Tree of Savior Forum

Bedroom eyes --


The WIZARD is the SEME?

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I demand to have this as one my loading screen. Make it happen IMC.

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always grabs attention when you do the complete opposite of what’s expected

Moar pls > v >’ !
/20 chars

@NaoTsuki-Tan , here’s a simpler, light-hearted one. :blush:


I also made a ‘red thread’ one using the Physical Link effect to trace out the thread.

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Omgaw! Yas! > w <’

I’ve been sketched this base on your charracters . Can I use this for Valentine fanart contest ? > w < . I alreally had one sketch for contest but I want do this for it too > w <’’


UHH YES!??? OF COURSE YOU CAN! please do.

as long as I can get your permission to share this with my friends!

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Sure > w <’’ Thankyou ~

sorry for late > w < . but It’s finished
I wonder if I can submit more than 1 entry for contest tho > >

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THIS IS AMAZING!! @vomeron and I LOVE IT!

ty ty > w < ‘’