Tree of Savior Forum

Are we ever getting Party Event Field Bosses back?

So as far as I understand, in closed beta as long as you had 5 people in a party, you could at random times get a party even field boss which when defeated dropped headgear and accessories, most of which are not available in the game today (some info: The Different between Field Boss and Party Event Boss)

What I don’t get is, why did this never make to outside of beta? Seemed like a great mechanic that would encourage people to be more social and party, on top of which it gave access to headgears that were never reintroduced, seems kinda silly to not put it back in the game. Hope we’ll see it again someday.


Same. I don’t know why this was taken out @_@

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Agreeeeeed.I loved these in the first beta, people were so excited for them too.

I also miss the cupcake and party hats…

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Please, IMC! We want the cool hats


For someone that loves collecting headgears, it made me sad when I found out it wasn’t working anymore.

Please, bring it back, IMC!

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Thats awesome i want this!

I miss buy-in shops as well xD
Man, wtf has imc done, its like playing another game.

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God, TOS in this video is so smooth :frowning: What have IMC done to iTOS now? CBT looks even better

exactly, my old potato pc still can run wit 30+ fps in cbt, but now… never once saw the fps go more than 30