Tree of Savior Forum

[ASK] The Linker's nerf

so with the linker’s nerf on itos,
i need to ask few quest about the builds of my sorc.
is it better to get W1>Cyro2>Pys1>Sorc3 for the ice wall combos
or still using linker maintain the summon’s dmg with this build
i like the summon skill of the sorc but its hard to decide which build i shud play.

PS:im PVE player not inters in PVP

some mob dont enter frezz stats so if you not gonna pvp cryomancer is not a good option. get pyromancer is better for the mob.
someone put any video about one sorce2 with linker skills and how work it any combos skills but idk how nerfed is the linker skills reallymind.

Physical link cooldown time increased from 20s to 22s.
Joint Penalty cooldown time increased from 15s to 22s.
Hangman’s Knot cooldown time increased from 10s to 15s.
Hangman’s Knot debuff time changed from seconds equal to skill level to 1 + skill level * 0.2 seconds.

these nerf really hit linker 1 very hard,and making ppl dont wanna build linker for their wizard class with linker 1 or 2

This is not a real Nerf for the wizard class itself bc we can do rather fine without linker. However, linker made some other classes crazily OP. So in my opinion, it was a good decision to nerf it a bit.

but it make me harder to decide which build i shud go,
cryo pys for ice wall combo/pyro linker for late game dps maintain

What about cryo>link>cryo>link>necro2? Auto attacking the ice wall should still be viable thanks to joint penalty right?

Or a cryo is really useless without a psyc1? Then, what about cryo>psyc>link(2)>cryo>warlock? I don’t think feather foot would combo, unless the bloodsucking work with all linked enemies.

Sorc has a summon with sp recover and could help with the pressure’s cost.

Sad that there is no Fire and Ice attributes with the linker joint penalty. Is there poison or earth damage within the wiz tree?

i think ill still try out the W1>Pyro2>Linker1>sorc3
i still need the pyro’s flame ground for late game grinding instead of massive cost of sp with pressure.
maybe in future patch they will buff linker.
and i dont really like necro’s playstyle because need corpse to cast skill.
and once sorc’s summon skill is active the sp recorver will disable if not wrong?

Say if someone was to go linker 3 and would be in party with a krivis-> sadhu.

I can see the obvious damage increase from freezing into zaibas into linked mobs but how does that compare to for example fire enchant on pyro 1 for sadhu’s autoattacks?

Freezing’s chance is just that, a chance. As for fire enchant, it’s always there. Would you guys say pyro 1 or cryo 1 would be better for a linker 3 into krivis-> sadhu party?

Other, unsaid bonus is that I will be going full con linker to be the mobber so the magic defence from shield, as much as it wouldn’t be much to begin with - would translate into nice bonuses later on in the game with some high end shields. 25% from def is nothing to scoff at after all, whereas pyromancer doesn’t offer anything like that.

Can I have some opinions, guys?

Astral Body doesn’t get additional hit, only bonus fire damage and only if you cast Enchant Fire before Sadhu casts OoB.

Waa seriously? Then pyro in this setup just lost a lot of usage :confused:

Well, thank you for explaning, I thought oob can go up to several hits if you couple it up with the holy buff and then enchant fire :cry:

In my opinion, Linker is quite the OP class and can fit in any build, it’s especially useful when using classes that can’t mob well, joint penalty can speed up the lvl up quite well and hangman’s knot can really help with AoE skills or ones that need careful placement to deal the most damage.

I can even imagine a Psychokino c3 doing great if you put a Linker c2 together. Not only in PVP, Telekinesis, Swap and Teleportation can be quite OP in PVE when together with a well ordered party.

If you are going to party all the time and don’t go solo, you can go Wiz c3 to help classes with casting time skills. Cryo is the defensive CC style mage, while Pyro is the pure offense high DPS type.

There’s Thrau and Chrono with theirs buffs and Psy with stun and positionting.

But I have to say, with the nerf it’s hard to now if only picking Linker C1 can be effective, but I still think that going for Linker c3 is pretty situacional and depends of the party members and play style. C2 should enough in most cases. Pyro and Cryo too, they truly shines with Rank 2

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I’m definitely going c3 linker, I just need it. Not only for umbilical cord but that’s one of the reasons. I will be a full con linker, my lady will be a full int cleric dps. Without c3 I will simply not do damage cause of my stats. For the most part though, it’s because we will be doing it in 2 people and so the more targets we can hit at the same time, the better. Plus linker’s attributes scale Really well with zaibas, making it into an OP weapon of mass destruction.

I’m pretty set on wiz1 -> pyro 1 or cryo 1 -> linker 3 -> alchem -> featherfoot (most likely, though I dislike not being able to suck the blood out in pvp)

I will not get pyro nor cryo past 1, but since flame enchant doesn’t give an additional hit to sadhu oob then it’s pretty worthless to me. Cryo it is.

If you have a better idea then featherfoot at the end there then I’m willing to listen, I’m going to be a mobber/ tanker kind of a linker so damage isn’t really important, surivival is. I’m willing to change featherfoot though. I heard good things about necro’s damage for example and I’m sure adding some damage to the 2 man party wouldn’t hurt.

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Just a question, it seems you are going to party almost all the time? If it’s yes, you guys should do a build in way that cover each for other weakness and/or strengths.

Is the Cleric going with a c2 Krivis> c3 Sadhu? I have heard that out of body can gets interrupted when attacked and they use Safety Zone, Fade, Sterea Trofh and even Zombies to avoid that.

There’s some talk that “Spiritual Chain + Surespell” prevents this (not sure), if this is right, she could go full offensive and you could support her this way. But if you’re going for Wiz c2, you need to go c3 or it isn’t worth.

And it seems that you want to deal damage right, I’m not sure if Umbilical cord just increase 1 stat or could increase both you INT and her CON. If you’re sure about this and wants to deal damage, you shouldn’t pick Alch, they are money maker class, so unless you only wants to support and without at least a C2 Pyro, you should avoid.

Going for Elem, Sorc, Necro or even cryo/pyro C2 on Rank 6 should be better for damage. You could become an Auto-attack mage if you go for Thaum or Chrono C2 too.

Thaum can increase phys and magic damage and Transpose with Equilibrium Attribute can equate INT and CON. Chrono is about increasing attack and mov speed of yours and allies and slowing down enemies, but it’s seems to be needed to go C3, which is impossible with your ideal.

Without Knowing how Featherfoot, Warlock or even Rune Caster can combo with Linker, I can’t say nothing about them.

-If Blood Bath can heal allies, you could go with Featherfoot for more support and debuffer. I really doubt we can heal someone with “Blood Sucking + Spiritual chains” :cry:;
-Warlock seems to deal good damage, but seems too situacional with the evil spirits requirement;
-Rune Caster has 8 sec cast time for all skills, so it needs a C3 to be viable, but a Cryo could be good too because of the +300% increase for ice damage :smiley:

I’m not exactly happy with the changes, unless the calculation for cool down reduction (was that even a thing, I forget) somehow changed as well and we don’t know it. I’m a support mage build. My build relies on being able to use linker effectively and I thought the cool downs were too long to begin with. That being said, I’m sure I can adapt but I hope they reconsider these changes to the core skills.

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In your case I would go for Wiz3>Linker3>Featherfoot.

wiz3 is much better than pyro or cryo for endgame matters, featherfoot and warlock are very good with linkers and you can even get the 2 last ranks of wizzrd after linker or something like that.

If that is supposed to be your main char, don’t waste 1 rank on alche, make an alt char with Wiz>Pyro2>Link2>Alche2 or something like that, alche needs to be rank2 (or even 3 in the future) for best usage.

Remember, you wanto to go to level 600, get all 10 ranks, monsters won’t freeze, pyro won’t be much damage, wiz3 is the most reliable, considering you won’t be wasting a rank in alchemist and the first rank on wizard is not optional.

I’m just asking for the last rank for a potential puller/ tank, and I don’t see how any other choice is better then featherfoot cause of additional fade and also from lifesteal that seems to work on a cell and on all the targets affected, meaning linked mobs will all be hit by the channel of it.

Not sure about other featherfoot skills but that one seems pretty damn cool already. The one where you’re a sith lord.

For “puller/tank” you can go cryo3/chrono3.

That is the best crowd control build ever.

If you are not interested in damage but on the usefulness of your char, think about this:

  • Wiz3 is +50% damage for all your skills, think about r7~r10 classes.

  • Linker 3 has 10 monsters to link, Linker 2 has 8 and Linker 1 has 5. You get 25% more damage going Linker 3 than Linker 2, but 60% more if you jump from Linker 1 to Linker 2. You can do that, but only because you will have someone to play with, I really believe Wiz3/Link3 is probably the most awesome combination for the future, plus you and her can have 100% CON/INT fulltime, that’s what love should be like.

  • You cut 50% of her cast time off and can make it unstopable, also wiz3 has high level sleep which is a HUGE crowd control with little cooldown, you can combo quickcast+lethargy+jp(+50% damage earth)+earthquake for going 300% and getting overkill (600%? on property losing mobs), magic missile combo with link, energy bolt combo with lethargy.

  • Wiz3>Link3>Warlock or Featherfoot will be one of the best builds ingame, and it won’t even be hard for you because gf.

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This is almost my build actually. But probably going wiz 3 - linker 2 - psycho 1 - featherfoot to have more damage. The linker is actually for the synergy with featherfoot getting some “AoE” effect for the single target spells.

WIz 3 is just better than cryo/pyro, specially now as pyro seems so weak with linker due to nerfs (HK disable time to be precise).

But i still feel the nerfs hurt the class in all the 3 circles, u have more cds, less disables, less damage combos, and so few spell options to spend skill points specially at linker C3 (HK level 15 not worth it at all, JP from 10 to 15 just bad and spiritual chain already have 100% uptime at level 5).

So u are left with physical link (awful skill) and lifeline (which is ok).

So from 45 points:
1 unbind
4?physical link
15 JP (just for 2 more linked mobs, which is a waste)
5?HK (15 is useless)
5 Spiritual chain
5 Lifeline

So 10 points left and no skill to put it

Feels Bad

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Yeah, but you are forgetting his girfriend is a cleric, so the skill that equals max stats would be VERY useful for his case.

For us, who don’t have a cleric girlfriend, it’s better to trade Linker 3 for most other classes, but for him and his girlfriend I think wiz3>link3 is the ideal build actually.

I thought they changed Joint Penalty so that linked foes will take divided dmg, so if you hit one for 1000, when it is Linked to 4 others, then they each take 200 dmg (correct me if I’m wrong). This along with hangman’s knot barely lasting 3 seconds, and Spiritual Chain only sharing wiz buffs effectively makes linker an extremely poor choice to include in any build.

Only sharing wiz buffs primarily means your a phen and a suff/m.amp slave with virtually no dmg of your own and weak cc for a wiz.

Really the class should be removed entirely until they figure out what theyou want it to do. This may be why it’s rumored to being moved to circle 6