Tree of Savior Forum

Arise, Summon Army! The Purple Class Codex

man, i thought from lasted updates the summon is not sniping the "current"  status when it's summoned  anymore right? 
So why do you keep a rod+staff? i understand the benefit of each one and somehow the benefit of having both of them  but i don't have the money or willing to invest so much in my summoner, even if is the current class that i like the most and could even be called main but since i have  a lot other chars and i like to do cm-farming and overall play with them somehow so i like to  be efficient in my use of money so  i can not make 2 weapons exclusive for summoner but i still   don't get more or less by   your previous msg how you are using it, so can you explain it again? since  Pardon me but by your msg's you keep the rod to use the vaivora ichor for that extra add skill point and then swap to staff for normal atk? 

So you only swap to rod to use evocation every 20 sec? and then swap back to staff? if is this how you do??  why we need full upgraded rod, for that? since we could swap like that, use evocation and swap back to staff, we only lose damage when applying evocation and evocation own damage, or it is the other way around? so simple put, can you please explain a little more  about this modern style swapping for summoner?  also, i remember reading one of your ktos patch notes a while back where it was stated that now using sub weapon for skill point and swapping would not revert the skill level back when re applying buff, (i remember that this was going on with warriors skills and durandall,  this gonna be put on sorcerer and vaivora ichor for example?). 

Plus since iā€™m asking something anyway, can you please tell how much is the damage difference between going full rod vs going full staff (only having one of them) since you are the only dude i know that have two fully upgraded summoner weapon-set like that , maybe doing a pratica on weekly boss for a 30 seconds or 1 minute window so we can have the raw brute difference.(this includes the standard ichor and help from each one).

iā€™m also planning to remove desmodus from my build so i can put in the summoning bats, because i feel that gather corpse is doing enough to debuff mobs with his 5 sec cd as today, what you think of it?

well thanks anyway for everything you have been doing for the community , even if you can not do/answer all my questions .

edit: ā– ā– ā– ā– , it just got me about vaivora other effect, where it allows itā€™s summoned monster to also use skills, had complete forget about it, so please ignore the first half of my question, i understand now why you have fully upgraded the rod as well, but i would still like to know the answer for the other two questions.

Critical Rate is very necessary, just as it is for any other DPS. It boosts the critical chance of your summons.

Yes it is. It uses your final Magic Attack, SPR, and other stats you have on summon.

If you donā€™t have a fully upgraded rod, the summon will do bad damage because its stats are determined on summon. As for the skill level stuff, Desmodus damage bonus is determined upon summon hit, so if youā€™re not actively wearing the rod, the summons donā€™t benefit from the +1 skill level on Desmodus; it doesnā€™t snapshot on the debuff on application. The change you mentioned for Durandal only applied to Gung Ho, nothing else.

Ideally you use damage spells with a staff, Evocation with a rod, summon and use Riding with a staff, cast Summon Servant with a rod, and otherwise full time rod+shield for the extra defensive stats and the extra damage for summons on Desmodus. You have to swap constantly in combat and use the right weapon for the right situation for optimal efficiency. It is a very active playstyle and requires keeping track of a lot of buffs, debuffs, timers, and which weapon needs to be equipped at the right time.

You can, of course, play however you want. Thereā€™s a lot of optimization that can be done, and the main summoner in KR plays only using a rod (never uses a staff) and plays Chronomancer instead of Featherfoot. As of right now, I prefer my route.

I took a break for over 2 months so Iā€™m still optimizing and catching up on what needs to be done to improve, including my own gear.

Itā€™s a significant difference. Using my staff I gain 6000-8000+ more Magic Attack over using the rod. If you want to maximize damage, this cannot be ignored.

Desmodus is better because it can achieve a higher skill level. Summon Familiar is broken and doesnā€™t scale with your Magic Attack properly, so they do very little damage. Both summon debuffs are still useful in a pinch and to properly spread out your summon damage bonus, especially in CM.

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uhmm is smugis, better than liris for summoner?

Smugis is certainly better if you have Karaliene, otherwise theyā€™re both close. Liris should be stronger in geared situations with a lot of damage+% modifiers, as the potency of Smugis get diluted or capped. Smugis is better for quality of life though.

Hi guys i have a question!

Since summons still snapshot our final magic atk when summoned, can i maybe play with two setups? i mean, is viable to, like:

staff+trinket to summons, then switch to skia rod +1 skel
then use swap addon for my varna rod with wicked desire ichor? Or do you guys only swap when using evocation? im playing double rod (skia on alt+z, for if my skeletons die or w/e), but im missing my old magic atk (around 31k) and spr (2k+). I just didnt tested, tought they nerfed snapshot lol
thanks for sharing this tho

@edit: oh i just forgot: does red stats on my staff count on snapshot even if i switch to rod+shield? i mean if i have 1400 beast damage, does summons have it all the time?

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Hello, guys!

Is there any way to show summons and party info at the same time?

hello guys im back, just wanna know what is the purpose of mastering the art: enhanced upgrade attributes of raise skull mage or archers? i cant see any differenceā€¦any suggestions what arts should i maxed first after evocation?

Do summons trigger the new arks? If yes, which one would be better: thunder or punishment? Thanks in advance

So they dont want to make summons busted so summons do not work with them unfortunately

Also can someone tell me where i can find Vivora rod [Wicked desire]? im playing on the seasonal server and would like to get my hands on this item.

This inven post shows both thunder and punishment arks working with skeleton archers:

Extremely ultra low drop chance from elite mobs in ep12 maps. (Can drop from the elites in CMs)

thank you for letting me know this! id liek to try my hand at using this. where would i be able to get either of those arc?

Thank you. I also saw a short video vs misrus in which there were lightnings falling (I thought it was thunder ark, but your source shows that punishment also triggers the ā€œlightningsā€, I didnā€™t know that), but I couldnā€™t recognize if they were proc from skeletons or ignasā€™ D, so it seems that those are useful in the end. Your source says the trigger rate is very low compared to the character (punishmentā€™s trigger rate is scaled based on skill factor, and since the skill factor of skeletons is very low, the trigger rate should also be), but since the trigger rate of Thunder Ark is fixed (not scaled by skill factor), should it be the same for skeletons? Does anyone here have a thunder ark to test it with skeletons?

Punishment ark procs look like ā€œthin purple lightningā€ yeah.

As far as I know, the thunder ark trigger chance is not fixed. The chance is up to the % listed in the ark, but if the skill factor is too low, the chance to proc is lowered. If the 180% sfr on skeleton archers in tos.neet is correct, then the chance to proc thunder ark should be pretty low too.

Unfortunately I do not have a thunder ark, so Iā€™m not sure on how it works exactly. Heck, what Iā€™ve said above might be completely wrong.

@crevox which ARK are you using / advise?

He mentioned before that heā€™s using INT ark. But i donā€™t know if he still uses.

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Using INT ark stage 7.

This is all correct. Thunder Ark may be better, but it is an expensive test, and I have prioritized other gear upgrades. The time will probably come.

Is Purple bad? I have him going to 7. :frowning:

Does anyone know what upgrades effect the vaivora evocation summon? Like, do evocation skill levels and attribute/art enhances effect it?

And is it effected by the 400 legendary moringponia damage increase?

Iā€™m not sure what you mean by purple.

The attribute and the arts only affect the damage of the skill, not the summon. The summon scales with all the same stats your other summons do.

I assume you mean the accessories. I havenā€™t specifically tested this, but it should.