Tree of Savior Forum

Blessing and Sacrament new formula

DISCLAIMER: This suggestion has been made believing that the current buffs does not scale with player lvls and player stats… if i’m wrong about this just let me know.

As these two buffs are now they work great for the current lvl cap BUT they will probably become utterly useless when the cap lvl will be raised to 600 in the future… wanting to take blessing as an example the maximum value it can get is 170 damage buff.

This works well with the current damage outputs and mobs health meters BUT i wonder… what will that +170 be like against lvl 500 - 600 enemies? probably crap.

The worst thing about these skills is that their value seems to be fixed and it doesn’t scale at all thus making the skills utterly useless when the lvl cap will rise.

So here is my suggestion about new possible scaling formulas.



blessing damage buff= caster lvl/2 + 15% int + 15% spr

so what would it be with a lvl 280 (current lvl cap) with a full int, full spr or mixed int/spr build? (i’m just assuming about a total of 300 stat points added by lvl 280)

  • 140 + 45 + 1 = 186 damage buff at lvl 280
  • 140 + 1 +45 = 186
  • 140 + 22 + 22 = 184

At lvl 600 cap considering about 700 points added to stats it would be:

  • 300 + 105 + 1 = 406
  • 300 + 1 + 105 = 406
  • 300 + 52 + 52 = 404

So as you can see the values sclae kind of nice without breaking the game… i mean at this point in time we already have DPS hitting for more then 1000 a hit + 170 standard blessingt it’s 1170… at cap lvl of 600 what will that be? 5000 normal hit damage + 170? the 170 sould be total crap while the 406 + would be a nice addon but NOT gamebreaking.


as it works now it’s +40 holy + 40 damage for a total + 80 that can become + 80 holy + 40 damage against holy weak enemies for a total of +120.

Kind of crap.

I think the above formula for blesisng could easely be applied to sacrament too in order to make it scale with lvl and stats… with just a minor tweak:

sacrament damage buff = (caster lvl/3 + 10% int + 10% spr) /2

So that would be, at lvl 280 with full int, full spr, and mixed stat:

  • 93 + 30 + 1 = 123/2 = holy damage 61 (up to 122 against holy weak kind of monsters) / normal damage 61 . max damage buff 183
  • 93 + 1 +30 = 123/2 =holy damage 61 (up to 122 against holy weak kind of monsters) / normal damage 61 max damage buff 183
  • 93 + 15 + 15 = 123/2 =holy damage 61 (up to 122 against holy weak kind of monsters) / normal damage 61 max damage buff 183

At max cap lvl of 600 it would be:

  • 200 + 70 +1 = 271/2 = 135 holy damage (up to 270 against holy weak kind of monsters) / normal damage 135 - max total damage buff 405
  • 200 + 1 +70 = 271/2 = 135 holy damage (up to 270 against holy weak kind of monsters) / normal damage 135 - max total damage buff 405
  • 200 + 35 +35 = 270/2 = 135 holy damage (up to 270 against holy weak kind of monsters) / normal damage 135 - max total damage buff 405

once again nor game breaking and nicely scaling from low to high lvls

Well this is my opinion and suggestion about the subject.


RIP monks that chose priest c3

Not really… monks at cap lvl would still have, let’s say blessing:

300 + 1 + 1 = 302 instead of 406

If they put some spr or int in the build and not only str/dex even more.

Monks would still have their advantage just LESS then pure support and it really is right that way: a full support class should be able to buff more then a dps with an hybrid buff build.

And as you can see if you do your math, the “caster lvl/2” part of the formula assure that even monk with not a single point in int or spr still get their buffs even if a little be underpowered compared to full supports.

New to the game? This has been said many times in Beta (4 months ago), and many skills do not scale. They also announced that lower rank skills won’t make significant impact, as they allow mistake for choosing the wrong class (and many disagree).

Regardless, this is why many (including myself) think this game is below average MMORPG.


oh really… talk to a way for the devs to bring their own game down…

Thanks for telling me

in a way, that might not be bad tho.
we are now all building knowing only the classes til rank 7
had we know all classes available til end game we would maybe choose differently
after you get to rank 7 it will harder to re-roll, at least for some people, so in a way the fact that it is more forgiving for them and they won’t have to re-roll is not that bad

Don’t be silly, many people have to re-roll in Beta regardless, because they don’t like how the class is played/designed. And it seems this is the same here.

I’m not being silly, it’s their choice. My point is: less people will have to re-roll.
The ones that take the game very seriously and have loads of time will re-roll anyway.
On the other hand as a priest, you can just skill reset later and put your points into skills that scale or that don’t fall off later.