Tree of Savior Forum

As a psychokino main

well this kino3 seem to be happy soloing by herself

I saw that vid but is that normal for psy grinding? looks very sp eating leveling :cry:

I dont have any solid builds yet, i have around 6 builds already lol. Iā€™m thinking about trying those builds by myself to see what build is the best for pvp.

anyway if you dont put your point into spr, uā€™ll be fine playing psychokino. A single mana potion is enough for 2combos.

Yeah, 3k mp is a bit much. Iā€™ve seen Warlock running with only 2k and since both PP and GP are % and the rest of skills are cheap when compared with Elementalist it shouldnā€™t be much of a problem.

Cryo is only worth if you get c3, the wall combo is still good, but you wonā€™t use it often because of the high ice wall cd.

Iā€™m gonna psy-maining too with this cc build

seems like psikino now really good both PvP and PvEā€¦
need advice on my build

why wiz 2? surespell ofc :blush:
why sorcerer? the idea of "no SPRā€™ seems like having a synergy. and psykino skill require us to stay still when channeling, with templeshooter beside us, it give a good protectionā€¦
and i dont have any idea how to spend warlock skill point :sweat:

Magnetic Force hits only once, so no need to max it out
imho better spend it on PP and telekinesis

also summon also stops your mp recovery and psy skills drains % of mp, so you need crapload of mp pots to stay active (not to mantion bad summon AI sorc1)