Tree of Savior Forum

Blank Launcher?

Okay. Just don’t forget all the ignored threads.

Yeah, just forget the missing fonts on your windows folder. lul

Better blame someone else for something that’s missing on your computer.

Sure, my laptop is OEM, seems that they’re also dumb?

Heh, great

Sure and they’re also known to fill your computer with bloatware. :woman_shrugging:

Which is why I have my own desktop to work with, never had any other problems with any other launch or app, just TOS. Same with my laptop, no problems in anything, just TOS launcher.

Did IMC reply to any of the threads having the problem? or at least give a solution? I don’t think so. Just ignored, they don’t know what to do.

Obviously you’re not going to have a problem because a missing font that only one application is expecting you to have on a Windows installation that I for some reason have and works perfectly on Wine which isn’t even supported by them. :woman_shrugging:

Yeah, they did answer.

Actually, thanks for making me search the forums, I found this:

You’re most likely missing CJK fonts on your windows install, that’s why you get the default font instead of a proper one that the width/height calculations fits the main.bmp file.

Korean language on an international (English Ver) game
Eks Dee

Might as well include the font pack when installing TOS. Because a fresh install does this.

You expect non korean computers to have korean language and you blame my software installation for it?

When it works for the majority of the population, why not?

Plus the only people that make sure to complain about it in many posts prefers to act like trolls instead of filling bug reports, because they forgot to install a korean font to play a korean game. lul

And it isn’t even about the language pack, only CJK font that you’re kind of expected to have since you’re in the internet. OEMs and Windows and etc should be installing that by default so normal users can access those content without needing more setup.

Korean game yes, international version? YES. English version? YES.

As seen:

it’s hidden below as he reported, which is correct anyway because expanding shows it.

Apparently not a lot of people have the font, one little search and you’d know. And many others have been ignoring this patcher problem because it’s working, you just don’t know it does, so they don’t bother reporting it anyway, like I do. Because the reports have been ignored lmao

Oh and lastly, this is the only game having this problem, even other korean games I play do not have this.

So, if you care that much, you could be installing CJK fonts or Korean language and switching back to see if it really fixes the problem and help me fill a proper bug report instead of discussing with me here.

I’m sure that would be far more productive.

But I guess your priority is to talk bad about others instead of helping to fix stuff.

And like you pretty much know ToS isn’t perfect. They don’t have the problem because they didn’t use korean fonts the same way like that without fallbacks or checks or installing them.

No game is coded in the very same way on everything, some might show a flaw or something missing on your system while others might not or might apply workaround/fallbacks when issues are found/known.

Exactly. I’ve been saying this for a while now. They don’t know what to do so we end up fixing it ourselves anyway. Installing a KR font used by a KR game is the same, we’re the ones doing it. And no, most windows OS don’t have this by default. As seen in OEM setups, searching in this forums, and my own build.

What? I don’t understand why you quoted both together.

I’m saying: The other games doesn’t have the problem because they didn’t use korean fonts the same way like that without fallbacks or checks or installing then.

They just happened to not use it and picked something else.

If they put Korean fonts on their game they could have faced the very same problem but instead have a possible bug hidden forever.

Just like you’re doing. Hiding a bug and ignoring instead of reporting. It might be just to complain “hey, I have this bug but I won’t help you fix just so I can keep laughing about it”. :woman_shrugging:

Question: How old are your computers/systems?

They might simply be installed a few years ago instead of coming with the CJK fonts that should be present on newer installs.

It was already reported several times, and ignored as said, I’m done with getting ignored on bug reports, specially when they aren’t cooperating and usually the community solves it by themselves, for this particular case.

Laptop bought last year. Desktop A 2 years ago, Desktop B 6 years ago.

My friend’s laptops are all new, I don’t know the specific models but ASUS ROG (around $1200 USD) bought last year, a HP laptop, and a new setup bought this year. Gen6 compatible models.

oh and yes every setup I said above suffer the same patcher problem.

Read: How to write a good bug report.

More on “Windows should come with CJK fonts by default” series:

We have a Windows design choice/“bug” but you’re going to put the entire blame on IMC because Microsoft decided to remove fonts that were present in older versions (based on what the user posted - plus the answer that “were moved into an optional feature”).

Here’s the Windows issue:

Sure, it’s totally IMC fault.

Sure is, if you want your sht to work, you’ll have to adjust accordingly.

Using a different font wouldn’t hurt. Or do an actual overhaul, this has been reported several times long ago, nothing was done.

“Write a good bug report”, then get ignored as well because they have no idea on what to do.

We’re running on win10 now, if you aren’t willing to adjust then you get complaints on forums who do you think is going to get blamed?

Users? Microsoft? IMC?
You know what I’ll choose, I already explained why.

Win 10 isn’t even new anymore, and most of the new mobos actually recommend you to install win10 because win7 may not work with it.

Yeah, by installing fonts Microsoft did you the favor of making optional. I forgot that just because you’re playing a computer you must not know how to install Windows optional features and make a fuss about it.

This is not a bug with IMC code.

They should either workaround the Microsoft design change by using a different font. -> Requires someone to tell them, “hey it’s being common that most Windows installs out of Korean isn’t coming with CJK fonts and you’ll never know because all your test computers are on Korea”.

Or force the user to install the optional feature Microsoft decided to not install by default on your system, which isn’t the nicest choice.

It was reported as “a bug with your software that hides a text that should be visible”.

But when they check the software in any test computer they have, the text is visible and they’re unable to reproduce the problem.

Of course no one would ever have an idea on what to do.

You’re not making a bug report.
You’re complaining about an issue and that’s all. They’re different things.

And on top of that you’re complaining about an issue that doesn’t exist - that is simply a symptom of something else that isn’t a bug with their software but with the system running on your machine.

And it was exactly on Windows 10 that Microsoft made it optional. System which was released after the ToS patcher was developed - patcher which always worked fine.

We’re probably the first ones exploring the issue with the intent of making a proper bug report (actually, feature improvement/UI adjustment request) about it, and on this we’re lucky to actually have access to computers where we could get hints on what the issue is.

Yeah, and I’ll blame Microsoft. I use Linux because the many problems Windows have, after all.

Microsoft is known to get away from standards and such, it isn’t their first time messing up with developers because of their choices.

Even more reason that they should have noticed already that not shipping CJK and other fonts by default is bad.

Windows should at least display a dialog to download and install those fonts when they’re used by any application.

Think bigger. We’re not the only ones playing this game. A lot of people do, more so about those that do not want to have anything to pester around their system. I know what I’m doing so just expanding the damn thing in the paint was enough for me, like I said.

Yes, that’s why you use a different font because this was reported several times already and forcing installations isn’t always nice, but asking before doing so isn’t really bad, it would end up being the user’s fault if you just agreed to everything and installed it without knowing it already installed another font to your comp.

It’s an issue, it exists. It’s not an actual bug because it’s working.
The problem itself is that the texts aren’t visible. Again our patcher sucks with the mere poor fact that we’re using this font. Changing it is a good start. I stopped caring about this for a long time now and whenever someone asks for help I just tell them to resize to show progress. I don’t like guiding people into installing things so this is much simpler and safe for anyone to do unless IMC gives an official statement on not to pester with this patcher image file.

Adjusting must be done still, not left like this.

Most people playing the game run on Microsoft, again, adjusting had to be done if you want to please your players. If you chose to ignore them anyway that’s your problem. I help as much by giving a simple solution of editing via paint.

As of now, with all my setups, I’ve never encountered anything weird like ToS patcher, so I don’t see this as a problem or see it as bad.

Please link me any topic where people explicitly reported this issue as CJK fonts missing.

Then we can start discussing again.

I require that you show proof for your claims, otherwise I’m not going to waste my time any more discussing with someone that intentionally omits information.

P.S.: Did you ever try installing those fonts to confirm if it was still bugged or not? You seemed to care too much and I asked for help, I guess you still didn’t, right?

The issue was reported several times.

What are the possibilities?
Did IMC do anything?
Initially, I said to overhaul the damn thing, which of course includes the font, or the whole patcher itself because it’s bad as I’ve said several times.

The font is part of the overhaul, sorry if you misunderstood.

and yes, it must be changed because it’s already been reported several times. I cared enough to help other people as I always do, but I only do simple solutions to help them, but I’m not going through font installations.

and no, I didn’t go through that, but I’ll try if you really want me to, lol.

The issue:

Which is Windows 10’s fault. Which I’m sure you didn’t report on microsoft forums.

But the issue - the game is using a CJK font that doesn’t ship by default on Windows 10 installs was afaik never reported here on forums.

I agree that it should be changed. Not because it was reported several times but simply because it’s not working correctly.

It’s an issue - that the patcher uses CJK fonts that Microsoft made you the favor of not shipping by default anymore. Who’s to blame in the end? Everyone. You never installed the fonts, IMC didn’t keep track of Windows design changes and especially Microsoft which does these things and keeps them “hidden” and is known to get away from standards - remember all the fuss about Internet Explorer being bad and breaking sites?

And if you want to count about “reported serveral times” - you should count it from when the first report about CJK fonts appears.

In addition to that, the patcher works mostly fine for what it’s designed to. There’s not too much to improve on the patching process.

And yes, that’d help a lot to provide a proper solution and to make sure if it’s a font issue or not in the end.

Like I said, for some reason I have no fonts problems on a Linux running a Windows program on it, I can’t reproduce Microsoft’s flaws here without VMs or stuff.

Also, I was going to google and make a mini-guide on how to install them. But if you don’t mind, taking screenshots about the process would help. lol