Tree of Savior Forum

Bad Ideia - Deception IMC Games

So your saying time isn’t money? or I shouldn’t comment on things i have a vested interest in?

Maybe you should add more comments that try to solve issues instead of the derogatory white knight act…

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following that logic you are left with a very low pop that will take anything there dealt…where no one wins…

Maybe you should try and speak his language and see how that works for you

I know this is Beta Test and giving feedback, reporting bugs, and complains are normal, but boy some of you guys react too much. Don’t forget that this is still the 2nd CBT, and it’s not live yet so you guys have to hold your horses on how you are not making any money or whatnot because it doesn’t matter that much yet. We don’t need 10-15 threads complaining about this specially since it’s already part of the current known issues. Some of you act so special that when you say fix something, they should fix it seconds later. You are not entitled, heck if I know you are one of those people who only got to play this game because they didn’t set a limit.

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Well the point i wonna make is that is only a beta so let us test not take it away form us if they realy changed the price just because some one is afk macro farming then wtf 98% who dnt do that just get get get get …
Makes no sense
Second the game is a grind at least let me save some money while i grind so i can get good gear and have fun but well we all signed up for this test no one could of known how the prices was going to be so if it was like that from the start it would be cool but changing it after a week when i spent a 1milion to upgrade my wapon to +8 and im where am i going to get the money to do any thing else now ? Ya kind of sucks but its a beta so ya lets just have fun as much as we can :slight_smile: :wink:

meh, thats not the point, if he want to cry a river about his experience he can does it, but at least, he should try to get better his grammar/spelling, at least in a way that my eyes dont get a bleed, for some reason we get google translate…

Also he already did the same post in another topic, if he want to its ok idm, but at least use google translate for a good gramar …

Chinese farmers are just douche bags and wont care what they do to a game as long as they get what they want. As far as I am concerned yes this my concern and I feel gold sinks aren’t going to do a damn thing its either make a anti-cheat unhackable which is near impossible or just let the value of silver de-value and let it inflate and let the players deal with accordingly.

If I offended you I apologize I am just saying that bots can do damage and 2% now can spread to 10%-25%.

I’m fine with testing new things to help the game when it fully releases, but we need to know what they are changing so that we know what changes are bugs and what changes are actually legitimate. Yes it was a bit easy to make silver before. Now it is much more difficult due the drastic increases in services and decreases in selling power in game. Some patch notes that accurately show what is going on each patch before/during would help feedback. It would give us the chance to pinpoint which changes are constructive and which ones are not in the games best interest.


I understand this is a beta, we are testing the game, but is imposible to play with this kind of changes, I cant event repair my equipment, how I am supposed to farm and kill bosses and ■■■■?

But people, you should reconsider the way you are complaining about this, guys there is no reason to be that rude, just relax and wait until it gets fixed


I slightly disagree with you NeNela, This is an mmorpg. Mmorpg are meant to cater to a large number of people. Consumers. They need to do test and get feedback from us so that they can make a better quality product. Nobody has that type of money to pay all the beta testers and plus we’re gamers. We’ll pay for anything even if its free just for the sake of playing a game. Although, I think they should be grateful ( and i’m sure they are) but atleast we have the opportunity to play a game for free ( which is the key word).

If we had to pay for the beta then I would be joining everyone else with their pitchforks and torches.

bad “ideia” :x: lol repair cost its a bug as for teleports i think its ok

I can accept the price change in recipe, because it’s not being tested out yet. But the repair cost bug not being fixed by now is being funny to me.

Seriously? Tweaking parameter is like the easiest stuff to do in development, unless they fked up their codes, there’s no way that they can’t fix it immediately.

That makes me think if the one that’s fixing the game ever seen our feedback at all. I know full well the one that’s communicating with the player is usually not the one that’s fixing the game, maybe they should start working on improving their workflow, as our feedback take weeks to reach the coder.

@Piliken @Einbroch Actually, they are posting the changelogs. :smile:

And they also took notice of the bugs from this previous patch. @Mirarara I believe they prefer to do a release when they fixed a certain number of bugs instead of releasing a patch 1 by 1.

I think you misunderstood me. What I mean is the one handling the forum isn’t necessary the one fixing the bug. Thus our feedback is irrelevant.

If you had read the changelog, you will realize most of the reported change has nothing to do with our feedback. In fact, I don’t think the beta tester’s feedback matter to them at all.

Also, in the changelog, nothing is said about the dropped equipment price.

Considering how much these bugs (price change) is affecting the player, and how easy it is for them to fix it, I don’t know, I’m afraid of the future of the game.

maybe its only one guy working on this and its only working from 1am-5am cuz u never see a GM or staff at any other time besides those

I think you misunderstood everything about a CBT. It`s NOT about the enjoyability the testers get, it’s about getting a better game for future players. Yeah, hell, the repair value issue is very frustrating, but they have problems like, I dunno, people who can’t connect to the servers due to file issues.

Yes, they can just simply change the repair value parameter, but where does this bring us closer to a better game? Nowhere. Fixing the value won’t fix what caused the bug.

CBTs are all about structural fixes. They’re not paying for this CBT so they can turn it in a superficially better game. And get this already: a absurd amount of our feedback will probably only be applied when the CBT ends. Things like class balancing, exp rates or bosses difficulty. Forget about them. This feedback is outrageously important, just ain’t useful today.

Let them fix things like inability to connect, offline market, stuff which is BROKEN and they can’t really see it working and getting tested, which is the reason behind all this CBT: they want to see what they bought together working and getting tested, while fixing what is broken and thus not giving them numbers.

Really, if the economy keeps like this i’ll drop the beta. How the ■■■■ they want me to test things if I can’t even pay repair…

About the decrease, I think it’s ok, selling a white recipe that drops with 5% for 30k at level 75 was kinda OP, but I see no reason for the repair and teleport increase.Choose one IMC, the game is currently unplayable.

This ain’t no bug, no parameters change this way. SOMEONE DID SOMETHING WRONG, and it’s IMC fault, now they just made the squires rich…

Well, whatever, that’s just a beta, the other bugs are expected, but I’m really dropping the game until they fix the economy.

What I’m trying to imply is that if they can’t fix a simple bug, I’m worried for their future.




If you don’t like it, wait for release. They should be able to do whatever they want to the beta because it is a TESTING ENVIROMENT. If you can’t understand that and are just going to whine about it, quit playing until release; no one is going to miss you. There are plenty of people to test the game.

Provide constructive feedback or just don’t even post.

Yeah, it must be simple. If I code a calculator and it says that 2 + 2 equals 5, it must simply mean that I forgot to code that “2 + 2 equals 4”. No. It’s a logic error, in this case. They didn’t mess with repair and repair got broken, so they can’t simply go over the repair parameter and change it. They must leave the bug online until they find its origin, which coould affect or even be affecting other stuff.