Tree of Savior Forum

Are youserious IMC? Fan art event?

People asked for events and we got events.


logging in and literally spending 45 seconds walking to the circle highlighted on my map does constitute an event, sorry

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At this point funk it. Lets see some tentacles vs goddess artwork. Its turning into a raging shytstorm already, might as well make the mmo headline news.

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i want to nominate a glorious candidate to you all:

Sorry, but I do think having a fan art event is fun, instead of contemplating whether how I can re-level my cleric or complain on matters which is obviously beyond my capability, I rather draw and have fun for the moment.

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Ill quote myself from another post:

People complain about how there’s nothing going on.

IMC puts out

events that in no way impact their efforts on resolving issues

and in fact start calling out for people to PLEASE submit evidence to help them track down players causing the issues.

People complain IMC isn’t doing anything about the bots/hacks/exploits/ect.

Yup. Makes perfect sense.

I’m out for the night. You all never cease to amaze me.

I understand and agree things need done about the bots/hacks/exploits. Please, PLEASE report them in the proper manner so we can get our game into better shape. I know you guys love the game (mostly of you at least).

These events do no detract from the bot finding. Really. Seriously. And the GM team can’t just go smacking players with bans left and right without evidence. Please, seek the players out, get vids/screens/whatever you can and submit it!


Well, it’s just really bad timing.
Let’s say that IMC doesn’t ban the players that exploited the bug, or at least not all of them, then players that are aware of this will no longer want to play the game(a lot already quit because of it)
My point being is that why would IMC focus on an event when a good amount of players aren’t sure that the game will be worth playing when we figure out what happens to the exploiters. I certainly wouldn’t want to play a game where people will have a huge advantage because of a glitch in the game and I will have to put in 1000’s of hours to even compete with the amount of silver they got due to that.
We just want to see what will happen and for them to come out with another event right now is a little much seeing how people don’t know if they will even play any more.
I would suggest IMC to withdraw this fanart event until they show us that they will do something about this issue at hand.
It is a good thing that they are doing events now, but the timing couldn’t be worse.

I am with Rabbit here. A fanart contest is a wonderful and cute event and IMC should not receive hate for creating this contest.

It will not affect the speed at which they are developing the game and fixing issues. (Seriously, you think IMC is going to tell their programmers to go to the forums and judge the art? lol they will have secretaries in the office do it if anything.)

I am personally looking forward to seeing the entries since the art in Tree of Savior was one of the things I loved most about the game.


If you read the quest, it drops a hint where the treasure is at. Literally takes 2-5 minutes.

Here, look. I’ll even throw down something I’m doodling with. Although probably won’t enter because I’m an Artist and I believe everyone is better then me. (lol)


A couple of my other drawings I’ve posted by not ToS related.

Anywho, back to grinding Demon Prison District 2.

Cathedral - Klaipeda


Whatever gives me free loot instead of no loot, I’m down. It’s something they could bring to us easily since it takes less time to make.

Nobody in this topic said that it will take time away from the programmers fixing stuff. That isn’t the case. The issue is if the game will be worth playing after we see how IMC will handle this exploit issue. If it is handled in a bad way, then entering the contest for the chance of winning TP would be pointless. I do enjoy art myself and I am considering making something, but my only concern is if it will just be for fun or for the chance of winning and staying around to play. If it is just for fun, then I may as well keep it to myself or draw something more appealing to me.

And @scarethemonkeys you are good at drawing! I like them all but the first one is my favorite.

I’m just going to hate on the event for having a prize that is 10x less of what I usually make with the same amount of time.

Unless they’re giving it out to everyone that participate. If this is a “top 3/5” thing then topkek.

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The first one? You mean, the sketch or the actual first one of the non ToS related Lol. And thanks~

As far as things go; The exploits, and hacks don’ really bother me. This is just something I spend massive amounts of free time on but, it’s just a game. Besides there is no real competition here. No real raids to be the best at, no pvp to be the best at. It’s all just to kill a few mobs quicker. (Arena all gear will be standardized anyways) shrug I’m just very passive but I’m also old enough that I don’t let little things bother me so much.

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300tp sure but there’s more to it then that. Regardless If I do submit my work it’s not to win. It’s to join in the community with something not Toxic like 98% of the posters here in these forums.

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He/She does have some pretty amazing style. :slight_smile: I’m looking forward to seeing what else the community can post up.

haukinyau pls there are other artists better than me mapo i cHOOSE YO