Tree of Savior Forum

Art Stuff. Maybe

Since I’m going to be idling for about 3 hours waiting on the Chrono Master, I thought I’d burn a few minutes uploading this sketch I did some months ago. It’s my first character from early access. Hestia, an Archer

Done during a bus ride with an HB pencil, blue pencil, and a roller pen.

Don’t know if I’ll do any other ToS related stuff but if I do, I guess it will go to this thread.


You should do a Lenneth fanart.

I never played Valkyrie Profile but I do recognize the character. It would be pretty off topic if I were to post something like that here though.

It’s not like npc had detailed faces with nose xD in tree of savior.
Just do whatever you want as long we can see the hair costumes of the game + random christmas background to stay revelant.

Getting a little confused here. What does that have to do with a request to do Lenneth fan art?

Nothing, it just happened your fanart looked like her style by accident lol, so people can derail the art concept with only showing the hair costumes related to the game.

Feels like a bit of a stretch but fair enough…

I was sketching on the bus earlier today


Vanilla Nut Sundaes, drawn on the bus. Maybe a WIP -not sure if I’ll manage to finish it. I totally forgot what the Quarrel Shooter costume looks like at the time…

I started on a spring art entry but I kind of got busy and totally got burned out fro grinding the events. I intend to finish it at some point and just post it here though.

I got around to looking up reference images and made some fixes before moving further along. Used some acrylic white with a slight bit of ochre as a sort of “correction paint” over the ball point. Needs more layers (or less thinning) and probably a little more ochre to color match better…

I’ll probably just photoshop Maraschino(?) (the Falcon) and the Hanaming a little bit later for fixes.

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