Tree of Savior Forum

Auto attack supporting wizard

you are right. i never knew this section existed.

You shouldn’t take those skills as granted, though.
There are a lot of skills that were dropped, got reworked, got deleted, or are still worked on at the moment (or that simply aren’t put there).
This is the skill you were talking about:
(It’d be a rather weird skill to add imo, since it’s already the Chronomancers’ “job”)
It might come, indeed, but don’t take it as a truly “leaked” skill yet.

What I forgot to add about why INT on that build might be more important:
Pyromancer actually got a Firewall C1 attribute that increases the parties Fire property attack equal to your INT for 5 seconds if they step into the Firewall (the Pyro included);

A Firewall lasts 15 seconds (if no enemy steps inside), so you can go in at every time for a 5 second attack boost.
Might not be the best boost, but certainly worth it for some extra damage on autoattacks.

you can still go full spr auto.atk with that build, just replace pyro c3 with sorc c1…

wiz > pyro c2 > thaum c3 > sorc c1 > enchanter…

full spr will boost devil and salamion stats for more damage, and potential minion aggro…
cat buff adds 50 dark prop.atk, +5 aoe.atk ratio, m.def, and more…
cat buff also affects party members…

Tavez, I’d better do my build …
I put the Summon to agrar and tank the Boss and I get in the auto-atack and with the Pyro2 skills … I’m full SPR and Thauma3 buffs increase me between 2 ~ 3k Matk.
With sacrament and blessing the auto-atack gets good, and soon the blessing will not have hit count will get very useful, but if you really want to focus only on the auto-atack to buff a SR, for example, I think better do with Chrono .