Tree of Savior Forum

Battle priest? Stats and plausability

Looking to roll a melee cleric with primary focus on buffing and melee attacks. Have a few questions…

What provides better melee damage for cleric, str or dex?

How important is spr to increase buffs and MP recovery?

Are heals acceptable without int?

Is con required to survive melee?

As I have not had an opportunity to test I am basing my information completely off of what I have read and what you reply with. Any response is greatly appreciated. My primary focus is PVE

Here’s a topic about stat scaling for skills. Basically SPR would help if you’re a buff/heal Cleric and INT would help with Magic damage instead of healing since I believe that it has changed recently to a % of HP instead of a flat heal rate… don’t quote me on that.

So if you want to be a Melee Priest … I’m not sure what stats you would do well with but I think STR for Damage, CON for survival, and DEX for crits, dodging, and not really for hitting enemies but it’s a bonus (hitting enemies is more for PvP I think since from 1-4X I never saw a Physical class missing (this was when everyone was going STR AFAIK)

Hello! I agree with Garnett. :smile:
For PVE, I think Those are the ones: SPR, DEX and STR.
SPR, first of all, for adjusting Cleric’s Deprotected Zone, and Priest’s Monstrance(and Stone Skin for survival at Priest’s 3rd cicle). Later, Priest’s Mass Heal too will be stronger. At the beggining of your adventure, (At least) 15 points. It will boost your debuffs, making things easier. :wink:
DEX = Crit CHANCE, dodge and bonus for hitting enemies(30DEX is more than enough for you not see “miss” anymore for a loong time). IF you’re going to make a crit-character, This is the Main Stat for you. ^^
STR = Damage, Crit DAMAGE, Inventory weight limit. This one is important too. The second more important. But, in the first levels, you can cause a good damage juts by buying the best weapon you can on your first time in Klaipeda, and then, turning this wapon into a “+5”, and by using the right type of weapon to hit enemies(Humanoids and plants, Sword. Stone creatures and metal ones, mace). Just change the weapon and hit it again. You’ll notice which one is the finest. And… There’s an Deprotected Zone’s attribute that makes sword a very nice choice. Remember to always check attributes to buy.
For iCBT2, I’m gonna test a build very close to this style of you’re looking for.
(Cleric>Priest x 3>Monk x2)
Notice this is not the only way to build a mellee cleric. It’s the way I did choose. :wink:
I hope it helps you. :slight_smile:
See ya! o/

Yeah…as others said.

STR and DEX kinda complement eachother…

Heal is totally acceptable without INT now but I was okay in the first iCBT without INT too.

If you choose Priest after Cleric… what is a good choice imo I loved it with my STR-DEX build… then SPR is rly helpful now. I will definitely put some points on SPR too. SPR also gives block penetration too as I know what I think isn’t bad for a melee build.

MP wasn’t that important for me in iCBT but at the Bosses I used mp pots…and I always had some with me.

I didn’t have CON back then and at the beginning I wasn’t that good and safe always but later when I put enough points on DEX and Leather Armor Mastery and had enough evasion… I became quite good. I don’t know about end game btw… It’s in my plans if I have enough evasion and atk…I would put some points on CON too if I can.

Monk and Paladin will have STR type attacks later on the class tree if you are interested in those. I’m not sure yet… I kinda like my auto attacks so maybe I’ll choose something else… like Pardoner.

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Holy Laima!!! How could I forget to mention the BLOCK PENETRATION!? >_<
Thanks, @Ayalon! ^^

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so in new system, spr have some purposes now? healing and buff/debuff effect?

glad to hear that then

I really appreciate the input. I know monk was identified as a good combat class to turn to after priest, what about paladin?

How deep would you go into cleric?

Devi good additional class for battle priest?

Paladin offers some melee while providing additional buffs (concern is buff limit). Also have zero input on how useful their melee ability is (or buffs for that matter).

Was thinking no more than two in cleric (depending on circle limit). Just enough for a splash of the new (weak) divine strength.

Devi seems like it could be very fun and useful (assuming we have enough circles and nothing better suited is released). My concern is how hard are the reagents to come and are the buffs worth being “stationed” somewhere.

Thank you all for your input. =) Amazing game, amazing community!

Might I ask why you skip blessing in your build ? Seemed like a core skill to me. Is the Flat Dmg increase not worth ?

Also I’m curious as to how you chose to level SPR as opposed to SPR for the early levels.

Other than that I found your build to be very well put together and made a lot of sense !

Hello, @pr4nkster.
• Blessing seems to be a nice skill, but I focused on “cost-benefit” and “being buffed as long as possible”. Skill’s “Number of Hits” did not seem attractive.
• About SPR, I did not oppose it… I should have said “At least 15 pts.”. :wink: (gonna edit that)
I’m still studying the “STATS part” of my build.

Thanks. :smile:

They buffed Blessing recently… X) Now it has so many hits that you can’t even use it up before its duration ends. It has 10 hits/level + 30 from maxed attribute…but some ppl says that because its damage does not scale with any stat it sux later so I dunno how good it is.

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Woah! I Didn’t know that.
I’ll ask some “kcbt friends” bout this.
Thanks, @Ayalon. :smiley:

Yeah I’m also struggling with the Priest build to best optimize DPS and team play for Monk.

What do you think about Resurrection vs Revive, from your build it seems you place more preference for Res.

As for Monstrance, is the Dex increase same for each level, if so is Level 1 sufficient ? As only enemy debuff is increased per level.

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@Satoru who tested said Monstrance’s DEX buff is +30%+10 DEX for all levels. Monstrance level gives additional circles too what is good if you want to use it to debuff…with 1 circle its pretty hard but if you only use it for buff then lvl 1 is enough I guess.

Resurrection is a PvE skill imo…but a rly good one. I think it’s better than Revive for resurrecting because the buff duration of Revive doesn’t last forever and then there is a cooldown time or saves you once then there is a cooldown time… With Resurrection you can always resurrect someone but I guess you can’t use it for pvp.
You can’t resurrect yourself…

On the other hand… I can’t confirm it… but if Revive works in PvP that is a quite a good skill for it especially with higher levels… Revive is good too because if something can kill you with 1 hit then it can save you from it once.
Revive works on you too.

Both skills are much better on its higher levels but I don’t know if they worth the points. At pretty hard bosses I’m sure it will matter if you can resurrect ppl in 2 sec with higher HP rather than in 6 sec with less HP… and Revive not just revives you with 50% HP on max (10) level but it gives skill level*1sec invincibility so 10 sec on max what I think matters a lot too…but if something kills you or your party member easily it won’t save you or them the second time because of its long cool down.

Btw most likely I will have lvl 1 Resurrection and maybe level 2 Revive what sux a bit but I’m more interested in Sacrament/Montrance/Blessing/Stone Skin/Mass Heal and those will eat up a lot of my points… XD

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Do remember that revive has a attribute that increases the buff duration by 7 seconds per level attribute.

On the other hand, increasing resurrection’s attributes allows you to revive 2 or more dead people (not just party members mind you)

Yes but if I understand that attribute right it also increases the cooldown of revive isn’t it? I’m not sure if that attribute is good at all. XD BTW I also want to add that in the first iCBT I needed RESURRECTION lvl 2 for that attribute… I didn’t see another attribute btw that had such a requirement.

I thought Revive could only be applied on yourself ?

What do your Monk builds look like so far ? Lets post them so we can discuss and compare :smile:

Here’s mine then

It is a party buff as I know/remember.