Tree of Savior Forum

Auto weapon swap for swordies

Recently I discovered that there is an auto weapon swap function for some archer classes which instantly swaps your weapon when using a musketeer skill for example and then swaps back to your bow/crossbow after the sikll is fired.
It would be awesome if we could get something similiar for swordman so it wolud swap from my twohanded spear to my onehanded/shield automatically ( and back) when using swash buckling.

Problem with things like this is that the game doesn’t know when you want to switch sometimes. I have a musk as well and it knows that some skills can only be used with xbow/bow or gun so that is a bit easier.
Swordies a lot of weapons kind of overlap with skills. So the game doesn’t know when to swap back from spear and shield to 2 handed spear for example since some skills can still be used with a 1 handed spear.

the problem you stated is present with archers as well. Some skills can be used w/ almost all weapons. The trick here is to simply equip your main weapon for almost all skills then place weapons on the weapon swap slot for your other skill. If you are a bit of a rainbow type, place 2 sets on the weapon swap and the one youre currently using is your 3rd.

example would be a rogue2>cannon/musk
you can equip a 2hand bow as your main, then place the musket or crossbow+cannon on the other, and the other one would be a crossbow+dagger. with this setup, you can backstab and easily swap to musket/cannon when using their skills and afterwards automatically swap to 2hand bow.

If you have a bow and a xbow your weapon will not switch unless it’s unique to that weapon. Musket has unique skills and so does cannon. If the skills can be used with all weapons, they will just work without switching right? Archers seem to be more weapon restricted than swordsman are as far as I have noticed.

if you would read what i posted, you would be equipping a 2hand bow as your main. now, the crossbow+dagger and the crossbow+cannon//musket is placed on your weapon swap slots. So now, you have 3 weapon sets. unless you need a crossbow+dagger, it wont switch to crossbow+dagger. unless you need musket or crossbow+cannon, it wont switch to that either. after using skills that would require switching, you will automatically switch back to your equipped or previous equipped weapon before casting the said skill

now if the weapon swap works with swordsman. I can be using 2hand sword as my main. I can place 1hand sword/spear+shield and 2hand spear. (a build having to use these many weapons for a swordsman is very weird, probably a sw>pelt>high/barb>goon). Now with this setup, if i use swashbuckling, it would auto switch to 1hand sword/spear for the skill. If i use a spear skill, it would switch to 2hand spear for the skill. after using the skill take note, it goes back to your previously equipped weapon which is the 2hand sword.

I read what you posted and I was looking for confirmation hence the question. I also get what you mean by it and I agree. Since I was looking at this problem from the point of view of a lot of offensive skills I didn’t apply it correctly to swordies. My bad

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