Tree of Savior Forum

Best Dungeon (140/170/260/290) farmer in Ktos/Jtos?

What is the current best dungeon archer farmer for archer in ktos? I saw saw Sr3 vids… wanna know more from ktos players :slight_smile:

Can’t see her gears tho hmmm nice build.

Holy hell, that video… inspires me to swap to that… but… Stats and Gear?

All dex

astrabow+11 10tr + three 7star green gem.
solmiki leather glove + running shot gem.
gladiator band*2
drag neckless+16

hair1,3 attack+120, eletric, dark+90
hair2 aoe+1

glassmole*6, empty 2cards.

Blistering thrash need AOE stat.
Blistering thrash’s AOE = 5 + character’s AOE stat.
I think that +3~5 aoe is essential!

Still pondering stat, skill, gem equipment.

edit: he added it to one of his other videos and in the comments

its very expensive. double gladiotor band. needs accuracy gloves (solmiki preferred) and a very high patk weapon. otherwise full dex is not viable.

With that gear you can be whatever you want xd