Tree of Savior Forum

Big Quarrel Shooter passive nerf in the new R10 update?

You have to wear a shield to proc the effect.

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You forgot about losing 15% ignore def for xbows.

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Not only a nerf to melee archers. This, and the xbow mastery nerf, are a huge nerf to any archers with QS in their build. IMC nerfing the only class in the archer tree giving some utility for pvp/gvg, as if archers were not already useless in pvp/gvg.

In the meanwhile, Retiarius gets a new attribute allowing to deflect 100% of missile attacks. That was not enough with missile hole…

Let’s hope this patch never arrives to iTOS.


Rogues and Hacka have an autoswap function. It will switch to Bow + Sword if you have them on swap for melee skills and then swap back.

Change for xbows was much needed ever since they reworked attack vs defense formula. Ignoring 25% of enemy defense is way too strong of a bonus.

Actually, current 25% ignore def is not really “ignore” the def.
It’s effect is to get an additional damage equal to 25% monster’s def.
You can see my test long time ago.

I believe they will fix this attribute’s effect in this R10 modification.
However, this change still a huge nerf on AA builds’s DSP again’s high def boss like Velcoffer.

Maybe some high % skill like Spiral Arrow or Barbed Arrow will get some benefit from this change.


Let’s not forget this passive’s effects being stripped from every other weapon type, rendering it useless to the pistol users of the world.

The new pistol mastery and BM3 skills are going to have to be amazing, or it’s going to kill an entire branch of the archer tree.

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It’s going to be amazing for SRs and a few builds, but it’s gonna ■■■■ all over hybrid/melee archers, which are already bad to begin with.

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Wish I could say I had faith, but the sweeping -10% missile damage nerf indicates a profound lack of awareness on IMC’s part. No one but a complete and utter dolt, pea-brained dullard, would even consider nerfing nearly a quarter of the game’s classes, awful and novelty builds included, just to reduce the damage of a select few.

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Now remake your tests without forgetting to take arrow vs leather damage bonus using actual, current, iToS values.

In any case, those new changes are completely retarded. I don’t even try to understand what’s going on inside IMC devs’ heads anymore. It’s impossible to comprehend how they decide what needs “balancing” and what doesn’t.
They nerf crossbows, but having 50% damage bonus for bows is perfectly fine?
They add an attribute for one handed swords… but only for swordsmen. Aren’t they forgetting about another sword-wielding class?


It’s actually the opposite. It’s a really nice thing they’re revisiting old mechanics that works in different way than described or intended.

There’s a huge difference between nerfing something and fixing their very old bugs/inconsistencies.

after reading all about this patch, i just don’t care about all the class changing anymore. IMC keeps changing the point what i should build. basically, i completely lost. how about all my build i have made til now?? all the att point i have used?? so tired :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:

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I’d guess there’s a huge chance we’re getting rank reset events for rank 10 release. :x

how many??? 2 or 3?? it’s never enough for 20+ characters i already had ??

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I got 25 characters and Rank 8 -> Rank 9 rank reset event was pretty fine. Rank 7 -> Rank 8 was very nice as well.


thats like… +8000 damage on every hit on velcoffer.

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No, you ignore defense%. I tested it when i was debating defense formula.

Well, let’s do a simple experiment to verify it.

Test vedio:

In this vedio, I have 864 phy-atk with a bow.
And damage is about 103

Then I switch to a sheild.
I have 819 phy atk now.
And the damage is 2077.

Since I only have 819 atk.
It’s impossible to get 2077 damage if this attribute’s effect is normally ignore def%.


You sure you didnt proc quarrel shooter shield mastery?
You blocked right before you start attacking.

Shield mastery attribute only triggered by missile attack.
So don’t worry about it.

Shield mastery effect will also show in F1 window.
You can check the phy atk in my status. it’s 819.