Tree of Savior Forum

Are the Hunter Pet bugs fixed?

Hello there
I played this game back in 2016 (according to my forum posts)
and one of the reasons I stopped playing is cause of the Hunter Pet bugs (although, I don’t remember what those bugs are)
I got reminded of this game cause it appeared in /r/MMORPG pertaining to the big patch

so uh…
have they been fixed?

I guess the only way to determine is for you to play it. Based from the update if ever the pet got stuck or doesn’t follow your command (or bug??) you can now use the “praise” Skill and it will automatically reset your companion.

noooop, they are still there.

Pets sometimes fail their commands randomly and Rush Dog wont work at certain ranges despite being able to move Target that far… But apparently pets are a permanent disable beacon that you can keep moving around with Praise. Not sure if bug or feature. >.> (Praise costs SP.)

I dunno how they handle 0 Stamina yet since he leveled up but probably stupidly. idk Never been a fan of that system.

But anyways I guess it’s the perfect solution to Hunter pet. It makes enemies around it just as useless as he is.

Pet hp now +500k. Hunter rejoicee

Well, so far I’m playing with Hunter and I’m really happy that I can now play normal