Tree of Savior Forum

Bad Ideia - Deception IMC Games

or EA, kappa…

Seriously, if fixing repair cost isn’t as simple changing parameter and will affect many other stuff, what kind of spaghetti code did they even wrote?

Also, rewriting the formula isn’t that hard. I would expect the repair cost to be just summing up the repair cost of each equipment, which can be retrieved from the database, seeing as how durability doesn’t affect the repair cost at all. If anything goes wrong here, it could be they messed with the database, or a typo in the formula.

There are bugs that are hard to fix, and there are bugs that should be easy to fix unless you fked up the coding really badly, which seems to be the case if it’s according to what you said.

I’m more worried about the game’s future now. I hope the developer isn’t as incompetent as you described. I would rather this to be just a communication problem.

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Not if they care about the game. For a good CBT you definitely need to have a good workflow, and make full use of the resources known as beta tester.

Most of the beta tester is casual players, they can only focus on the few bugs which matter to them most. When those are fixed, only they will move on to whine about the next few bugs. The faster they fix the bug seen by most beta tester, the more bugs can be found and be fixed.

Time is limited, if the fix is delayed to the next maintenance, less bugs will be found in CBT.

Also, the number of peoples whining is an indicator of how well they are doing as a developer. Of course there will always be people whining, but when the ratio of whiner:white knight has gone too high, something is wrong with their ability as a developer.

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Oh, you’re right about the dropped equipment price.

But the price increase in repair is noted in the new bugs. So that means they are taking note of our feedback if not all. Let’s just keep reporting this things so that they will be fixed ASAP. :smile:

*bugs (the topic is summarized with the acknowledgement that there are a great many bugs in the game not just one, so it should be plural with an S not singular without.
*depressing to encounter/detect bugs.
*always add a ’ before ts, for example, aren’t, isn’t.

PS: He should read an english book, you should be reading an english textbook. (there are way more errors, don’t want to be a grammar ■■■■ here. Oh well. ;D

actualy, the repair cost is equal to the price of the item to sell on a NPC, so u are right, the formula is bugged.


And stop argueing, I believe this picture says it all. It is definitely OK to voice out opinions. Beta testing is for adjustments, tweaks and balancing to game content. Not just bugs. Keep calm and keep criticising. :smiley:

It might be spaghetti code, yeah. But it might also be that the repair cost has a relation to the base cost of stuff. Or even the gem additions, which are somewhat related to the repair NPC. But this can also be somewhat a spaghetti code case. Thing is, a few bugs won’t really make a case of a spaghetti code. Spaghetti code gets outta hand FAST. If you think this game is outta hand, well… Welcome to a CBT.

It’s pretty common for the casual to drop because of those superficial yet irritating bugs. The developer company don’t really care that much, they will send more keys if needed. This happens a lot and is a normal step in CBTs.

Again, you misunderstand the purpose of a CBT, and this is a massive one. The repair bug is something you don’t need 100k people to notice. A single player playing it will notice it if they know how it was supposed to be. They need 100k people to notice stress levels, what bugs the hell out when a server/channel/map goes really full. As I said before and repeat here: the feedback about minor stuff IS valuable and will be looked upon once the big picture seems right. Most of it only when the CBT is done for good.

For me, all the whining is merely a huge CBT being what a huge CBT is: a massive load of misunderstood stuff. People look only at the micro side of the game and assume it will be like that when the game goes open, when it’s all about the macro.

And I do have a lot of complaints about IMC. The mainly one being that they’re way too quiet. The world ain’t made of only two sides. I, for once, can try to defend the CBT system imposed and criticize IMC.

Well for some reason I think you and I are on the same page, I tend to protect when people are bashing IMC, and otherwise.

RIP my boredom.

About the spaghetti code part, it’s more of the coder’s ability. One would or almost wouldn’t write spaghetti code at all. Which I hope it’s actually the latter so that all the distress we feeling is due to communication error. If it’s the former, it’s really a good luck on the game, unless they change the coder (which is impossible), the game will get buggier and buggier.

And still, I don’t agree the repair bug shouldn’t be fixed immediately. I would agree if they are like ten or twenty of minor bugs which only affect the player once or twice. But as you see, repair bug is a minor bug that will affect the player hugely, as they may decide to stop until the bug is fixed before they continue to play. This defeat the purpose of stress test and many other bug finding.

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Alright, I was wrong, IMC is giving a proper reply to us. Now I see the light in the game AGAIN.