Tree of Savior Forum

Blurr's Thoughts on a PVP Channel

One comment about not originally planning a feature doesn’t completely negate it as an idea for future development. Any good company that claims to listen to their users, (which IMC Games has been doing), will continue to listen and take all notable feedback into consideration.

Your feedback isn’t constructive in anyway. You’re a naysayer with very little to back up your reasoning. And those kinds of posts are a waste of everyone’s time.


Indeed the Q&A is how old? Date shows May 2014 - duhhhhhhhhhhh a Q&A wich is more than 1 year old makes every new suggestions meaningless. Even if it was 1 Month old the devs rely on new suggestions - if majority of their player want something “new” then why not? We are on a gaming forum not the Roman Senat


“don’t suggest improvements in a beta”


True that - listen to him boyz!

Beta Test Feedback
Beta Test Bug Report
Beta Test General

Sub Forums are just a bait! Don’t fall for them!

/sarcasm off

i agree but GvG? nah. GvG is still needed. xD GvG for official tournaments. :3


With so many people gathered together, will there be cases of kill
stealing bosses or large scale PVP in the fields? How the game is
designed in terms of PVP? Are you going to design something like “War of
Emperium” in Ragnarok Online?

Kim Seyong:
PVP is not allowed in the fields and instances. However, we will have
arenas for 1v1 and 3v3. In the future we are looking to implement 5v5 in
the arena. As of now, we have not implemented any kind of guild siege
like other games, but we will consider this option.

Source ^

My Sarcasm: Hey! That interview is dated at 2014! It’s 2015 now so it’s not valid anymore! :smirk:

Still not enough? Then just continue on what you’re doing. I’m still telling you all, what you’re doing is meaningless for now.

We’re are still waiting on iCBT2 and already want PK channel. My goodness. :expressionless:

Oh, and a little role-play (this roleplay is based on what I read on some forum):

little billy and his mom is walking in a store and little billy saw a toy car.
Little billy: Mom! I want that toy car! It’s awesome! It’s red! :heart_eyes:
Mom: No Billy. You already have a toy truck in the house. And it’s red too. (a firetruck?)
Little billy: No mom! I want that toy car! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Mom: What did I just said little billy? :neutral_face:
Little billy: BUT I WANT IT!! :tired_face:
BypasserMom: (whisphering to her little girl) look how spoiled that kid is. Don’t be like that ok? :wink:
BypasserKid:Yes Mommy! :innocent:
Little billy: I WAAAANNNNTTTTT IIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTT!! :tired_face: :supersaiyanrage:
and they live happily ever after…

Can you link me where you heard that(if video) or read that phrase? I did read in and can’t find the post where it is. So if you kindly link it, I will read it.

And I think, this is what they mean on “…our PVP system.”

Did you just completely ignore every post explaining to you why a suggestion isn’t meaningless?

You are dense as hell.

-IMC asks for feedback
-Part of the feedback is people saying they would like a PK Channel

Is really not hard to understand. Do you not have the mental capacity to understand common sense?

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i think italic font can’t be read now. :cold_sweat:

Yes? Do you expect them to say that it is if it’s not in the game? You seriously don’t seem to understand the concept of a community showing interest in something enough to have it added into the game.

Again, yes? When the ■■■■ else is it supposed to be suggested? If you suggest it after the game is already out then it’s going to either be rushed or not properly tested. At least get a goddamn argument instead of just doing some dumbass meme bullshit with nothing but strawmen.


xShintot after a PK channel was implemented:

Vote for removing the PK channel

So i switched to the PK channel and guess what happened? I GOT KILLED BY OTHER PLAYERS!!! People nowadays are disrespectful as heck!!!
*I tried to support you and been a ■■■■ in threads and what are you doing? simply **** my ***!!!


sure thing. :blush:

they were talking about e-sport though. but still suggesting a PK or any PVP content is not meaningless caus they are listening. :3

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Thanks for the link mate.

@little billies
Please read what you’re saying to me in this thread. Now read what I said to you in this thread. Compare them.
Now tell me who is being ■■■■ in this thread. :disappointed:

You really should learn to read your own post first. It was making blatantly flimsy claims, strawmanning an entire discussion to suit your own “BUT I’M RIGHT” agenda along with a giant image for maximum meme-tastic shitposting.

Expecting anyone to take your victim complex seriously after that is laughable.

Wow. Stating my opinion in the subject is being a ■■■■ then? Or saying bad things to someone just because they have different opinion than me is?

Oh, and please tell me on what part is the victim complex is. I don’t quite get why the victim complex. I just asked who is being a ■■■■ with a disappointed emoticon. :disappointed:

Your “opinions” -which weren’t opinions since you were stating them as fact, so let’s call them “arguments”- are a fallacy, to begin with, and was explained to you the reasons why they are it.
Yet you went ahead and posted it again, thinking that will somehow make you right the second time.

Then you call us dicks just for proving you wrong? That’s quite a victim complex, my friend.

Wow. When did I start to call you a ■■■■?

Please read Sephie4321 post 1st before my post.

What about his post?

It’s really hard to understand what you are trying to say.
Though if you didn’t call us dicks then I apologize for that part.

His post contains something that I’m being a ■■■■. So I said compare what we are saying and tell me who is being a ■■■■.

And I apologize too for being understandable. Its kinda hard to reply here at mobile browser.

OK, if you are all misunderstanding me, don’t put your f*cking insults on the thread. Be civilized people.

I only said that your “suggestions” are meaningless for now because the director of operations said they are not planning to do PvP on the field or instances which is the same for what the Op is suggesting but on a different/proper channel.

I even said maybe in the next 1-2 years of the Actual phase(I mean the official phase here). I’m not against it. But for now, let’s be contented on the actual PvP system.