Tree of Savior Forum

Best Sadhu Build

c3 bcoz i’m lazy to use other skill

UP. also like to bring to the table the discussion about monk/inq vs saddhu/pd2 dps builds

Diev1 at rank3 hands down for me. It makes life as a Sadhu so much easier.

My preference of Sadhu builds go down to the following 2:

  • Cleric 2 / Diev1 / Sadhu3 / Miko / Inquisitor
  • Cleric 2 / Diev1 / Sadhu3 / X / Taoist

So far these 2 are the ones I’ll spec to at the end of the reset event. MikoInq is good as a INT version of hybrid build while X (Miko/PD) Taoist are more support based but still have good dps.

Really hard decisions for me haiz. To bring out the true Sadhu spirit my heart leans towards X/Taoist variants but I so want the miko costume (although I seldom wear it and only use for phototaking…) and the Miko Inq combination on one of my characters.

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why not PD2 ?

I understand the reason of diev1 at r3 but what brings miko/inq/taoist to saddhu ?

lately im reading complains about diev 1 movement speed reduction on mobs acctualy, so im more into bokor variant, even if this only brings more dps, right now

and yet im still considering priest just because of ress

I did C2> B1> S3> PD2 and I find it satisfactory

I think it boils down to which part of the build one would really like to emphasise on.

the following is just my own opinion :3

In terms of efficiency and damage wise PD will win hands down, if not it wouldn’t be one of the meta ktos builds. But in the end it will feel more like a PD build which happens to use sadhu as its damage booster.

Personally I would want a sadhu build in which Sadhu is the main ‘component’ which brings the entire build together. The build just extrudes so much of sadhu and all other classes are secondary that serve to augment it.

There is a combo for Miko Inq which Sadhu extends the damage quite substantially. I’ve highlighted it here.

As for Taoist’s case, it brings quite a lot to the table and fits naturally with the Diev+Sadhu gameplay. Having a 2nd fade is always very good especially for Sadhus.


Thats really a different aproach, and make sense
as for me i still think the bokor saddhu pd is the way to go, really high dps output and mobile.

now after read a lot im considering monk3>inq as for dps, dont know who will brings most dps faster, monk x inq have an amazing sinergy

Agree, bokor sadhu pd is a very mobile and big aoe range build as compared to the other variants. Miko Inq needs quite a bit of setup which although I’m already used to it (since my previous build is diev3 miko kab inq) , still doesn’t feels smooth at times.

Now is time to harden my heart to drop miko… my cute costume T_T

For monk3>Inq vs sadhu pd2, the advice is what would you like your build to do? One is small group oriented dps which is poised to kill bosses and small groups of monsters fast, and the other is more suited for big aoe damage.

what do you guys think about cleric3 sadhu3 pd2? more heals cure damage and guardian saint (cleric3 costume?). haven’t tried guardian saint yet… gonna wait until the next rank reset resets before i’ll try this…

Arctur thats annother very good option, more on the supportive side and guardian with TP party friend could really work well

Note Effigy has been buffed in Ktos.
For any one trying to incorporate Bokor c1 into their build.

You suggest this filler class to be a damage class or a support class?

I am thinking on getting Cleric C3, Priest C1 or PD1 for Support (in case of an ET os something like that), or Druid1 for damage (people are saying that Carnivory is nice damage now). Besides that, Kabba1 is on the corner (could we say Damage and Support at the same time?) and Oracle for the utilities, more for solo play than really helpful for party.

So many options!! Don’t know if I will be able to test all haha

Can anyone tell me the pros of taotis on sadhu3 outside the fade skill?? Thxx

I just tried it. Creeping Death damage is nice. Still wanna try exploding the talismans. Besides that, didn’t see a lot of advantages. BUT, the fade skill is very welcome on ET parties as far as I know.


I reseted my Sadhu base build (Cleric3 - Sadhu3 - Kabba2) to try this one:

Cleric2 - Diev1 - Sadhu3 - Kabba1 - Taoist.

Removing Kabba2 for Taoist was fine. The only downside for me was buying talismans… If the skills consume only 1 was “fine” maybe, but 2 (or 3, for Creeping Death) is not that nice for me. Is not a huge deal, but you will always have in mind how much talismans you still have (maybe this mechanic is what made me forget my Sapper haha) Besides the Fade skill, it doesn’t looks like added much to the build itself, and even the Fade skill seems to be very situational

Now Cleric3 was a loss. I missed my Heal carpet doing damage haha Also the long duration for Safety Zone was a loss too… still getting used to this. But the Heal helped a lot with damage, for sure.

And IDK if I am not using Dievdirbys right, but i didn’t notice an expressive difference on the cooldown. The downside for me was re-carving all the time, cause bosses were destroying it very fast (I even took care of use R7 near it to spare a hit and dish more damage). But the warp statue is tempting haha

I will give more tries to this build before dooming it, but this first experience (some quests that I was missing and 2 Siauliai runs) was not satisfactory for me. I think the statue is just another setup that doesn’t add that much, but Taoist could be interesting to consider because of more hardcore parties for ET or something like that, but in solo play was almost disappointing.

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Which is best

Sadhu3 pd2
Sadhu2 miko1 pd2
Sadhu2 druid1 pd2

The 3rd circle of sadhu grants a stronger astral body explosion and possession, but druid1 and miko1 grants an extra aoe skill. Is it worth going sadhu2 and 1 circle of druid or miko for the extra offensive skill or a stronger ABE and possession is a must.

The good thing about Sadhu C3 is Transmit Prana. When you use it, you’ll get a buff for 55 seconds that add psychokinesis damage to your attacks, something like Blessing. The ammount increased is Min.M.Atkk x 0.6, which is a great ammount, and scales with your main attack.

The problem with the skill is that it’s not permanent. With Diev CD Statue + Divine Might the skill has a 60 seconds duration and 65 seconds cooldown, which is almost there. However it depends on the statue to reduces its cd, otherwise the default cooldown is 80 seconds. Not sure if I can increase the duration of the buff with Miko Clap.

Just like Blessing, it not affects OOB damage. Also, OOB was nerfed after this patch. Before, the damage was M.Atkk x 1.5 + attributes up to 100%, and now I noticed it’s something like M.Atkk x 1.0 + atributes up to 50%. With Transmit Prana, your auto attacks will deal the same or more damage than OOB, even with a rod.

There are only two reasons to use OOB: to cast ABE, or to finish a monster with Incineration (PD build) when you don’t have other ways to apply a debuff, since with the attribute, OOB applies a -def debuff.

Here is my interpretation on how diev1 sadhu3 X (Miko in this case) Taoist plays. Definitely a plus for solo play.

Some notes on diev1.

  • It has more uses than just reducing cooldown of TP.
  • Use statues together with fade or Dark Sight, then you will see why it conforms so well with Sadhu.

For the sake of support wise, I set my heals to not deal damage :3

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You think a more consistant TP is worth it for the 1 rank of diev over bokor1 at c3?

Yes. I tested Bokor C1 at rank 3, and I barely used hexing and effigy, because most of the time I was occupied with other skills. So Diev was my second try and I liked it more.

Something else that I noticed from Bokor is that it’s really hard to debuff many enemies at once with Hexing. And with Pandemic having 25sec cooldown, it’s best to save it to spread Black Death Steam, instead of using it to spread Hexing.

Also, Psychokinesis damage can be multiplied by other things, just like fire damage from an Arde Dagger for instance. I made the following test right now using Possession against an enemy weak to holy:

  • Character level 274 (50SPR, 294 INT);
  • Monster lvl 284, dark type;
  • Possession lvl 10;
  • Transmit Prana lvl 5: 1294 additional damage on description (could be a bit higher due to Divine Might).

Without TP: 3488 damage
With TP: 6027 damage

So in this case, I got a 2539 damage increase due to TP.

Is Cleric3->Sadhu3->Miko->Inquisitor is good? It feel is lacking something or I’m just used too on my previous build. Any advise would really help