Tree of Savior Forum

Best bossing Alchemist build?

I know alchemist 3 isn’t a priority bossing class, but I wanted to try making an alchemist 3 for Alchemistic missile and Combustion. I’m currently looking for a great damage based Alchemist 3 build.
A couple builds I seen were
Wizard 3 -> Linker 2 -> Alchemist 3
Wizard 1 -> Cryo 3 -> Kino 1 -> Alchemist 3

(Not sure if those are good or what would be better, I also really like bossing if that matters)

Well, I have no word to say but:

Alchemistic missile is not as good as you think.

Linker is not good with bossing.
The point of Wiz3-linker is JP-MM which is to deal with a group of monsters.

Cryo3-Kino is so-so, without Surespell or Psychic Pressure attribute (Kino C3 only). Your burst damage will be interrupted by Boss’s AoE or even a bite of small popolion. And long cooldown.

Beside, you shouldn’t go for Alch in the first place if you want to deal with boss.
I have seen an Alch killing boss in daily mission with dig and Combustion but it’s all about the gears. It’s useless outside the field and especially ET.

So in my opinion you should go Wiz3-Ele3-WL2 or Cryo3-Kino3-RC(or WL) if you really like bossing.
But If you like Alch, trust me , give up bossing .

Have fun~. God bless Alchemistake.

Linker isn’t that great for bossing.

Wizard3>Elementalis2>Alch3 is a much better alternative.

Cryokino will not do good damage on bosses without surespell to prevent interrupt. Strictly for boss killing, Wiz2Cryo2Kino will be loads better, but the build will be bad at everything else.

If you are making an alchemist, the whole purpose would be to utilise the non combat aspects of alchemist.

What you want as filler classes would be classes that aid your levelling, or maybe do well in saalus, and not bossing.

Hence below are a few options you can consider


  • Ele2 is pretty good despite having no frost cloud. Wiz3 to help in casting speed. Furthermore, future updates have 2 overheat for electrocute and meteor which makes it even more viable. Hail is extremely good for bosses to help you clear saalus.


  • This would be good for parties and yourself if you are not geared as Thauma provide good buffs. Pyro2 is a better dps option considering the only other option is Wiz3 and Cryo2

Wi3 > Ele2 > Alche3

best dps so far , Energy Bolt and Ache missile with combustion was good.

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alchemists are not main characters. half their power is in homunculus, which has a 10 day limit. so even when the summon patch comes that will screw you over. currently, by far the best alch3 build is pyro1 link3 alch3. with homun only given JP.

any video you may have seen of overweight combustion boss killing… well, that was nerfed to max 3 combustions. and is never gonna work in party since they steal your dig items.

Like 90% of Alchemist’s power comes from alchemistic missile…Homonculus does nothing.

Is that something common, or something you just theorycrafted? Why do you think that is the best build right now?

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The only Alc bossing i could see would be

Wiz2-Cry2-Psy1-Alc3 with option to RC in R9
(yes Cry2, cuz you need that IW to use PP to its (full) potential, except you wanna try experimanting with Audras adn weapon swap)

But as the others already said, an Alc won’t make anyone happy when used for bossing

Hello, please allow me to borrow this for one quick question.

Which alc3 build is easiest/quickest to level? Planning to make one myself.

link3 alch3 is not that common, as linker is awkward for dungeon ques. often those making alchemists are already wealthy with powerful weapons, and lately shop blessing was very strong (just nerfed today), so people would go cryo3 sorc or cryo kino3 for icewall boss killing.

link3 alch3 is absurdly powerful while homunculus lasts. it’s something I tried in may, before ditching it due to the homunculus 10 day limit. if it werent for that limit, I think alchemist could be “main characters”.

homunculus will cast 1 skill every 18 seconds. if you only put one skill on it, it will only cast that skill. of the skills homun can use, Joint Penalty 16 is very very strong with this. in particular with alch3- alchemist missile. only link immunity can keep this out of solmiki.

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Pyro Linker Alch or Wiz3Ele2Alch.


Ah I see…Thanks for the explanation. The OP was asking for help with a bossing build though, and your build seems to be support oriented. What testing did you use to see the homonculus skill cast frequency? I noticed my homonculus casts very irregularly, though it’s with an overheat skill.

It’s sad to see potential for a support-oriented summon going down the drain due to homonculus farming though. It’d be way more manageable if it were one month+ duration imo.

much of my testing was simply on lemprasa pond dummies. they are good for everything but dps and knockback tests.

the irregularity you see is likely due to “being in combat” on and off. and the homuns distance from you. homun will not use skills if you AFK, but if you go into combat stance it will. even if you attacked your own fireball. it will also follow you and must be a certain distance before it uses skills.
homun will cast joint penalty on targets off screen sometimes, but an aoe like fire pillar it will only cast on itself… >.<

homun ignores overheats, which makes overheat skills usually too weak.

if one wants to kill some bosses in saalus with an alch, icewall dps is probably the way to go. the original commenter mentioned combustion(mostly harmless) and alch missile… but… meh

i tried alch combustion with a linker 2 during reset event and it worked pretty well.

I think pyro link 3 is not bad especially with 5 OH fireball now, i think pyro is a decent 1 circle filler class.
Cryo 3 kino 1 is decent for bossing but it depends heavily on magic attack.

safest route in my opinion is wiz 3 ele 2 alch 3 because when rank 9 comes, you will just take ele 3 and have more dps with frost cloud and a higher level hail.

Can confirm this is false. My homonculus has often casted skills while I am standing still after combat, and often even when I am in town it casts skills. Maybe the skills I put in it were bugged, but it was weird to me.

combat stance can include wierd things like casting reflect shield.
standing still after combat… yeah, it will use skills, until you afk for awhile. just like sorcerer summon. you know, to keep those dirty alchemists from taking over dina bee.

I have a homun active this week (pyro3 sorc2 alch2), setup to spam fire pillar. its actually kinda strong. a shame it never bothers to aim it…

Gust and Magic Missile both were being casted without me having any buffs or anything, just afking. Went to dinner and came back and homonculus was still doing so (no monsters targetted cause I said in town).

Maybe no more DPK means we get to actually farm the homonculus mats more efficiently…

Did you use divine might to make homonculus, or did you just buy a stone (being an alch2 and all…).

Also, I noticed some of your posts you say the summoner patch applies to homonculus too…do you have a video showing this? (Sounds fun if true).

well, I know SPR applies to homun damage. so I assumed the upcoming patch would use the same coding for all summons that sage can’t copy. guess I’ll find out for sure tomorrow.

unfortunately it’s impossible to use divine might to make alchemist stone. it will say lvl 6, but it’s a lie… you won’t have enough spaces on the grid. I used an alch stone leftover from may. you need opus lvl1 to use the alchemist stone.

my observations on homun casting are from fire pillar, and in the past, fire ball. I have never used it with gust or magic missile.

I gotta say… if it casts icewall lvl 18 every 18-20 seconds when afk in town… gonna be the most troll thing ever…

UGH. just tried it. my homun is just as weak as before, while sorc2 summon is much much stronger.
it’s possible that stats are snapshotted upon item use, and only homuns summoned after today are strong… but I’m not holding my breath.
I’ll have to try bone pointing when my FF finds some SPR guy to lifeline.

This shouldn’t be the case, summons get more damage based on the user weapon, so it doesn’t make sense for the homunculus to “get its damage when the stone its used”, if the patch applies also for the homunculus then it should get the damage anytime not only when the stone its used the first time. Unless your are talking about the SPR thing.

But yeah, homunculus still sucks.

Homunculus its super easy to make, i made mine in less than 1 hour (When DPK) , to be honest i dont care about the 10d duration, 10d its plenty of time to make another one however homun its so bad, that its not even worth making, at least atm.

yeah. homun is getting bonus from weapon matk. but it isn’t much. my alch is only half SPR (oops) so I can’t be totally sure of damage potential.
there seems to be something going on with the log formula and summons here, where that last bit of extra SPR/matk goes a long way…