the end you have done more in total (I’m not a fan of Sapper3 myself, but the combo is quite strong).
Feint+Barrage is strong indeed, but it’s more of the same stuff as Bounce Shot, you are not profiting of Circling itself but only of the Attribute, also, you’d have to go Archer1 to Pick up Rogue at Rank 5, this means a lower Multi Shot which is quite good as a Falconer3… at Rank9 this may be negligible since you can go Mergen 1 (which is quite OP with both Falc3 and Rogue1) but now there are better options imho.

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you don’t need ktos to test ranger 3 -falc 3, i’m making on right now. with the get ahead event and the 2k candy i got in the creepy klaipeda and exchanged in atrib points i should be able to get expand to at least lvl 10… will record and post my findings.

would be nice if we could find a scout3-facl3 on ktos tough, but i doubt it…

Please update this post. Thanks

tried feint+barrage+circling:expand. it works!
but not as destructive as homing arrow+circling:expand…

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