Tree of Savior Forum

💥 Pyro c3 question 💥

Putting 15 points into Fireball and Firewall is a must, but what are your recommendation for the last 15 points?

Theorycrafting is nice, but getting info from some experienced c3 pyros are better. :imp:

This is what im going for atm:

1 in hell breath, 4-5 in enchant fire, 0-1 in flare, rest in flame ground and fire pillar.

I prefer flame ground, because pillar’s cooldown is insane.

I have only been a pyro 2, not 3. 1 in hells breath is based on hearsay and that most skills don’t get anything but damage from leveling.

Firepillar proc faster than flameground hit flying ennemie and also lock ennemie in it (act like some sort of stun)
Lvling pillar make it the aoe bigger but not flameground

Hell breath might get the KToS patch someday … T_T (Like 4month later or something)
(Apply a debuff that increase fire damage by 50% and base damage increase)

I don’t maxing pillar… I regret maxing flameground insted of Flamewall

Also 1 magic damage = 1 damage on each hit And pyro do tons of hit !

I put 10 points in Fire Pillar, 14 points in Fireball, 1 point in Hell Breath, 5 points in Enchant Fire and 15 points in Flame Ground.

I regret investing that single point in Hell Breath (Fireball 15 would have being better), but for the rest I wouldn’t change a thing.

Some people prefer Firewall 15 over Flame Ground 15, but for my play style Flame Ground is a must (Firewall 15 is useful though, but not necessarily better; it depends on what your preferences are).

Enchant Fire is interesting as well, but once you reach Rank 6, 7, the damage boost is not that great. If you want you could get those 5 points and put them elsewhere.

I am currious on pyro buffs in the future because endgame the dmg is not so good but i read that hellbreath got a buff in ktos not sure how much of a difference

Later on all you’ll use is flame ground 10 and firewall 10+. And if you’re lucky(?) enough to not party any swordsmen, you’ll even get to use fireballs on mobs!

Pillar 5 is enough. Its most effective when used as a crowd control skill and its too costly to level it for the aoe radius increase.

Got one point in healbreath too. What is it doing there again…

Nvm you are going linker it seems

firewall is alright.
At max, each tile can hit up to 17 aoe defense worth of hits.
On small targets this ends up at a full 136 hits spread around.
On a boss it’ll be 30-40, depending on the aoe defense of the specific target.

There are worse spells, certainly.

I’d get Fire Pillar 10 for sure since the size of pillar goes up dramatically every 5 levels, it makes the skill really really good despite its long cooldown. I only got 1 point into Fire Ground because 16 seconds is a lot for 1 point of investment. Fire Enchant vs. Hell’s Breath is personal preference. I ended up getting 1 point of Fire Enchant (since that is 70 seconds of an added proc for only 1 point) and the last 3 points into Hell’s Breath. It’s just damage but with how sp heavy the skill is, I do kind of want to get more out of it in base added as the base damage does add up a lot for multi hitting skills, especially with the increases to it in kToS that we will probably get eventually. If I could of somehow fit 5 points into Hell’s Breath I would have, just there isn’t a lot of points to work with after getting core skills maxed and neat skills to 1 so that they are options.

am I the only one that finds hell breath useful at least until I get to kino c3

Never heard that firewall worked like that. Do you have a link of the discussion/video or whatever showing this?

As for the OP, i will only have Pyro C2, and no current plans to get C3, but i spread my points as:
lvl 4 Fire Enchant (to be up almost all the time, i use Cafrisun, Sacrament and stack other elemental damage on equipment, so it is worth)
lvl 1 Flame Ground
max Fire Ball (10), Firewall (10) and Fire Pillar (5)

If i ever get C3, I would probably just et Breath lvl 1, let Pillar at lvl 9 and max Ball and Wall again.

Not exactly best practice for me to reference a place I gave an answer, but they posted the video. You can kinda see how it works.

Firewall 15 in action:

Ohh very nice. Since long ago i wondered why the hit count was inconsistent.


i have Pyro3,
here is what i will have at class lv 15
15 Fireball
15 Firewall
1 enchantFire, 1 is enough for me. the only thing u get from lv it up is duration. bonus damage is just too low. plus u wont be using much of auto atk anyway. unless u plan on do support.)
1 Flame ground, the damage increase per up grade is not that high and it hit slower than other spell. 1 hit per second i think
3 Flame breath, (hoping for kTos buff here LOL)
10 Fire Pillar, 17 Sec CC and a ton of damage ;D

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I have a Pyro3/Linker/Warlock and my current point distribution is

15 Fireball (Great help in bosses)
15 Firewall
4 Flame Ground
10 Fire Pillar

I didn’t put points in enchant fire since I don’t AA as much
1 remaining point is for Hellbreath, waiting for the kTOS pyrobuff patch

Enchantfire attribute is decent tho, it give 5 sec quick damage boost.
for me, the attribute make the spell worth 1 point at least.

Max Hellbreath now!
Yes, it’s not good for now. But in kTOS, it got a HUGE buff. You won’t need to reset your skill later.

  1. fire ball 15

  2. fire wall 15

  3. enchant fire 1

  4. fire pillar 5/10

  5. hell breath 1/5

  6. flame ground 8/15

  7. fire ball is really pyro’s biggest stand alone burst skill, hits flying/ground is aoe based and can be cast often + burn effect. Max it

  8. firewall 15, for linker it’s your main burst with linking stuff up. dmg will be high with it get it, as you want maximum hits

  9. enchant fire 1, use it to debuff bosses around you and auto attack as filler solution, also good aoe buff. Really good for leveling, but often it gets cancelled out because switching channels anyway.

  10. 5/10, reason for this is, fire pillar dmg is low in general. Doesn’t do a whole lot of dmg, 21k on max level on a single target with 17 sec cc solution, on lvl 5 it’s going to be 12 sec with 14k. People will use it to trap monsters and frankly i don’t see monsters last for 12 sec anyway. The cooldown is also massive which makes it even less interesting to max.

  11. hell breath 1/5, it gets a big boost. in the next patch it seems but frankly you don’t have the points. It’s going to be great in combination with fire pillar a 12 sec burst. level 1 will do as the level increasement isn’t much of a difference anyway

  12. flame ground 8/15, does about half the dmg of lvl 15, but has a good uptime.

I think this is a worthy trade off.

Is Fireball burn debuff worth turning on?

I can’t seem to give all my party members enchant fire. Is the range really small or is there a target limit?