Tree of Savior Forum

Black/Brown skins

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Well Ill still play because I think it will be a good game to kill some time from time to time.

But I do wish they would implement different skin tones. I highly doubt that they have everything from lore in the game 100% from A to Z. And its 2016 why not add different customization for the Players sake and not because its a Whites only Lore. that just sounds primitive and somewhat irrelevant to today’s culture.
Back me up if I am wrong but you can have a lore of the game but that shouldn’t involve what color players are in the lore. I mean would it really make that much of a difference?

Would some players just feel so down in the dumps all because some players aren’t white?

again seems a bit petty or primitive.

and yes I was reading something from last year, stating that color skin tones is something that they are going to look into. unless that was just said to quiet up that one thread.

meh. They can do as they please, but it just seems weird to not add it in a MMORPG where thousands of players will be playing.

Sadly I think this game might only survive with private servers after some time…

I’m sure they could add skin tones, way more eye and hair colors etc but ToS team is being plain lazy. One of the reasons why so many people played RO in private servers was the ability to choose costume and hair colors from MANY options. It sucks that legit servers don’t care about stuff like that, while those small things make a large population of the players much happier and would even spend money to buy them with tp. I mean jesus just 1 person could whip up different color options in few hours and they would pretty surely make a lot of cash with it.

This seems bump worthy :o

Bumping this again.

Not asking for a new suite of costumes here, just a slightly darker skin option. Dark-skinned players are a thing that exists.

Edit: Also, if I understand the previous posts correctly, the game’s creators are embracing the “Whites Only” aspect of Lithuanian lore but ignoring other aspects of it (Lithuanian Shinobis? Anime-Inspired Art?)…

It sounds like you guys just don’t like dark-skinned people.


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that would be cool, +1 for that…but before they do this…they could make Male chars looks like Male, all the chars in the game looks like girls…even they hairstyles. =(

"make males look more male"
uhh they look pretty male to me

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neat, a katanagatari fan.

Also, recolors are probably the easiest thing to implement on this earth other than like, word censors, given that their character models aren’t a disorganized mess (given they implemented eye colors I highly doobt)

More money and/or content for little work. gogogo

I rly don’t know much about these things but I’m not sure it is easy.

The face and the body are already separated and if you look at those cut out things…
…like this:

As I understood they put these cut outs on the models somehow… and the problematic part is that these include skin parts too.
So maybe I’m wrong as I said I dunno too much about these but I’m afraid they should actually make a black etc. skin version of every class 1 by 1 because of this…? not sure. But I guess they could do that too anyway.

I never understood this… They look male to me. Even with ponytail. They are not overly manly for sure but they are boyish.

On the other hand if they would make different models and you could choose different body types later I wouldn’t mind… but I’m afraid that would be a lot of work too to make…
Although beards would be rly welcome already…and hopefully that one shouldn’t even be a big problem.

Most artists use layers for different parts, and you can literally recolor using tone sliders that are available in even simple programs like paint tool sai. All opacity and whatnot is kept. Even if they don’t seperate skin from clothing via layers, it’s very easy to isolate a certain color set in photoshop and use tone sliders from there.

That’s why you see a lot of fan recolors of stuff, haha. It is troublesome that they decided to merge clothing layers with skin layers rather than base it on a single model, but it still shouldn’t be difficult.

I see. That’s good to hear. Then I hope they will do it sometime. :relaxed:

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I tweaked some of the game’s textures and put everything back together to show what it would/could look like. This is maybe 2 hours of work using some masks in photoshop…

And here are a couple closeup screen caps:


@Staff_ethan I disagree that being an excuse/ answer to the skin color change.


  1. A game should not be race based.
  2. I am Latvian ( neighbour country of Lithiuanian, and my mythology is also featured in the game). It’s not as old Lithuanian’s had never seen a dark skinned person. There are gypsies and other nationalities who’s skin is indeed darker and they would live in the same region.

The only thing you could say is - KToS does not feature dark skin, so there for the Western game doesn’t have one either.
Though I don’t know if that is indeed true.

I still think there should be an option to chose a skin color at least with 3 different tones, instead of being forced to go white.


Nicely done. It looks cool!

Well put!

When it comes to games I think that choosing a skin color is something ever multiplayer game should have regardless of that the game is based on. It kills the immersion of the game for a lot more people who wants it then its does for the people don’t. The last MMO I played it Way tO much When I quit it too play this game I had bunch of alts of all different colors and it never became stale. In fact thinking about it there arent any human/worg eh…werewolf main characters of color in that game. They are losing a lot of money by not accommodating to people who just want to make a character worthy of time playing.

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Bumping this up because waffl3s examples look so freaking good. And the lore is no excuse to add more skin tones, there are NPCs with slightly darker skin tones and even white skinned people can tan a lot. Stop being lazy IMC and give people what they want. I could easily overlook some bugs if I could customize my characters more to my liking. 8)

Silly USA Americans you dumbasses are so obsessed with race that you need to have your characters have a skin color just like yours so you can be comfortable playing as your character. Its just a game for ■■■■■ shakes.

Eye and hair color I absolutely agree with . Skin, I would have to say no. Though the devs probably won’t mention this, this would cause unwanted drama. Just like the real world, gaming is no stranger to racism. Best if we just avoid the issue all together. Though it would be nice, it’s just not possible without conflict.

Its remind me so much of Gravity response in RO days haha.
Something like “in korea it is not a common skin tone”, sorry for bring RO there but seriously.

First, I’m not north american, but I’m white and I would still like to make a tanned character. Seriously it’s a beautiful skin tone.

Wow, well done D:

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