Tree of Savior Forum

Beta Key Distribution Announcement

Good. We don’t need people like you in the community anyway. =)

Sweet ^ this answered the question I was about to ask lol.
I’ll patiently be waiting with my e-mail address open haha

They corrected the 160hrs it’s only 22-24 hours now? I think they changed it from 24 to 22 recently as well.

wonder if that’s 22-24 hours from the original time or from right now

What are you talking about? They didn’t correct anything… it still says 160 hours in the text they posted.
I guess you’re not realizing that this thread here, has nothing to do with the additional beta keys that we were able to register for in the past few days.
That information you are relying on was postet over 17 days ago so I rather rely on the 160 hours, what they wrote yesterday.

Sigh, I wish people would read before posting. The first batch of additional Beta Key Distribution

That was 17 hours ago, which means if you have not received one in the next 3 hours, chances are you did not get in. Assuming it meant 24 hours from the 12am midnight lock on registration.

Oops, didn’t see they actually edited their post. Sorry for that.
Well, hope I get lucky in the next 3 hours. T_T

Yeah, people are in the wrong posts lol. Barely anyone has checked the actual post with the information in it.

Yeah!! Got the key :smiley:
I hope im gonna enjoy this game as much as i enjoyed First ragnarok online :-]

Our warned all my friends about the draw , and all won , I do not . :frowning:

please i need a key :frowning:

does not work man at all

i’m register at 240… idont get the key. :frowning:

i need beta key please.

Please! if someone has an extra beta key i could really apreciate it if i can have it by private message, i just want to test the game and contribute with comments.

please give me a key i want and couldn’t teke the key

Hello Staff I want to key TOS i want to paly with my girlfriend plss send you gift key kor me plss

help me pls send Thank you

I was going to give you my extra Key but you said you won’t play, so…

I have always followed the development of the game closely. However, as I am patient, I had no interest in playing the beta. But, today two of my friends told me they already had their keys to play, and now I feel excluded and in dire need of playing.
If anyone has any key that can give me, I would be eternally grateful. is my email.

im really trying to wait for the open beta but it seems like my patient is short. hope any of you guys would be kind to give me spare key so i could join this wonderful community of TOS

thanks -nat