Tree of Savior Forum

Arise, Summon Army! The Purple Class Codex

Thx again, done as you said…

Sadly, for that whole time they still didn’t fix Homunculus for alchemist :frowning:

@crevox Tyvm

One more question: is there a trick to prevent ‘not enough space to summon’ ? Smth like this came, when i tested sorc few months ago, even tho there was enough space.

Hello, I recently started with my summon again and a I got a few questions that I hope someone can answer, thank you!!

  1. If I have around 1.9k spr, is it better to use the wastrel ichor for the staff or the misrus? The misrus has a high magic attack and a lot of int, but I would lose the spr for the wastrel, so, is it worth the difference?

  2. What is the best ark, spr or int? Depends on the level?
    That’s all for now, thank you again!!

Wait, so my Savinose staff that I wasted so much money on few months ago is useless? :frowning:

Well, not that I’m surprised :slight_smile:

Ok, I have a option to get cheaply Savinose Rod (without spr, 1k less m.atk than mine staff) + cheap Masinios ichor (122 spr) and shield with 130 spr, is that good idea? Or should I stick to staff…

Hi guys, i have a question!
Does % damage x mobtype (red attribute on ichors/vaivora trinket) apply to summons?
im felling a little behind on DPS, in comparsion with classes that get all those benefits, not to mention boruta card/panto/legend skia etc.
is there a way to handle with that? (if it doesnt apply) i couldnt test it, no currency to invest. =/

thanks in advance!

I didn’t play much with my summoners for a long time…so…

Anyone knows what’s up with summons and Enchant Fire? Is it a known bug? Is it reported? Is it a change that was made sometime and they forgot to completely delete the effect/description from EF then maybe?

Because my summons/pets damage don’t increase at all and their additional hit makes only 1 damage…

Hi guys, im currently leveling a Sorc-Elementalist, im aiming for damage and control, what cards should i use? i’m using Nuodai and Lavenzard. And what class should i pick up last? Im thinking about Taoist, Rune Caster (because i love this garbage class and his cloth art) and Cryomancer.

Thanks from Silute \o

just made a sorc and have 0 idea what card should i get for main and sub

Starter: netherbovine

CM: Zaura

Bossing: Ignas

in the main slot? how about the second?

I use Froster Lord in slot #1 (because my Zauras are used to increase my PDEF heh) and Ignas in slot #2, mainly using the first to clear CM and morphing at the end of stages to fight the boss. Remember that currently morph doesn’t work after a while for whatever reason so you have to resummon your main before using morphing.

Both. If you use the same card in both slots, you can Morph a Morph

Is it worth having flesh hoop+ cannon over corpse tower? which one should I max and why??

Another thing: I got confused with sorc’s morph. It says that it will retain the stats of the main summmon. I have a Gorkas card in my main, and pyroego in secondary. I know that pyro has a very low base dmg but I though if I morphed from gorkas it would have the same base atk as my gorkas, but it did not.

I don’t think summons have stats anymore, they use your SPR and matk + the SFR of their skills. Morph for me is just used to switch between AoE summon (Froster Lord) to single target summon (Ignas) when facing a boss.

i was talkinga bout the sfr of basic atks and skills. They increased some summons by a lot during the last update, so the rest of the cards feel like they dont do damage. I thought morphing would transfer the sfr of the main card to the secondary.

I fear “basic attack” is identical to “skill 1”, which you can see when using the Riding skill. In this case, the SFR is specific to each summon and therefore won’t be transfered with Morph. If you use a secondary crap summon, it will retain its crappy SFRs :frowning:

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ohhhhhhhhh. tnx2. anyone can find which summons had the boosted sfrs??

@crevox hello, I was looking at the distribution of the necros and I noticed that they exchanged the archer skeleton for the soldier, can you tell me why?


Skeleton Archers do more DPS, are ranged, and have AoE Attack Ratio to hit multiple enemies. For all of these reasons, they are more consistent and better at dealing damage.

The upside to Skeleton Soldiers is that they have a lot more defense. This is generally not needed outside of very specific scenarios that still aren’t worth using them for. Being melee, soldiers suffer a lot more from knockdowns, being leashed when you move, etc. They just aren’t useful.

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yes I agree with you, so I thought this distribution was strange … Was there a buff on them in the ktos?