Tree of Savior Forum

Arise, Summon Army! The Purple Class Codex

Thanks, good to know and yea i meant accessories. Also I believe they meant the spr ark when they said purple.

SPR ark is better until you reach stage 5 on your ark, and then the INT ark becomes better because of the large Magic Attack boost. It is equivalent to a large amount of INT that is better than both the SPR and the summon damage gained.

You can always move your EXP from one ark to another, provided you obtain the other ark.

is there any news on when we will get the Art for skeleton soldier?

Any recommendation for equips and set items ā€¦ im planning to change my pyro/ele/tao to summoner class again >.<;;;; mainly for wbr and misrus ā€¦ since Iā€™m having a hard time completing the 2 ā€¦

gonna try bokor, sorc and necro ā€¦

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Hopefully will be in the next content update, and they typically occur every 2-3 months.

I would advise Featherfoot over Bokor if you can.

The best fixed ichors right now are the wisdom armor pieces from Goddessesā€™ Grace and field bosses, but Misrus cloth is also good and should be cheap. Weapon can be anything with SPR/INT (Wastrel staff, Misrus, Glacia, etc) but Glacia staff is preferred. Rod is just going to be the Vaivora - Wicked Desire.

Sorry im both new to the game and summoner was is my first class pick. Im currently on the SEA season server I currently have Ignas as my fix ichor in my armours and asio in my rod, What would you suggest i change them too?

I tried to google the armor pieces you recommended Goddesses Grace but couldnt find any info

Iā€™m not sure which type of Ignas armor you have, but upgrading to Wisdom would be a good boost. Misrus cloth would provide a small boost unless youā€™re using plate, then it will be a good damage boost at the cost of health.

For rod, you can either get the Skiaclipse Rod or work directly toward the Vaivora Rod. For end game optimization itā€™s preferred to use both alongside a staff, but thatā€™s less important right now.

Sorry I should have mentioned im using Ignas Cloth ichors in plate Skaiclipse Varna with Smigus enchant

Ideally you should be using leather Varna equipment because it will boost the damage of you and your summons, but plate is OK in the mean time. There will be new legend gear released ā€œsoonā€, so the Varna gear will be replaced.

Ignas cloth is good, I wouldnā€™t bother upgrading to Misrus cloth because the upgrade will be very small. Wisdom will be a good damage boost and will also provide you with much more HP.

Ah Great thank you, So i donā€™t have to play with a 2staff the class is viable with rod?

A staff provides much more damage. The only real reason to use a rod is the Vaivora Rod. Rods have significantly lower Magic Attack in exchange for the ability to use a shield. You can use a rod, but it will hurt your damage unless you have the Vaivora Rod.

Ahh ok, Think ill swap over to staff then as it will be long while before i get a vaivora rod haha unless i get rng carred.

So for staff whats the best fixed ichor there?

The best is the Glacia Staff at the moment. Like I said previously, any staff with INT/SPR is fine too (Wastrel, Misrus, etc).

Awesome thank you very much, Maybe you should do a big youtube video explaining the progression to take for summoner youā€™re super knowledgable and watching you melt bosses on your channel is great haha

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A question about riding I have never tested myself
Riding increases the p/m atk of the mounted demon, but does it increase based on characterā€™s matk at the moment of riding, or it is based on summon stats (which was saved based on characterā€™s stats at the moment of cast)?
E.g. I summon with staff (high matk for summon), then change into rod due to +1 desmodus, but if I ride the demon with rod, will it gain less p/m atk than it would if I ride with staff?

Yes, you need to ride with the staff.

Sorry to ask so many questions but now I have another oneā€¦ the desmodus +1 effect from vaivora rod is only applied while you are wearing the vaivora rod, right? If I cast desmodus with vaivora rod then swap to staff, the bonus is lost (alternatively, if I cast with staff but swap to vaivora rod, the bonus is granted, as long as I stay with rod)
So we would never benefit from staff riding bonus and desmodus +1 at the same timeā€¦ sad

You just have to swap again.

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The bonus p/m atk from riding is applying at the moment you ride only? I thought it updated real time, but great to know