Tree of Savior Forum

Bad Ideia - Deception IMC Games

Hello peoples,
In the last patch, everyone was thinking that game bugs would be fixed…
But result is very, VERY BAD, totaly diffrent of KTOS…

1 - Price ALL itens is decreased in 5x
2 - Price ALL teleports from estatues is increase 10x and more
2 - Price of ALL REPAIR is increse in 4-5x…

To my repair my set lvl 40, NEED 8K
To my sell itens lvl 40, is 1k + or -
Game dont need this, and only dificult in xp,
Now economy of game is sux and spoiled…

Really, the game now is very sux, economy is end and IMC Games is degenerating and spoiled everything of KTOS!
Congrulations IMC GAMES!


The bug fix spawn new bug. What else can we suppose to meet while in test period?


Carter stroke the bugs. What else?

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Solves every problem ever lol

That was a bad patch, i was saving some items to sell later, i had around 100k, and now i have nothing… please change the prices.

Seriously this is dumb I get that we need gold sinks but with the market down people can’t make any money BECAUSE we need to use the market to make a profit to use cash for repair and such. The nerfing of shop selling was fine because it means the market is going to be used more.

The increase to the repair was a bit overkill imo, I get you need gold sinks to make up for the fact theres bots farming silver but this is with every mmo you can’t fight it no matter what and by doing things like this your only encouraging more bots and making players not have fun.

The whole idea of gold sinks is to get rid of the overflow in gold but it doesn’t work and will not work when this game revolves around gold aka silver. The economys going to overflow no matter what and there is nothing you can do to stop chinese farmers… Stop trying to be like every other company that wants to control the gold situation because your plan wont work and will not do anything but make more bots appear.

Either make a good anti-cheat and keep updating it or stop using crap tactics to combat the expected.

I only think, the Koreans all is very, very smart and inteligent, then they make one top game,
But company IMC Games, go now and does the best game of Koreans, in sux game for your own will…
Is VERY decepcionant!

I hope this crap tactic will not be used in live because boy does that make me cringe. The problem lies within the fact this game can easily be cheated aka bots, just like RO.

where the hell are the actual patch notes anyways?

For steam?

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I love these people who act like they paid for a full game and want everything fixed the way they like …



they should have made it to the new Latin server that will open.

I know its free. But the whole gold sink thing needs to be toned down slightly that’s all I want, other then the market being fix to make a profit so I can make some decent cash and buy my pots. Personally I really like tos I just hope imc doesn’t pull a trion games at launch aka bait and switch.

I also will be putting down $$ for tos because the game is fun.

They need to earn it. Don’t let them be Konami.

lol… why double post it? =_=, i think is just enough just reading that english you got…instead complaining about the bug, why you just dont try to read a book about how to type well english, man this is a beta test, and i know its really deppresive seeing bugs that made the game economy down, but we arent the devs are we? as a beta tester we just need to wait lol, we arent here to “have fun and play” this isnt the open beta for god sake… we are here to “test and report” even if IMC doesnt pay us the correct “attention” lol…

If you want to complain, SPELL CORRECTLY!

The people working on this game are Korean. If you can’t spell correctly, the translate feature isn’t going to work. You wasted your time. This is a beta test. You should be testing, not whining about your play experience. Now go report some bugs.

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This is a beta test, what better time to test the economy of the game than when it literally doesn’t matter? They are probably fine tuning the economy using the feedback from the beta. Saying the game “sux” and that IMC is a bad company for using their beta to, surprise, test their game is not only ignorant, but in direct contradiction to what you were given access to do: Play the game, give them concise feedback and report bugs. If you don’t want to actually help them better the playing experience, then just coast out the beta and keep quiet.


We are doing their job for free so they are the one should be grateful not us. Less boot licking and use your brain some more.


You don’t even make any logic whatsoever. It’s not like they forced us to test their game. In fact, they asked no one. They could’ve just kept with a select few thousands to test their game other than stress tests. Those people want to play the game. They paid nothing for it. I’m sure they are grateful anyway. How egotistical can you get? It’s the fact that the original poster is just raging and can’t even properly get his point across. If you want to get a point across, it’s probably much more helpful to be constructive. They have no obligations to you, and none of us to them. Use your brain some more? You’ve got to be kidding. You know how many other people think that you aren’t the one making any logic with the exact sentence. “We are doing their job for free so they are the one should be grateful not us.” No reason to act like an idiot and then try to call out someone.

It’s also sort of like this,
This restaurant wants to improve their food quality to make customers more happy or to see if a new way of distributing or making the food would work. They hand out free food to anyone who wants in hope that they will give feedback and they don’t care some do or not. Now, what you’re saying is that they should be grateful that the ones who received the free food ate their food and that they did the restaurant’s workers their jobs and well as those workers are the ones who should be grateful for you eating the food and enjoying them or not. They needed to test it on other people, and not by their own tastes too. Those people voluntarily ate the food because it was free of course and it might go to a good cause to help improve it in the future. Both sides benefit from each other and one side is sacrificing some to get feedback.


Omg 2015 game-over, totally game-over… IMC is like PAP from Singapore and only increase with little to decrease… Living is tough in real life but even virtual game too, so what can we expect from IMC…
Later part we only heard excuse and more excuse just to tweak the price up for the purpose of CBT testing…

~~~~Error ~~~ Lag ~~~ Market/shout down ~~~~ All price Increased ~~~~ Next ???

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