Tree of Savior Forum

BM(falconer) V.S. Mergen(falconer)

wich one is better? mergen has high AOE skill (those are really good with falconer itself)+ op burst combo eventhought has the large CD, and the dmg depends of the falconer(that turns the mergen as a replaceable plug).
BM has an awesome AA + good AOE burst (less than mergen) but is lack luster if it is not in circle 2.

Archer1 /QS3 /Rogue 1/Falconer3/ Mergen or bullet ?

If you planning to invest on both main and off-hand, bm is better because it has better cd and single target damage.
Otherwise, mergen will be cheaper to play with falc3.

BM version is stronger at Auto-attacks, mergen version is a bit stronger at burst AoE.
BM weapon investment is higher, you will need crossbow + pistol.
Mergen needs a bow, and is naturally stronger vs Flying mobs.
Both classes require +AoE ratio because falconer sonic strike uses your AoE attack ratio. Mergen skills require AoE attack ratio to become efficient. BM skills have some AoE naturally (bloody overdrive, R.I.P.).

Solo challenge mode here
At HG 340 here

Inje Kang HG 340 here
Inje Kang solo challenge mode here

Challenge mode (not Inje) here
Another challenge mode (other player) here

Another HG player here


But mergen is not kinda bad now with the circling changes?

Not really, it’s indeed less powerful, but it’s not thaat weak. Just got to invest on AAR gear now.
I guess the changes on the falconer side would make for a more uniform character. But right now that I play a mergen falconer, I find that with parthian shaft, triple arrow and spread shot, I’ve more than enough to kill the small group of enemies that form up when you roam around a map.

That, I guess won’t change with the falconer changes, since I was not using circling to begin with.


Imo, bm require less invest in AAR gears as their skill have bonus AAR. But for mergen they are require to invest in AAR gears to be effective.

Not saying AAR gear investment are expensive tho, vubbe+squire+potion should be enough.

Could I please be reminded how to get /make these AoE potions pls? TIA

alchemist craft, short duration and ingredient is not easy to find

Rukly’s hall of fame ( a map, very famous on rank 7, 1,4 years ago) has a gimmick that used to give AAR potions, don’t remember how much they gave, also think they last for like 30 seconds.

They’re great? (perhaps not worth the travel to the map to begin with), but they’re there, the gimmick was “guess a number” if I’m not mistaken.

The gimmick still there, it still gives those potions
Not really sure if it’s worth the trip though, I think, probably not.

1 minute only? Gah I don’t think it’s not too reliblable to actually include as a staple buff if you ask me…

Got 15, if only the CD was not 2 minutes…
There’s still the alchemist option.

Think I’ve never seen that aoe potion in game before…

Me neither, I’ve no reason to doubt its existance though.

I always say “I’ll level that alche today” never get the will to do it though.

Well atlest I got 8 aar right now… with squire buff it is 11… so with circling revamp I will end up with 14…

I cnt wait for the falconer updates…

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