Tree of Savior Forum

Are the UI really that bad?

After reading MMOhut cbt review they complained that Tos UI is one of worst UI in MMO history ever-…They said Its worser than FF14 Ui…Yeah and have read some complain about Tos UI in Neogaf…What u guys think?

I don’t see a problem with it tbh

FFXIV 1.0 or 2.0? Because 2.0 UI is quite good. ToS UI is… in need of some polishing. I posted my thoughts on the chat system and the UI as feedback threads.

So it’s UI btw (Ui may confuse people especially programmers), an acronym for user interface. Just fixing it since it seems that you may not be a native English speaker.

It shouldn’t be judged too hard since it is in closed beta but I can give some pointers.

That little box in the corner is pretty ugly. Yellow shout text doesnt look too nice.
System notices such as “This channel is full” or there is not party to join should be in large font at the top of the screen such as when GMs notified us about the server closing during iCBT.

Key Bindings
The fact that we cant change key layouts irks a lot of people. I for one like moving using the right hand. But some people love the WASD setup and SPACEBAR for jump. WASD layout and spacebar would be great for people who want to control their characters mobility with one hand.

These are my main issues with UI but im sure others can voice more issues

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I dont see any problem, I liked it

could be better

can’t change the size or move anything, can’t change hotkeys

This. It’s really awkward not being able to see your inventory while the auction is open because well… the gigantic and immovable auction house window blocks your inventory window.

It’s not bad, really. They’re just… a little unpolished. They retain some of the color palettes used at the previous UI in the current UI, which is bad as it causes inconsistency (for example, the chatbox still uses a darker color theme while the rest of the UI has brown and greenish color palette). Readability-wise, I preferred the old UI. In addition to that, Quattrocento, which is the font that the client used at CBT, isn’t a good choice either with all those text outline and text shadow addition. Hopefully, they reconsider the font choice as well for the other beta(s) to come.

I wouldnt say worst in history. It is quite bad though.