Tree of Savior Forum


Oh so you’re gonna be THAT guy. Don’t be THAT guy.

I never said that it takes precedence over the other issues plaguing the game. But there’s nothing being actively done to alleviate it either. A bot wipe? The bot ban list is so god darn small, and I don’t get why it’s like that because people are actively reporting bots everyday, and there are LOTS of them.

And the bot issue is related to server stability and optimization. The bot spam causes FPS lag. Chat spam in general causes FPS lag for some reason. The huge amount of bots clogs the server and channels, which then of course affects server stability, although the server is admittedly innately messed up, even without bots. They just make it worse.

Class balance will take a while, along with the token issue as they rethink their monetization methods, whereas the bot problem can be stopped with a temporary measure like captcha or a second password.

And I never even mentioned the addon issue.

The KTOS patches will come. That’s expected

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There’s a botting problem¿

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jesus christ this game’s forum community is cancer. tons of nice guys ingame but the forum community is just god damn toxic

i guess you guys find it more fit to be edgy and complain about people who complain about legitimate problems of the game

go and drown out the legitimate complaints with your unfunny edgelord posts and see if it helps. grow up. “there’s a botting problem?” hilarous.


If ur gonna rage pls read ur post again… your just complaining and whining and not even writing a constructive post…who’s at fault now …XD

Here…have my like…

You are clearly overreacting. If you created a topic in general discussion to rant a bit, be ready for answers like:

Don’t get me wrong, I like to rant too.

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Don’t bother replying back…these issue has been brought up since ages ago… Now it’s up to IMC to resolve it…for better or worst…OP is just frustrated and he needs to let out his sexual frustration somewhere…
Just like the other botters thread…

Though snowdance is kinda fun. To read…dat name

i really think this is report bot is bullsh!t. they are VERY selective in banning bot.

i was grinding on demon prison before and at lvl 250+ i still farm there for gems and they are still there.


They need to fcking go to the game itself to see the bot. noob sht.

I’ve never seen a bot and I’ve been playing for weeks! What are you talking about?? >_>

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you must be dreaming.

No where in my post did I mention it was NOT in my dreams, however :wink:

where are you playing on hannamings? get back to this thread when you get on higher levels

Hello would you be interested in this anti-bot quest @raiztawasil:

Just cuz you’ve claimed to ‘see bots’ doesn’t mean sh*t. I haven’t seen bots lolol idiot.

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Name a mmo that had no botting problems

Don’t forget Chaplain female with ponytail bots, with Cafrisun set and arde dagger.

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PSO2, GW2, Path of Exile, Skyforge


and hello kitty online…
Ah… i miss the old days as a veteran in HKO

HKO is like japanese version of club penguin xD