Tree of Savior Forum

Botters ARENT getting perm banned, but if you type BOLD text you get perm ban?

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Aren’t you the guy who was heavily defending this game?
wew what a change of heart

Ok lol this is stupid. Feels like orweilian regime yo

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To me it seems like they’re trying to do PR to lessen the hate train, so they ban people (sorry, I mean evil hackers who pay their bills) for using bold text in-game.

Look how hard we’re working - StaffMAX

There is no real reason to publicly announce bans. Most players don’t even use forums. Ban announcements scare no-one, especially for bugs that have been in game for over a year.

Just another poor attempt to PR. I wonder if they’d reduce token price or do something cheap because most people can see through their ‘‘exclusive beginners package’’ charade.

Thank you for paying my bills - StaffMAX

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Welcome to the ban club, i am just refreshing my email and support ticket for them to unban me for something ive never done. Either that or quit when my patience runs out.

This is stupid, botters are perm banned but they just create a new account.
You’re making a drama because you used an exploit just like the guys who broke the guilds.

You deserved the ban hammer.
What was the point to use bold text anyway ?
To get attention ?


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Not admitting you’ve made a mistake is the first sign that you don’t deserve to be unbanned.

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i would just press the capslock button or hold leftshift :yum:

Classic case of ‘mad cause bad’. Plain and simple.

That’s hardly an exploit if it’s just typing … just send a ticket explaining

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oh god that made me laugh so hard i shot maple syrup out my nose. (canadian here, eh?)
lmfao, -americans- calling people out for poor english? what’s that saying about stones and glass houses?


no, it really isn’t.

you (or whomever) used an exploit. foolishly, you (or whomever) did it in a very loud and public way, both advertising your blatant flaunting of the rules, and annoying countless other players at the same time. now you’re crying and complaining that you (again, or whomever) got busted for breaking the rules in a loud and public way.

it’s like a police officer finding you taking a drunken piss in the alley behind a bar, he’s gonna yell at you to knock it off and get on home.
but you’ve got to show him, don’t you, so you go and piss on the front door of the police station in front of the security cameras. now they’ve got no choice, and you’re gonna be in jail at -least- overnight.

you used an exploit. is it a pretty trivial exploit? yea probably. but you did it in front of everyone, so they have no choice.
you -are- abusing the game’s code when you do this, since it is something you’re not allowed to do.


“blocked” does not necessarily mean “banned” – he might simply have been blocked from using chat or shout indefinitely. Staff_MAX only used the word “blocked”, and didn’t clarify if that meant banned or not (and i’m not scanning through the following 115 posts or so to check, because i don’t care either.)

“botter” does not mean “gold seller”. some people just use bot programs to level themselves faster/easier. a gold seller will obviously just abandon the account, and start over, but a legit player might learn from the warning, sit out the 30 days patiently, and not do it again in the future. of course if they -keep- botting in the future, it’s obviously going to lead to a permanent ban. and also, a 30d ban might as well be a permanent ban in most cases, because by the time the ban is up, they’ll have moved on to something else.

also also…

all we know is that someone posted in the forum reporting it, and “vince” was banned. we don’t know what Vince’s history was. maybe he’s gotten 10 warnings already, and they’re just tired of his crap.


you realize you’re advertising how to use an exploit, right? this is plenty to get -you- banned as well. just saying.


I don’t get what people are arguing about.

Freakin text edit.

Fix the game instead of referring people to TS IMC LOL.

It’s pretty much IMC choice on what punishment or time you get for not following the rules and while I may see something as simple as a font size or color change not be harmful they may see it different.

I do think they should work to patch what ever is allowing people to do such things however if they can’t the best they can do is tell you not to do it and punish you if you do.

Yes, perm banned may be a little harsh however they do need some type of punishment.