it’s useless sh!t for PVE because IMC forgot to adjust block and evasion for any monsters after the Rank 7 update.
IMC stated back then that physical attacks are affected by evasion and block because it can also crit.
Meanwhile, magic will always hit, but can’t crit.
However, they never balanced the game around this.
Physical attacks are basically never evaded nor blocked by the vast majority of monsters (especially unbalanced regarding boss monsters).
That’s not how it’s supposed to be.
On the contrary, to outbalance the 50% additional damage of critical hits, the block chance and/or evasion chance of monsters should be,
by default, at least 20% after reducing the average hit-rate/block penetration gained via the ~ endgame gear choices (i.e. an equal worth of about 200-300 STR/DEX).
And this is only to outbalance an average crit chance of 30% (after reduction of the monsters crit resistance, which is equal to ~ 290 excess crit rate).
It does neither account for higher crit rates nor for any amounts of critical attack (which additionally strengthen critical attacks).
This didn’t happen.
IMC broke the whole system, making it so much more profitable to create a physical damage dealer.
Now they gave even better skills&attributes to physical damage Classes/skills for the newer Classes,
Made random stat equipment basically benefit physical Classes the most (as you can have STR&DEX&other stats since there is up to 4 random stats on the gear)
Made the best Velcoffer set effect for physical Classes only
And now created new accessories that are only benefitting physical damage dealers & summoners.
This is a â– â– â– â– â– â– â– broken game.
Where is the balance if they shove the physical Classes all the pros and no cons?
Why can’t Velcoffer evade or block attacks once in a while? He’s just a freaking punching bag.
And he doesn’t even have a higher critical resistance to balance this out.
low crit resistance, low block rate, low evasion rate = tree of critical hits.
Good game.
Meanwhile, magic amplification is still just jacksh!t.
Why they can’t simply make it like crit but randomly augment the magic damage between +1% and +100% and adjust the values to scale against the critical resistance of the monster is beyond me, if they’re not willing to balance block rate and evasion properly.