Tree of Savior Forum

Blocking Indonesia? IMC.. sorry but i think this is a huge mistake

I have some friends there that I wanna play with. :c

that’s what you think but it’s not a huge mistake.

Well I would totally snitch my friends if they were doing illegal stuff to get a game unless they have been fooled, wronged or weren’t smart enough to notice the illegality. Yet I wouldn’t be the one getting out of my way to do it if it would take much of my time or wouldn’t solve anything. Speaking as a friendly BR that is having issues with the confusing practices IMC have with their market. (not saying they are illegal or money grabbing, but not quite good at communicating).

TL:DR - Don’t over protect your friends crimes if you can.

Hi , i just want to ask how about indonesian that study abroad in us ??? As i study here , a lot of my friend play TOS in US server and it almost summer and all of us will go back to our country … so we will not play and just sit nothing on the holiday ??? Cause i already 250 and dont want to play another server mostly the retard gemsc**l server . All of indonesian know that server is bad, you will just lose player because of that ip block.

Im a fellow countryman and I am thankful for this particular reply post.

your case was really exceptional, you should be expecting them to not to consider you, as you are the only small numbers of students that study aboard who plays Tos.

If you are going back for good, then by all means, you have no other legal choice than playing with gemscool’s server once you are back home.

maybe try to post a ticket about transferring from US to gemscool’s server, which I doubt will work.
I wouldn’t even bother to level up all the way to 250 If I were to leave the country in a couple of months.

but if you are just going away for holidays then by all means just wait until you are back in the US.

Its just a poor planning on your side.

If you look up the information on anything marketwise it’s all explained in the announcements as far as I know. Don’t really see what is so confusing about it.

More precisely I live in a country filled with people like this. Go figure XD

It seems we still have some sensible indonesian, I’m grateful for that.


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yea I wanna add something here, first I’m not so well educated so bare with me for this next few sentences.

So dude, you really miss the main topics here, you were trying so hard to accused us and put the whole blame on us because most of us bought the EA using VPN. I don’t know why you hated us so much even we’ve never done anything wrong to you but it’s ok people have their own standard and tend to side with the majority.

Let’s assume I agree with your accusation, and we are so sorry because we make a huge mistake that probably people from the other SEA region never ever have done before, you can sue us it’s ok. But, let’s take a look at this together

Can you read the Indonesia words there ? great, so Can you explain it to us why it was there ? many were already upload this image, and many also had their respond to this image, and many of them said it was steam generic words to addressing the countries inside the SEA region. But wait can u find Cambodia? Brunei? Laos? and even East Timor there ? oh wait they are not part of SEA maybe ? or they just got banned ? but if they got banned why does Indonesia still mentioned in there ? I don’t know which answer is right but either one it proves that you can’t just blame us for the Double Standard that many of us thought here and it was happened also clearly because of their Carelessness on the first place.
And also, put aside the one who bought from the third party, how about those who got this as a gift from their friend ? or those who paid their friend from the other country to bought this EA from their store and later send it as a gift since there was an INDONESIA words printed on the redeemed option

And if this happened as the follow up of their business strategy with one of the Indonesian local publisher, so why didn’t they put the ban since the very start ? oh please don’t say they didn’t because they already put the ban on our store. Yea ok…they did banned our store but… dude… you can read my previous paragraph…

it is the same as telling people don’t but at the same time give them a way to do it, isn’t it ? so can you finally see the big picture from here ? YES !! we also the victims of their vague policy implementation

Last things, it’s ok if you guys the saints from the other countries wanted to put the blame on us so so f-ing much, I don’t know why you hated us so much (judging by your comments here). But our problem wasn’t with you guys from the very beginning, it was us against them. you guys can’t see the problem using our glasses and spit it out the words which you felt fit because you didn’t understand our feelings. But please stop being toxic, I personally didn’t hope for refunds since it was my fault that I got this as a gift from my Singaporean friend (you guys count this as a fault right), I just wanted to play my game that’s all. And if their final answer will still be a big no, then I’ll play my local server I’m not so educated and simple minded after all.

But really, please stop the toxic, we start the debate with a good intentions to solve this problem with the best solutions, please don’t purposely provoked us.


When I first played the game without any IP block, I was overjoyed, but I got this itch in the back of my mind, “what if they block it eventually? What will I do?” Well, I rest my case to IMC’s final judgment. Whatever the verdict, I will accept it gracefully without any complaints. I’m ready for this from the very first day.

hello from Indonesia.

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c’mon people, this is just a topic for a butthurt indos that purchased the game when they clearly knew that it is ip banned since the beginning, and won’t accept the consequences

suck it up and stop trying to change the rules, cause if you do, i have a bad news for you.

or you can just accept the fact that you have lost your $50 and just live on with life.

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I’ll give Gemscool a chance if I were you, people. This game is great anyway. If you shy away from their server because of the community, ha! as if toxic people don’t exist on the international server… If it’s because of a bad reputation, we’ll see; who knows they’ll change?

I’m sure you knew this would happen from the beginning. I was a lil heart broken when they announced their contract with Gemscool, but I’ve moved on. I know there are many aspiring gamers from Indonesia, even I know there is a guild leader. This is an unfortunate turn of event but one that is unavoidable.

Please refrain from saying ‘It’s either you refund or we stop playing.’ If you truly love TOS, you won’t mind playing on your local server. That said, I hope IMC handles this with care since it involves money (money is money no matter how small or insignificant) as well as time investment.

Wanna join our Line group maybe? Heh. We’ll be having our 2nd CBT at 1 PM!

Selamat siang, sampai bertemu di server Indonesia. =)

Dear OP,

Instead of raging here, you should meet your “Game Seller” and punch him in the face for tricking you into this crap you’re having atm. While you’re at it, you might as well go to gemscool headquarters and throw a tantrum there because they bought ToS licensing in your country to get some quick cash eventhough they know they’re not up for the job.

On your highly loaded with money and matured reasoning of “got invite that says redeemable in indonesia, ilegal ? wow ask steam”, this is all your fault for buying it from “Game Seller” that gifted the game to you when you know you can not buy the game using your account(clearly this will give you a hint that this is a bad idea). You should had known yet you went with it anyway because you are thirsty for some ToS love.

Lastly vickermond, hakunas your tatas, de-stress your breast, undo the calamity that is your mammaries or in a more simpler way in case you’re not that matured, CALM YOUR TITS. Worst case scenario, your local server will be closed under a year then you might be able to join with the rest of the world again. Until then, just accept your faith and move on.

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actually my reason to play ToS on Steam just because i wanna play with my cousin who live in NA region - so its not about publisher its simply just this updated regulation that blocking us to play together x_x

if you promoted the line group you should also tell people how to join it lol.

you seem like a nice guy, the INA community would be awesome if intelligent people band together.

So… redeemable in indonesia is our fault
Nice one

I usually take IMC’s side on these kind of thing, but that was a ■■■■ move man… they should AT LEAST offer a compensation pack on InaToS to people that originally bought the iToS stuff on steam

compensation in INA seriously man…
i didnt want play in that server…

ahhh i will just go back play dota or maybe csgo…
IMC cant follow Steam Rule, just leave Steam dude…
IMC make this hole to lure INA people to buy DLC… Smart move IMC…

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Partially your fault since you can’t buy it using your own account/IP. Which is also Steam fault since they are the one take manage all these transactions, not IMC since IMC is using steam as a platform. Hence your salty tears to IMC which might feed whole africa is completely pointless.

You’re like a customer that get mad at a waiter for crappy food when the cook are the one cooking it. Stop having a rack attack and please for the love of goddess of destiny, laima, could you please stop repeating that baseless argument of yours like a broken radio when lots of people had answer for your “redeemable in indonesia is our fault???”. Grow up.