Tree of Savior Forum

As a psychokino main

Well, here’s something for you to look at and help make a decision.

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This video is what i’m looking for! I suppose it is 1wiz 3cryo 3psycho build. The dmg in pve isnt that bad but it takes some time to finish mobs. This class might be a good composition when there’s pure dps in party.

PS. why does the mobs not moving after magnetic force? It is supposed to be a chance at maximum of 25% being stunned for 4 seconds. The video above is more like 100% chance and 10sec stun? bruhhh

it’s very obvious that it was a bug, not that it matters since magnetic force wasn’t even needed on her farming technique.

anyways that video seems very very promising on how strong psychokino’s soloing potential.

I’m happy that the video only showcased kino skills without cross class combos. That way you can judge kino by itself and later see if you can combo with other classes (outside of established combo’s like [icewall] + [pp] or [fireball] + [pp]).

For example [flame ground], [psychic pressure], and [magnetic force] all have 25 sec cd. A wiz - pyro - kino 3 - ??? - ??? could work. If you set it up against a wall, you could also do the [fireball] combo.

I might actually use this for an alche instead of wiz - pyro 2 - thauma 2 - alche 2.

pyro 2 is a good choice! I’ve played pyro 3 before and it doesnt satisfy me much. That hell breath drinks my sp real fast because it uses 3% per 0.5 sec and the dmg is not high as I expected. Fire pillar is a really good skill, the enmey will get stuck in the pillar and cannot be moved for some period of time but unfortunately its cd is 180 sec! Pyro 1 I dont think it’s that good, fireball lvl 5 has a really low dmg and has a hit count of 5. It can barely do anything. Flameground will be useful once you hit c2 because the dmg would be ok and the duration and cooldown could go along otherwise it’ll be like you are walking in desert instead of the sun.

However if u r thinking about psychokino path, then welcome :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thinking about 15 points in teleportation and full con, i would be running around in pvp freely without dying. That would be a fun thing to do lol

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But if you go cyrco c2 only? it feels like if you vs plague doctor you aint going to freeze anything XD?

the only cc skills would be the frost tree and snow rolling lol…

i feel sad that the plague docter is here T…T

No you misunderstand the plague doctor’s skill.

The skill grants PD and his party to have immunity against rank1 and 2 status effects.

The status effects from rank 1 are stun, blind, freeze and most of the effect are listed in this category. The status effects from rank 2 are mostly from aoe skill, like rain, etc.

So you can say that PD cannot get any cc while the skill is on. Except knockback knockup skill and skill like swap, telekinesis.

Hope this information helps you

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wont that make cyro totaly useless vs pd than? ;v

That’s whyy psychokino is better in PVP

Icewall trap doesn’t care if you’re immune to Freeze

Anyway seeing that video I’m definitely going Psyko 3.

My only problem is deciding whether I’m doing:

-Wiz 3 Psyko 3 Warlock
-Wiz Cryo 3 Psyko 3 (in whatever order)
-Wiz 3 Psyko 3 Cryo 1

X: So hard to decide

How does pyscokino skills work in pvp? because i felt like all that channeling gets interupted?

the only reason i wanted c3 cyro was for the tree+warlocks shadow wall haha…

but if pysco3 is better than i will just go cyro 2 :v

cause i was thinking
or wiz>cyroC2>pyscoC3>warlock

i am not sure how well pysco c3 skills work in pvp :x or do people have any vid for pysco c3 pvp?

Channeling is interrupted when you get hit unless you have Wiz2’s Surespell and Wiz1 Reflect Shield against Knockdown

You could telekinesis PD and stop him from doing anything and let your party delete him asap. Or you could ice wall trap yourself and swap him inside and kill him instantly. Raise can potentially stops all of his team and let your party do free dmg for 10 sec. That’s the counter play i’m talking about.

well thats not really what i meant but i was asking more about raise/gravity pole haha…do the skills completely stops a player?
because agaist mobs the mobs dont move at all lol…

Gravity pole cannot stop pd but raise can.

so hard to choose than XD …its like ice tree vs raise…

does warlock pole of darkness works+raise lol…

i guess you can also got c3 cyro+pysco and get both tree+raise…but miss out on the warlock awesome dps…like Dark Theurge soooo hard to choose T…T

pole of agony you mean? yes it works perfectly fine.

for me, the reason to choose cryo c3 is because rank10 sub zero shield. Ice tree is really great but i think raise can do that too.

can you show on simulator how to build cyro3 skills because i am pretty lost XD

I see a lot of suggestions going Wiz>Cryo2>Kino3>War and Wiz>Cry3>Kino3 from many threads. My question is how well will this line gonna do in PVE? I know its good for PVP/Boss I really like it~ But I’m concern of the leveling up part~