Tree of Savior Forum

Arise, Summon Army! The Purple Class Codex

Noticed there’s NO difference in Regular Zaura and Demon Lord Zaura … O.O … again I ask, would the size of normal Zaura Card double when I use the Demon Lord Zaura Card? should I just buy the normal one? since the damage is the same XDD

Damage-wise Zaura has the highest one, spammable is Marnox … Ignas is also there but the AA is not mob friendly XD


There is no diff between legend and normal cards (damage-wise, only visuals). Stick to the regular one (cheaper). Zaura is the best AOE and also the second-best boss dmg (Ignas is better at bossing).

thanks! last year I saw that demon lord cards were bigger than regular so I thought it was still the same at Epsiode 12 XD … thanks for the clarification.

Hello Guys !
I just came back to the game after a very long break and i wanted to know what was the best gears for summoner actually.

Should i go for Misrus Set that give SPR buff or Skiaclipse set ?
I Heard that you can add x2 stat now on gears
Wich kind of weapon should i go for ?
Is Rango set accessory still the way to go for Summmoner ?

Lot of questions sorry , trying to keep in touch and have a new goal :smiley:

Welcome back! I also just got back recently and is also playing summoner. First thing you need to do is read up on ichors.

For your endgame gears you’ll want:


Skiaclipse Varna Armor Set

  • Legendary grade armours with empty stats obtainable through Tomb of the White Crow (Legend / Casual) as full drops or materials for crafting.
  • Can be equipped with Random Ichor and Fixed Stat Ichor
  • Option: Plate – has high physical defense but low magic defense. Comes with 15% physical damage reduction as a set bonus. Specialises on PvP as most DPS in PvP are physical
  • Option: Leather – has medium physical and magic defense. Comes with 20% crit chance and 15% magic damage (does not affect summons) as set bonus. Good for DPS focus when the character is built with a DPS 3rd class. Critical is needed to activate future summoner accessory set effect.
  • Option: Cloth – has high magic defense but low physical defense. Comes with 15% magic damage reduction as a set bonus. Specialises on endgame PvE content where most high damage is magic. Good equipment for sharing with a healer alt since healers and summoners share the same primary stats (SPR, CON) and healers benefit with more healing when using cloth.

Random Armour Ichor

  • Can have up to 4 stats
  • Main stats to aim for are SPR and CON
  • Then go for INT, Evasion or Critical Rate

Fixed Armour Ichor

  • Option: Misrus Cloth Set – Has the highest SPR while also adding INT. Requires the use of an HP potion to activate SPR bonus. Most recommended
  • Option: Skiaclipse Cloth – Alternative for people who don’t like potion-activated stats
  • Option: Skiaclipse Cotton – Healer gear that provides CON and SPR. Can be used as an alternative if you want to build a lot of HP


Skiaclipse Varna Staff & Trinket or Rod & Shield

  • Legendary grade weapons with empty stats obtainable through Tomb of the White Crow (Legend / Casual) as full drops or materials for crafting.
  • Can be equipped with Random Ichor and Fixed Stat Ichor
  • Option: Staff & Trinket – Comes with noticeably higher magic attack and stats. Recommended.
  • Option: Rod & Shield – Less magic attack but higher physical defense and block. Go-to for PvP.

Fixed Staff Ichor

  • Generic: Wastrel Zvaigzde Staff – best stats for summoners.
  • Specialised Options: Vaivora Staff (Terramancer), Misrus Staff (Psychokino). Other staves probably not worth it.

Random Staff Ichor

  • Can have up to 6 stats
  • Main stats to aim for are SPR and CON
  • Then go for INT, Evasion or Critical Rate

Fixed Trinket Ichor

  • Option: Vaivora Trinket – highest INT but currently very rare and expensive
  • Option: Moringponia Trinket – almost as high INT, very good for classes with magic circles e.g. Pyromancer, Psychokino.
  • Option: Asio Trinket – medium INT but reduces cast times which make classes with cast times more playable e.g. Terramancer, Omnyoji.

Random Trinket Ichor

  • Can have up to 2 stats
  • Main stat to aim for are SPR
  • Then go for CON, INT, Evasion or Critical Rate

Set Effect:


  • Along with ichors, set effects can also be applied to Legendary equipment
  • Can be obtained by applying Misrus Chains on equipment with the help of the Alchemist Master. Misrus Chain recipes can be obtained from the hunting ground boss Misrus


Moringponia Isgarinti

  • Legendary grade accessories with empty stats obtainable through Lepidoptera Junction (Legend / Normal) as full drops or materials for crafting
  • Requires fully transed 10 set to get the set effect
  • Crafting material for future summoner accessory set (Karaliene)


Skiaclipse Rod (Weapon Swap)

  • Allows you to summon a 6th skeleton
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Tampon you Rock !! Thanks for this complete update :smiley: Gotta get to learn that new systeme ichor and Get back to work on my Summoner Gears !

Long Live to the Summoner Crew :heart:

With this new Vaivora Rod arriving (Evocation summons your secondary card with “Arts ON” - even if u don’t have arts - for 10s), would you think that it would be better to swap Staff + Trinket to Rod + Shield (and lose ~4000 MATK)?

This second-summon 50% uptime (even more with Diev) would be a HUGE damage improvement, maybe investing into both Staff+Trinket AND Rod+Shield, summoning everything with Staff+Trinket then swapping to Rod+Shield to spam evocation, then change back to Staff+Trinket when using Summoning/Morph to reset normal summon’s CDs… but way too expensive and also quite punishing gameplay…

I really wish they could add a way to increase MATK when using Rod + Shield, like an attribute for Sorc to negate the Shield’s defense but adding ~25% of its “deleted” defense power as MATK, being still slightly weaker than Staff + Trinket but still really close (as Sorc don’t use the -50% cast time attribute), so we could make direct use (AKA without swapping) of Skiaclipse Rod and (if rich) this new Vaivora Rod, but I don’t have much hope of something like this taking place hahahaha

What’s more important than the 50% uptime is skill usage every 20 seconds

Summons’ Attack based on your magic attack is constantly updated. Every 20 seconds you’ll have to swap to Vaivora Rod, use Evocation to summon 2nd demon, then swap back to your Varna Staff to maximise damage. It’s going to be quite annoying. I might just make a Varna Rod with higher enhancement if I ever get the new Vaivora Rod.

Nope, since EP12 and the rework of summons’ stats, the ATK/MATK of summons are also saved on cast, you can no longer summon with high SPR and then change to high MATK, since both are saved on cast (you can test it easily: go to a map, summon without weapon, see dmg, equip weapon, see dmg , then summon with weapon, see dmg, then unequip weapon, see dmg, you will see that the stats from summons are saved on cast ---- obs: morph no longer ‘keeps stats’, it recalculates the stats of the summon, just like recasting summoning skill, so you must cast morph with high MATK!!!).

Your approach of changing to rod only to cast evocation is fine, but the damage from the summon from the vaivora Rod will be based on the MATK of the rod (due to stats being saved on cast), thus it is recommended to use the vaivora rod as an ichor to a strong varna/savinose rod (and also use a shield with high SPR and blue gems to maximize dmg output of the evocation-summon, but the strong rod is the main priority)

Looks like I’ll just have to make a Varna Rod with higher enhancement then. I think even with the loss of MATK, you’ll get higher DPS with the effects of Sorc Vaivora Rod

Is Bokor really bad? I kinda want to play Bokor on one of my subs just for fun. If I do how should I allocate the skill points?

hello everyone, I wanna ask about sorcerer summon servant buff. I read in another thread that the buff provide:

+5 aoe attack ratio
100% additional SP reg.
+stamina reg
~50 magic resist
+50 dark ele attack

have the value changed?

is it worth it to apply 5 point skills to summon servant? or we only need 2 point just for the sp recovery?

Hi. I would like to ask if % bonus from enchants affect summons, like +%dmg to bosses, +% main weap dmg and +% crit dmg. I think that they do not, but I don’t have high enchants of those stats to actually test it properly. Did someone already test it?

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I’d also like to know

What Ark should I be going for as a sorc/necro/onmyoji? Getting to the point where I’m going to get mine and dont wan’t to make the wrong choice. For me I like my onmyoji skills a lot so would it make sense to go INT or am I going to be screwing myself? My INT is really falling behind my SPR at this point.

Hey everyone, after coming back with re:build and having played scout since it came with re:build, i haven’t touched summoner again. But now i’m back to summoner, atleast i want to play it again, tho, i have few questions:

  1. What is the best Legendary Card to use (Card Album) ?
  2. Does Boruta Card work on Summons (Card Album) ?
  3. What is the best Build atm ? (sorc-necro-FF?)

Thats all i can think of on top of my head. Ty for reading and i hope, i get answers :satisfaction:

I also just came back (Necro/Sorc/Alchemist) and my Sorc/Necro skills and atr are reset, how I should go about them right now, best skeletons? Anyone can share their skill choice?

btw: about event items I got, best way to use mystic tomes?

The values have not changed. However, previous buffs in the chain increase in potency linearly with skill level.


Skill Level 1
+1 AoE Attack Ratio

Skill Level 2
+2 AoE Attack Ratio
-6 seconds to SP recovery time

Skill Level 3
+3 AoE Attack Ratio
-7 seconds to SP recovery time
+0.3 stamina every 1.5 seconds

Skill Level 4
+4 AoE Attack Ratio
-8 seconds to SP recovery time
+0.4 stamina every 1.5 seconds
+40 Magic Defense

Skill Level 5
+5 AoE Attack Ratio
-9 seconds to SP recovery time
+0.5 stamina every 1.5 seconds
+50 Magic Defense
+50 Additional Damage

Because it impacts the potency of all of the effects, it is a good idea to max the skill level of Summon Servant. These buffs will continue to scale as skill level exceeds 5.

These do work, however, note that they are additive damage modifiers. This makes them impact a summoner far less than most other classes, as summons implicitly have +840% (or more) damage bonus due to Gather Corpse/Desmodus, resulting in diminishing returns.

The INT ark still benefits summons a great deal, and the Magic Attack you obtain at level 5 of the ark is significant. The INT ark is perfectly fine to use in this case, even if it’s not at level 5 yet.

Demon Lord Froster Lord

No, it does not. It only increases your damage, not your summon’s damage.

Open to opinion; I personally believe that it is the most effective build at this time.

Skeleton Archers are preferred over Skeleton Soldiers. Archers do more damage per second, have AoE ratio/cleave on their basic attacks, and are ranged. The benefit of soldiers is that they have significantly better survivability, however this should generally not be an issue as long as you are keeping up your defense and your HP. Using one Skeleton Mage with [Arts] Raise Skull Mage: Supporter alongside 4 archers (or 5, with a Skiaclipse Rod) is ideal.

Obtain the important arts (Summoning: Self, Raise Skull Mage: Supporter, optionally Flesh Hoop: Dance of Death) and then begin working on important enhance arts (your summons).


Thx, that got more complicated since last time I played… since I have 5 tomes guess I will go for Self/Supported (dunno what Dance of Death do) and lvl 3 summon enhance, with summon would be the best to enchance? Archers?

Also, is ridding attribute do anything when using Self?

Damage increase for Flesh Hoop.


It always applies while the self attribute is active, regardless of whether or not you’re riding.