Tree of Savior Forum

Big Quarrel Shooter passive nerf in the new R10 update?

Yeah hence you said we only started seeing this now the mobs are getting higher defenses…

But I kind agree, if the upcoming r10 is going to change this or modify this attribute it is a fix and not a bug unless that is what imc really intended to do??

Could it be the interactions with def debuffs in general ?
Not just xbow issue

Tried hitting a friend with 14k pdef.

Limacon without xbow = 850
Limacon with xbow = 1110

Seems correct ?

2nd one

limacon without xbow = 740-750
Limacon with xbow = 890

When you equip a gun, no matter you equip a crossbow or not,
Limacon will always applid this attribute.

empty 1 hand = crossbow

Could someone please make a separate thread for this? I think OP posted something different… :slight_smile:

Yep. Most SR builds are done for, and BM will be too unless the numbers on the third circle are staggering. This and the -10% nerf to missile damage without compensating under-performing classes is horrible. BM’s can expect to lose something around 25-30% to their overall damage on autoattacks, unless outrage is secretly a powerful effect similar to running shot and lets us dump QS3 and enjoy ranger/wugu goodness. That’s the only hope for BMs at the moment.

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Oh yeah the missle thing patch… i keep reading that it is a fix instead of a nerf though. But still, considering that patch and this attribute bug when fixed together, you could be right that sr and bm builds may lose that much in terms of auto attacks…

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People can call it what they like. I’ve seen a lot of people claim that it’s OK to further marginalize borderline and underperforming classes as long as it’s a fix and not a nerf. The distinction is just a word. 10% is 10%, and now that I’ve have more time to test my BM with the change, I can say with a straight face that it’s a meaningful loss.

So you’re implying bugs in a game should not be fixed if it benefits your favourite class? Brb, calling IMC to bring back my Shinobis 777k damage bug…

And yes, there is a huge difference between a bug and a nerf. A nerf is done for the sake for balancing. A bugfix is done to fix behavior that was not intended by the developer in the first place. If it is a nerf then discussion is all ok. However, if it truly is a bug, then it was never intended that way by the developer and you should just be happy that you were able to use that unfixed bug for such a long time.

In my opinion bugs should be fixed no matter what. If a class becomes severely underpowered as a result of the fix to a point were they are weaker than the devs intended, then that class should get improved afterwards.

If i remember correctly Fencers skill Attaque Coquille works in a similar way

It says “defense will be ignored” but if i remember correctly instead it just adds the enemies def as a +atk values to “simulate” def-piercing. I’m not sure what result this skill has with the new log-damage formula.

Oh yeah sounds familiar. But they do not state how much… Probably not as high as qs3 attrib? Otherwise what is the point of nerfing it from 5 to 3% if they work the same and have similar values…?

I don’t know why they changed it from 5 to 3%. However, i could think of a reason why they would lower or remove it at all : With the old atk-def damage system a boss having, say, 10k defense would lower the damage alot while this pseudo-def-ignore effect would counter that.

If however you have your damage formula changed so extremely high def values are less effective than before (which it is with the new log-formula, if i remember correctly) but you keep the old increase-damage-directly-based-on-def bonuses the way they are (which QS- and Fencer-skills seemingly are since they probably simply forgot to adapt them to the new log-based damage formula) then over time, with bosses getting thousands and thousands of more def to counter the power creep of equipment, these ignore-def bonuses would become extremely powerful.
This, however, is just my reasoning for why they could’ve done this change.

Maybe IMC is doing this because of Quarrel Shooter Master…? (I like to call it Super Quarrel Shooter)

1- Master classes are coming. We don’t when. But they are!

Yes I thought the same. Maybe we are heading towards more content??? that have mobs with extremely high defenses hence the nerf

I wish there are hopefully. Better if we dont need a full circle to have it, and having circle 3 is enough of prerequisite… But yeah the nerf/patch/fix will be noticeable when it hits itos