Tree of Savior Forum

Birthday Gifts for Characters

I think s/he was confusing “off-topic” with “contrary”.

Two of my former classmates committed suicide,
one of which was shortly before, the other was shortly after their respective birthdays.
The usual self-loathing reasons. (that’s one of the common reasons for suicide, by the way)
I can appreciate most jokes, but if it isn’t actually funny, it can be pretty morbid for some.

Nice idea. A sweet gesture, for the most part.
It’s essentially the same as annual celebratory event freebies. (i.e. Halloween, Christmas, etc)

I didn’t say I liked what op said here, just that coming here to throw your anger all around is pointless, just ignore it and move on, don’t fuel this forum with something nobody wants to see, flame wars. There is way too many all around the internet. No need to start it here, right ? :stuck_out_tongue:

Also it is kinda off topic, if i post something like : "Hey i wanna know X infos about Y skills of Cryomancer, can somebody help me ? Also, bike. "
The topic is not bike xD
He did not come here to tell us what he thinks about gifts, he came here talking aggressively about sad things ^^

This would be cool, unless its possible to abuse the windows clock to get free gifts every day, or some similar exploit.

I don’t even think changing the windows clock would do anything since the timer on the minimap was always set to a different timezone than where I am (forgot if it was EST time) so I doubt changing it would do anything. Plus, aren’t those gifts usually server sided instead of client sided?

happy birthday! thanks for sticking with us so long. as a little thank-you gift, we have sent you a few things:

hp potion x 5 (bound, untradeable)
mp potion x 5 (bound, untradeable)
firecrackers x 5 (bound, untradeable)
birthday cake hat (bound, 1-day)

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I… I want the birthday cake hat now. WHY YOU DO DIS TO ME :frowning: only thing close to what we need is this.

Oh and the potions should make your character say “Happy Birst Day” :smiley:

That way it refreshes on the next birthday.
Could even have multiple types and colours so you don’t all get the same one each year.

But… then the hat wouldn’t be special since everyone who has played for 1 year will have the infinite rainbow colored hats. 1 day makes me feel special :smiley:

Opinions opinions.
If it were one day with no real benefits, I’d find it very worthless.
Personally I’d like it permanent, with a new type each year.

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Birthday hats should be permanent, and every year it grows larger in size until the hat eats up all of Klaipeda. Now you must play for 20 years!


I really like this topic since it will benefit for us and also in game, popularity. :smile_cat:

Yeah sure add it, so people can sustain their spoiled brat complex.

Edited main topic :memo:

Added a solid introduction with a definition and examples to the main body to avoid confusion and expand the initial idea, instead of it being mostly empty rhetoric.

What about a special birthday quest? Like, making a cake or something? That would be fun!


I love that party cone hat :blush:

besides untradable items as suggestion, why not simply make it something like a one day exp boost and/or drop rate boost. A 20% to 50% (hopeful much?) exp boost just for the duration of that day.

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No no your example is off. it would be like “I want to know X info about Y skills of Cyromancer because everyone who plays Cryomancers love to ride bikes.” is more accurate to how the OP worded the topic.

Still the same thing =)

Or Because I love pizzas, Because Mickey Mouse is a drug dealer, because blablabla… You get it ^^

The only thing I meant is, if people would refrain themselves from posting salty/nervous/angry/aggressive comments everywhere just because it “hurts their feelings/does not suit their POV” MAYBE forums would really cool to read again =)

Just because you CAN do it does not mean you should ^^

Well yeah that’s true. I’ll agree there wasn’t a need for him to go on about it, but it’s still something he took offence to.

Cé la vi

Maybe if you people weren’t so greedy, stupid, arrogant, ignorant, or narcissistic, I wouldn’t have to post anything.

Alas, as natural as you humans are, you will try to say anything to get even more free stuff from an already free game.

I don’t see how I’m the bad guy, yet you try to make out as if I am, that’s just pathetic.