Tree of Savior Forum

[ASK] The Linker's nerf

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At level 2 (the future level 5) Hangman’s Knot was useless. Although 2s sounds decent, between the casting animation and latency it ended up not rooting anything at all. The 2s root status of hangman’s knot is completely different from a 2s frozen status in terms of how much time you get to do anything right after.

The cooldown increase is obviously a significant nerf as well but if you go into c2/c3 linker you compensate that cool down with linking more targets at a time. C1 linker ceases to be viable except for some synergy mechanics the class has with other wiz classes (pyro, chrono, thauma…) for a quick boost in your DPS, it definitely won’t keep up in dungeon parties way before 130s in comparison to c2 or c3 linkers. With hangman’s duration being made pointless, c1 linker and therefor any build paths that would otherwise benefit will seem less appealing in comparison to the cookie cutters which im assuming will polarize heavily between pure support or pure dps…

Link is the bomb, I’ll be running 2 mage builds:

Wiz3 > Link2 > ? > Warlock

Wiz3 > Thauma3 > Warlock

mostly for future ranks purposes, as the number of classes seems to show us at least 9 or 10 ranks (possibly going even further as game improves).

I believe those 2 builds are the best “PvP/DPS/party uselfulness” builds I found after a lot of learning on wizards. It’s all theorical right now but seems pretty simple, only rank 7 and above will matter for DPS, with the exception of Ice Wall Combo (but it’s not worth the cost in ranks I believe), so what you want from lower classes are buffs. Link simply makes your single target skills do 8 times more damage at rank 2, yes, 8 times more damage, it’s the only class able to do this and people are still crying because you can’t make better CC with linker 3 than cryo3 or chrono 3. Thauma gives you huge boosts (more than most people can understand) but loses the link gameplay.

Right but I’m referring specifically to C1 linker and max hangman’s knot duration… the skill is going to be useless in circle 1… and it’s 1 of the 2 skills c1 linkers use most lol

Also don’t assume all pre-rank 7 damage classes aren’t relevant. Sorcerer and necromancer aside, even 1 circle in pyro can be great if not just for pvp. Yes the lower the rank the lower the skill’s damage, however the damage each skill does is that base damage + MATK so multi-hit moves in particular such as the ones pyro has benefit greatly from this mechanic.

Pyro only had real good damage because of Linker’s OP HK. Most of pyros multi-hit skills don’t have that much hits, and most of them are “dodgeable” like throwing a fireball away, or at the point where mobs are archers and mages and don’t go simply running into you.

What you are saying is pretty obvious, but it was a soon-to-be-nerfed skill, we just didn’t imagine it. It was the only skill in the game with crowd crontrol 100% up, and that at rank 3.

What is back to link now is that it will be what it is supposed to be, a dude that links damage, not a dude who can stop 8 motherf*ckers at once for an infinite amount of time.

Yea pyro is precisely one of the classes that benefits greatly from just one rank in linker. What im saying is that rank 1 linker won’t be able to CC anymore with its CC skill. I don’t understand, you keep bringing up linker c2. Anyway…

I kinda hope they do something about quick cast’s attribute, it makes choices linear if you wish to maximize dps, they could at least decrease it to 35%?

Getting Wiz3 is already a pain in the ass enough that the reward needs to be good, you are giving up 2 ranks just to get that one skill and leveling up is a pain.

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The same kind of goes for pyro though, especially when rank8 comes out it’ll probably be useless besides being a cooldown fodder class. Pyro is easy to level up but not quite useful in the future, while wiz3 has a hard time leveling but becomes very useful late game. My thoughts, never played pyro in cbt but I saw vids of pyros only doing 1k per hit,not bad but might not be good against new mobs next time

Could I get some feedback about this build?

Is this still viable despite Linker’s nerfs? I will be playing in a party almost exclusively.

Yeah still solid for PvE. You got the rank 4 thing absolutely right. Ice Blast didnt make any difference in solo/party play after that point its SUCH a terrible skill lol. At least 4 into Ice Bolt instead wouldn’t hurt.

I’m still unclear at what point -if any- we begin to see enemies resist freeze. 200+? 230+? Is it only certain mobs or does it effect all levels after a certain point? Can you counter this with spirit? So confuse.

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My only issue is the current lack of options to put ur skill points at circles 2 and 3.

Think about HK status right now: 5 more sp consumed for 0.2 more seconds each level. It will never be worth it, as the cast animation itself takes out something like 1 - 1.5 seconds anyway. Hence, HK at low levels seems better than at say, level 15.

Sounds a bit unbalanced to me, they could put sp reduction as you level up the skill or whatever. So u have points to spend but u gain so little putting on HK and JP (past level 10 e.g).

I know the class stills good and useful but putting Joint Penalty as something OP-GODLIKE is a little bit overrated, as there are classes that can just gather mobs instead and do AoE damage to unlimited number of them (elementalists for example). In dungeons linkers are a must for sure, but in regular grinding, not the greatest.

And now with the reduction to the number of dungeons per day, it seems like a double nerf to linkers.

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The one who needs to understand more is the one who think Linker should be the best CC class in the game. The class is about damage split ant single target damage spreading, if you want CC there’s kino, cryo, chrono, that only in the Wizz build.

Link 1, 2 or 3 is not the point, the point is HK was too OP at any level, I hope that now that they don’t have this anymore people can realize how useless link1 was anyway.

I believe they will buff HK again because of the time you lose on animation delay, but it will not be that much, I’d say 0,2level -> 0,4level max.

Sounds good to me 20characters

Is there any hope for them to look into HK or that skill is just down the drain? Honestly if HK is so bad I might aswell go with a meele tank instead

They may change it, after seeing the crap it will become when iToS starts, maybe some 0.4*skill level? so people who invest more circles get something out of it (2 seconds for each 5 points is reasonable).

If you go Cryo -> Linker HK is REALLY useful, because you can insta cast Ice Pike which will then freeze then in place, or even ice wall which also does the same. The animation time on both of these are basically the same time HK’s root lasts. And once frozen, well you have 5 seconds to do anything to a bunch of knitted together mobs :smiley:

I agree. I am using a Cryo/Linker build and it works great.

I do think HK needs a buff. Maybe an attribute obtainable on the second circle which boosts the duration by a flat few seconds.

I am using this build if anyone is curious.

I dont have this build though it seems perfect (possibly with thaum) for use with the Power Staff.

If possible when you get to 220 could you test it out for your auto attacks and to see if it has any effect on Icewall bullets?

I’ll be sure to do so.