Tree of Savior Forum

Auto attack supporting wizard

Hi, so with the recent announcement about changing pardoner’s buff, i think priest C3-chaplain will be less important than right now (still very important, but maybe a little less?)

So i wanna build a wizard that will further buff others.

I was thinking wiz-pyro3-thaum3-enchanter.
The extra line from enchant fire and added damge from enchant lightning will help auto attackers alot.

Now the question is, since enchant fire, enchant lightning, swell left/right arm scale equally with int and spr, should i go full spr or full int?

Full spr means swell head will provide more int and Matk, but full int will give me more damage with pyromancer’s attack skills?

Hi, w1 pyro2 linker1 chrono2 atm.
I was intending to do the same thing as you, but replacing thaum3 with chrono3 (because I think that quicken will do a better job later on instead of Swell arm) and 1 rank of pyro with linker.
I’m going full SPR and yeah, on my own my damaging spells such as fire pillar and fire wall truly suck. if you go full INT you’ll probably have it easier for yourself since your spells will deal a decent ammount of damage and you won’t rely much on autoattacks as i do. Even though… I wonder if swell head with full SPR would make it up…

The full spr swell head thing is exactly what i’m trying to figure out… If i go thaum2 then i wont have to worry about that XD

I mean if i just wanna support and NOTHING else, full spr is obvious. Just not sure if doing so is worth losing ability to deal damage in solo content

well first off, if you are going auto attack wiz, you want to have runecaster in it.

Rune of Giants turns your jumps into auto attacks. The jumps are AoE.

So essentially what you would be doing is auto attacking while jumping around on your enemies. Add Pyromancers Enchant Fire and Enchanters Enchant Lighting for extra auto attack dmg and lines.

It is actually a pretty ok build. Though to get the best damage you will need to have blessing and sacrament buffs on (Mainly sacrament).

You pretty much treat it like a Corsair auto attack build.

@Megamanex14 hi, thanks for the advice. Going rune caster sure is interesting. Is giant jumping/stomping based on phy atk or Matk? If i go auto attack wiz, should i go full int then?

Actually, i’m leaning more towards an auto attack buffer. Meaning im mostly gonna be support role. Using pyromancer damaging spells is just a secondary role, thus i wanna know the stats.

If you work really heavily on your weapon (+15 or more, high transcend stage), you can go full SPR no problem. And if you go Thaum 3 it might be worth it, if not, SPR and INT give the same bonus.
If you want damages, you should go INT.
Although with the new changes in Sacrament and Blessing (both will give high damages for AAs, Blessing will always scale with your other attack skills), you usually don’t really need to be full INT. My Chrono-Linker had no INT at all, was no problem for me to get to 330.

full spr will provide the same buff strength as full int for swell arms, enchant lightning and fire. But if you are thaum c3, swell brain will give you more total magic attack than a full int build.

If you want to increase your AA speed then get chrono c3.

I still actually recommend going full spr instead of full int because it will help your enchant armour shop. Chrono 3 gives pass which is one of the best support skills in the game.

I do not recommend going runecaster. Rune of giants might help with auto attacks but it brings almost nothing to team in terms of support and you cannot cast any skills other than wiz c1 to c3 or RC skills while in buff. Rune of giants stomp damage is based on magic attack.

Rune of protection is bad and trying to cast damage skills without surespell is hard.

Overall i recommend pyro c3 chrono c3 enchanter.

Alright thanks all. So it is decided full spr, now just the matter of which builds.

Well this matters very little as he said he will be doing support with Thaum or something like that. So he can just buff his team then use Rune of Giants on himself. Not to mention with the new duration times for buffs coming from KToS (300 second durations), it wouldn’t matter if he was running around in Rune of Giants.

Heres two templates if you want to try Runecaster with Thaum that I think will synergise well.

Anyways your main problem no matter what build you choose will be lack of buff slots. So either have a Krivis friend or Diano scrolls.

Also if you would like to know my build, it is this:
Not Enchanter just yet, but I will be once I get on today.

Oh but of course play what you like, and play what you think would bring you greater joy :sunglasses:

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It is also fun to go wiz1-pyro1-link3-thauma3 and go either full int or full con. Then if you constantly have a Full spr cleric in your party, you can use transpose(if you went full con) then lifeline(so you get his full spr) and have even stronger buffs. Remember also then we will soon get buff duration patch, so thauma buff will last 5 minutes.

I have the 2nd build and I must say it sucks badly. At Rank 9 I’m gonna build either
Wiz>Pyro>Linker>Thauma3>Chrono3 or Wiz>Pyro2>Thauma3>Chrono3.
I’m generally in favor of the build with Linker because it can utilize Swell Body on “stronger” monsters and help farming stuff.

The buff slots “problem” is not really a problem as long as you have your own Pardoner to scroll Daino. You only need level 5-level 7, depending on the amount of buffs you are going to cast, but maybe level 10 will become more common as Aspersion and Increase Magic Defence are going to become popular again.

This is wrong unless C2 Enchanter gives more CON per SPR.
If you have ~600 SPR at level 360, Swell Brain level 5 adds a total of 720 matk(from SPR and with full 50% attribute; full INT recieves ~150-200 matk). 600 INT add 1500 matk,so you’re ~ at half the amount. However, if you manage to net a lot of CON on your 350 equipment, you can transpose it into INT for a good matk boost, and you just need 210 total CON(as you already recieve up to 90 CON via armor enchant) to be equal to full INT


What is your opinion on hybrid? (On thaum3 with swell brain)
Not necessarily 50/50 int and spr. Maybe a bit more int for more Matk but at the same time some benefits of high spr.

@megamanex14 personally i dont like going wiz2-3 other than elementalist. Quick cast and surespell just for long cast-time buff is not really worth it imo.

If you want to use Transpose for extra INT before buffing getting INT is a bad idea (the equilibrium attribute might be tempting,though), but if you don’t care about Transpose then mixing INT and SPR might bring more utility to actual gameplay.

My best guess is that we’re talking about ~420 points at level 360 (359+38+additional points from new quests), so ~ 300 INT:140 SPR (288 points INT invested, 132 points SPR invested) might be a good aim for going hybrid.

Btw, your build might not even benefit from high SPR if you don’t have any attack skills to cast, so having an exceedingly high value of SPR is not so useful…

I am making a full DEX wiz1 > pyro1 > link3 > chrono3 as an auto attack/support build.

Full DEX for lifeline to pass to DPS for crit attack, as well as attack speed.

Chrono3 for quicken 15, and pass/haste.

Alright thanks all, i will carefully read over all the suggestions and put deep thoughts into them.

Man, everytime i ask about builds, people give me so much helpful suggestions that made me indecisive XD

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Enchanter’s “leaked” skills look pretty awesome (movement speed buff especially…), and I really like enchant lightning’s flat damage boost over Rune Caster’s buffs.

where was this said? any links or sources to other leaks?

Well they’re not exactly confirmed to be r9 information, but there are skills on the database that aren’t in game atm.

I forgot what you have to input in the search field to have them all show up, but two examples I could find links for really quickly were a falconer skill and a sage skill.

Again, you should use the search function to look for some ktos/r9 info because there was a way to look at all the skills that are in the game’s files but aren’t implemented yet. One would presume that since these skills are already given names and skill icons that they will be implemented eventually, but again there is no real confirmation these skills are R9 so that was my bad on not making that clear earlier.

some time ago before the balance i see some videos about a build of cryo/enchanter/linker. who gives almost 200% or more damage with the enchat lightning + some atribute of link who gives % damage with lightning and the atribute who give extra damage on frozzen enemies. that was the best support about give damage. but was more usefull when everyone use that build of dagger wizz